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Song chorus’

(these are a few chorus’ from some of my songs!

Never again
How could i let you down,

When you turned my life around,

It’s like flying,

but straight towards the ground,

watching you care,

it doesn’t seem fair,

that i can play with your heart,

whilst you watch me tear,

how could i let you down...

Different directions
Oh i wrote a song for you,

I guess it was just to soon,

For your flying towards heaven,

Like a balloon,

Oh the rhyme wasn’t meant to end,

This storys meant to be pretend,

But now there is no right or wrong way,

Why couldn’t you just stay.

The end
I still pretend your here,

And it hurts me,

But i’m not that bad at healing,

Just wanna close my eyes,

And fall asleep,

To lose all sense of feeling,

I keep thinking about the words i’d say,

If you were still here with me today,

But without any tears to seal the hole,

I guess i’ll just keep waiting,

For you to come home...

Strange town
I fled to a strange town,

With a place called memory lane,

Everyone who walked the streets there,

New my name,

The shops they sold forgivness,

And the theatre they showed mistakes,

In every shop window i see your face,

With you here it’s a perfect place...

If you feel like making a tune to this song or putting music with it please email me and show
me what you’ve came up with!  at

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