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‘The Truc, Peaceful Face Of Islam BY KAREN ARMSTRONG ‘There are 1.2 billion Mustims in the world, sd Isls the wold ses growing ‘ligion. Lf the evil camage we witnessed on Sep. 11 were typical ofthe faith, ad ila ‘uly inspire an justified sich violence ts growth and the inecessing presence of ‘Maslins i both Europe andthe U.S. would bea tering prospect. Fortunately, this sao he ese, ‘The vory word Islam, which medns "surende,* is rlated to the Arabic alam, or pags, ‘Whea the Prophet Muhammad brought the inspire sxc known 2 the Koran to the Arabs in te atl 7h entury A.D, a major part of his mission was devoted precisely 10 ‘ringing an end tothe kindof mas slaughter we witness in New York Cy a ‘Washisgion, Pre-Islamic Arabia was eaught up in a vicious cycle of wart, ia \whichtribe fowght tbe ina pate of vetdeta and conatervenetia, Mcharnnad bis survived several assssinaton arta, and the ely Muslin community ‘narrowly escaped extermination by the powerful ety o€Mecea The Prope! had to fight a ‘ody warn onfer to survive, but ae som ace felt his people wee proably cao he

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