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In th,e name of God" mo st grac~ous, ~_ost rne r cifut

. - - - 2!!Z!! -


(1) Ourem is rGodl's message to the 'wo'rld, and God ,R,ua,ra'ntee sits 'prese'r'vatiron fOrrever:


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® ~ JJ;,.,i '~' :'~"lf' ,..".., ,. ~~""J'f G': .,,~-:- ~'~"'~ ~:=ll~_-,'<"'I:

.' " " , ' . '- ',1, "r/ti .'.., "'",

, d ,',' " .. ' ,1frI,i , _""." I. 1" " "'" I

, ; ,,' ;IIi' .,I, _ .., -- .' ~, .' 1'"., I'

, 'I " ~"

·'Surely,,. we have sent down this rne s sa ge, and we will preserv'e, it., U (1.5:9)*



• ,_'


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n, W __ 'et' _,_.. F7~. -~''''','

'm .

(2) The greatnese of Qu,ran causes mcuntafns to crdnge

d 'bl

-: • 1 -l-"_ -," =. "I . •

an c rumr e i

'IT1£ we r'eve'al this Qura'n to a mountain" you "Will ae e the rnountafn czinge and, c rumbl.e, out of reverence for God" (59 :21)

, _ ,

.;"L. Wh d k '*, th' '1 1 thi'· .. d"" t .. ..

'T' "F',e'n Go', apeaxs in ene p, ura , ' __ ,: S ancncare e p'artiCl'-

pation of the angels (Gabriel, for examp'le , rnedi ated

th _', " "",' 'la:ti'-"o"'D' of' f"'\."'!lIr""anl)

",e reVErie.:: : .. ,', wu '" ,'.'

_, 1. -

- 2 -

"If" - 1-'1 t· ·h"· . h ." "." , --. d 1- "1 th -:". ". b ,,- d .. d'" t·- - ·th-·· t

- I ·a~ "1:'8 ,:umans an:" a,I'.I,e Jlnns . '&n,'"e: l·o:ge·:_,er .. 0

produce a ·Qu.ran like this; they 'can never' do it, D.-O

. h h"" th'· tho' n

matt,er ···~·ow muc!:, aSslstanc,e r .. ! ey give: one anotne n,

('1' 7· .. ;8"· 8)

", ... _ .-:_ I: ..

(4) A gr'eat S~CRE_T 'VIi,1l pl,r'ov'e -the: auth,enticit,y and

[-- . .

d'·' l~:Vl":·, Ine SO'-,u· rl- ,c···e·· of Qu" 'r!!lL1i"'II, '"

........... "."',' ,,- '.', .

• 'IThe diabe"lieve~-rs said- "T"hi:,'~' S II! S·' a fa:" brica'tion by- .... ~ h'l~m,

".> .' ~ " .. ,'" .. '. ,". " .. "_',' '.' .. " .1.-·. ~ .. ". __ - . :.' .:. '!'.', .,"

(MuhamlDa,d) wit:h -the help of oth,er's. 1 Indeed, thle,y'

h d" d" 'b'l' . 'h d u T'h 1 '''d

iave pz-ouuceu a, "-Bsp::_,emy ano a "e. -_!'j,e'ya, 80 aa1 .• ,

"Tale a f:r'onl the past" dictat,e,d 'upon him day and Dig'ht,. • ,Say, 'This, corne s fr10m the One who knows the S~CREr

l·'n· trh" e h",e-a:,v"e-"""" a n d the e'-'ar~'th:,,,, If (''':I5~.''4··· ,-,6',,)

I .' '.' . • ~]I. _ ..• ,- £ . .1 . . '.-' ...: _.- ". ',' _',' .', '. ~_ "I'. . I ~ ... •

'T-' hi- t Qu-" t to

'i'S' g,-,c'r"e, a:'" , r·I--·a.·-:n'l· 'C-·· s'-e'c:'r-e"" IS:'

'. :: '. "". .. I. ',.' ' _ - ,~: " _ _ ~-.:.' " .' _'.',,' I - '.' ' ..

at,-· a ~lm"" e SU.'~ baequent to t· he

. " , iLr.l. I . ~., _' ~ __ .".. . 'I!!W' ._ . . I,." .

Muh 'am···· m' '. a·:' ·d- ..

_ .' Li _. ]' . _. _ 'I ! ! I,' '-:', lit

t b ·'1 d o':e unverren

e ra of pr ophet

J'rTh,e:y' saYJI 'How come D,C rni zacfe came down to hfm frolm his Lor d /' f Say, 'The future belongs to Godj 1910 wait and

I ~ll w,·'a-l·"t·" \VI., +thl, y·····o·u· r rr (:·lO·.· .. ~2··'O·.·)

, YY .Ii.. • _ .,. - .' ' .. ". . , "_'. [, - _' . Ii' I ~ .•. .'.

J'rWe 'will [show them our mir'a,cles in the .h,oriz"ons, 'and 'Wl" ·I'£'~':·n·· th em s e'l V-'B' s nn'ti,lI!l-' 'lilt be c "0" m es evr i d ent to the .rn .', 'tho ,·a'·t·

'-.-' U,U,.~ .. ~ v. _ ,~'[.'.!_ :: . .:.:.~::.,. ",:} '_--=_ ,.,!- 1 .•..•. ::.'. ,_I i :_1 _,.1'_< '~.' •• -'" '_'l~ 11 ", .. -.1, r~.,., .. _ .

t,bis, is the truth .. 1'1 ,('41:53)1

(,6) Eve,ry mesaenge'r -was suppor-ted by' miracles from God, M,Qs,esJ threw' down his staff', and i,t became a live se rp ent by God's Ieave , IJe sus made birds fr'om clay,

th-""I b rouaht th ':",' tc l'I'f~"" 'b,'" 'Q':"·'d'rr-, '1,"""'" ,: Th ~', Qu":,

_ en arougnt mem ",0 ,1 e, ,y "'0", ,8 "e,ave,- c_,e," ran

teaches tha't the miracle be.stowed upon the prophet

M h ' - ,...31 011, th Q-:-' ilrt I f'-'

. _uammall. IS ,:" e.,uran l,se _':

UT"'h'" " ,,-'!I'd tW~':'h' .. h -t'" --'" "t"d' b--' """'-'-'" "'1'" f' '

, :,: "ey sal,t ' ',,', ,y IB . it!: 'no:, Buppor',e '"Y 'DUra,ce,B rcm:t

his, Lo'rd,? 1 S,a'y', (0 M'uhamma,d,)"'", 1h6'racles come: From

- -, ,-- , , ,~ .-," - " ,,_.," . " , -

God, and 1. am no mor e tha'n, '& 'wa,rne'r.,' :I's 'it, not enough

(of a miracle) that 'w'e 're'vealed to 'you THI,S S'C:RIPTURE being r'ecited to them? It' (29 :5,0-51)

- 5 _,


"-,. --

Deac ribed In Chapte-r 7'4", ",A,L-MUDDAT,H-,THIR1tl whi,ch means '1THE ,HIDDEN (aecr et)"



('14:: 1_7')

- 6 -

Chapte-r 74 fThe Hi dden Secze t) fur"th,e'r atates that some p eop Ie will declare that Quran i,;I, 1'1'huma,n!i!l,ma,de:IT:

"He :reflecte,d a'n,ld decf ded * What a mi.serable d,eci.sion * Indeed, what ,Il miise,ra,ble ,decision,"* Hie, looked, (at Quran,)

* T'he n he frowne,d and rejected (the Qnr"an') * Then 'he

tu 'rne' d a' ''ft!'·P!:I.Y 1· n· a rro a an' . C * H' ,i!!!I'8 'iii d' T iTbi'" iI!!iI '. - h toil! .

!.__~_, : __ .• '. ,;yCil,;" .~' ·':_i,~'~~ .. 1_· e .... . .. _,e ~~,l t, .. ~' ~ 1,S enc,anl'ng

magic:* This i,a humarr-rnade.," ,fT ('74: 1 B'M'Z5)

,~"".-_j'- .,, ,'EM'=' =m =.=' •. :== = = m =m··wee.m .. ere' .. -

Th'-"- .... 1······' . ilia' - t th .... ,.' . h . d" ". d' ,. th t 'Qu:'." " ..... "' ..

I en we ",ea,r,n"~ .', .~ ase W,',Q:~eC,1e:, a· ', ....• '. 'r'an 1,,8

human-znade 'will be proven wrD'ng' by the: N'UMBE:R 1.9':

UI "Will commi.t hi.m to re,'tri'buti,on:* And wh,at r',et:ri'bu,1!io tion *: Thorough and cornplet"e:* Obvious to all 'the people ,*: On it are NINETE,E~,.,n (74,:26~,30)

!3!!!!!1' __

While the, Qu,r'anic number's a,re' ,de,fine,d (forty ,nights"

seven heavens, ,six days, etc • .> the nurnbe r NINET'E_Eli is not defined, IThis, indi,cates th:e pu:re,ly ma,the'ma,tic,al

f ti c .. of thi' 'iii" ".', 'nb ,.',

, " .. ,. ..' .' " .. - ".'. ' 1 ' , , I" .

u,nc,·, on, .. ..1._ I, nurnne r,


Only one othe r Qn:r'ani,c number Ls undefined namely- the number 8 in, 69:17 •

...... , _lP


- 7 ....

'Verse 74,:31 gives fi,ve' a fair "the number' 19:

(1) a punishrnent for the di,sbeli.e,veris,;,

(2) te convince the Jews and Christians that Qura,n, 'i.s; a di,'vine ac rdptu r ej

,(3) to str'ength,en the faith of the b'eU,eve:'rs;


to rernove ,all trace,s of doubt from, th'e: hear-ts of the Mus,lims, Christians, and Jews" r'ega,rmng t:he a,tl,t'hentici'ty, and integrity of Quran';, and,

to the hypoc ri tee and di,sbelie'v!ers; t.he'y-~'

ifI:-:r' I I."

r -, -,- -" a: _. ,---, ii' ,-,- dl • f', f"· _. "'T-' "n' t,' d ,,', --~,~. t:, ,,', 0,'-:', '_. ", -:,,-,,' , h'" ',,1' " ,;0; " - :,-,. :: "h ,'~- -,'It ',"":- '11'

_ ernam rin; "e e,-_,; ,espl"e,-:verw_ errmng p, ysrca

," d-

evi ',ene,e.

T'h ~ - - - t' I - -~ t - -- - ,--

. -. -. • ," .. - I .' I • '. I' .' ," I .. . . . I _ ,""·'1' -. ," .' .' .'_ ', .. _.' , __ . I '. I," '1' . ( .' , . '. _I .

__ e p r evrous geriez'a aons were, given a sernpo ra ry

Inte rp r etaei on, through the gene ra'l stateznent, "The

guardlans of hell ang,e1s. II Thus", ,t'he old in'te,r-

pr etati.on has been, "The guar-ds of hell are 19., ~t

- 8 ,_

'The ph,ys,i,cal evidence presented he r-e fully supporfs the Qur'ame starement t.hat. ·the ftNU'MBER NIN'T'E.EN·lr

_. 1 ,I! 'U C'N" E a-'F T- HE G' REAT-'ES-T .... ITR·AC-·'LES I~

nn ra·c., e is I '. ':.'-:- I.' .. :. '. - .~ _ ':.:". !_'-'-':- ... - ,,-:~. . .LVL.L __ ':- -.': .-_ ". 't ..

- .

"'JIndeed, by the moon *. and the night as it paase s *

d th . - . - . '.. .- t'_ . hi' JI . _ - W 'ITI '!'S'-"I 0-' 'N; E- '.' O' "'F' . ITHE

a,n ·-.·· r e mO'rmng as 1 . S '." ,neB 'T"', . ,: .•.. _ """':._"_"'-~ - _--,,~. '.

O&E'ATEST lvlIRA.C"LE·S. Tt (7'4:3,2-3,5)

- -


All Qu,ranic ·data p re sented in thi,s book are


··No,ne of the facts p re serrted 'is sipeculative or inte rp reta "


- - - -


'I, '9-" ?

;" __ r !t.

BE· ~ C' ·:A.U'-SE· .

. . -



-- - .. " -

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