Webster, Frank - The Information Society Revisited

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The Information Society Revisited


The term ‘information society’ is widely used both upon us. Again, the fact that there is now a great
inside academia and in the wider society. One has deal more information around than even a decade
but to pick up the newspapers or turn on the televi- ago, and that this is demonstrable from everyday
sion to encounter references to a new information experiences (from watching television round the
age, or to browse the shelves of bookshops to come clock, through electronic banking services, to a sig-
across titles displaying the words. There are several nificant increase in the information intensity of a
reasons why this should be so, but most prominent good deal of modern-day work), has encouraged
amongst them is surely the prevalence of informa- commentators to declare, more confidently than
tion itself in the present era. There is simply a very ever, that we inhabit an information society.
great deal more information about than hitherto: It is in this context that this chapter reviews and
perhaps most obviously in an explosion of media evaluates the concept of an information society.
and media products (from cable TV channels to However, it would be less than honest if I did not, at
compact disk records, from mobile telephones to the outset, state plainly my own view on the salience
the Internet), but also importantly in the rapid and of the term. My conclusion is that the concept
accelerating permeation of computerized technolo- ‘information society’ is of little use to social scien-
gies throughout society, in the increased provision tists, and still less to the wider public’s understand-
and take-up of education in most social systems, ing of transformations in the world today. The term
and in the growth of occupations that deal, for the perhaps has some heuristic value for the social
most part, with information (clerks, professionals, scientist (Lyon, 1988: 8), in so far as it encourages
instructors and so on). Experiencing such develop- scholars to focus attention on an indisputably impor-
ments, it is not surprising that many observers tant feature of the world today – information. But as
have come to describe our age in terms of one of a means of understanding and explaining that world
its most palpable features: hence, logically, the I find the conception of information society of
information society. limited use. In this I share the view of Manuel
In 1995 I published a book, Theories of the Castells when he declares that ‘we should abandon
Information Society, that brought together a range the notion of “information society”’ (2000: 10).
of social theories which attempted to account for I shall reveal why I have come to this conclusion
the significance of information over recent decades. in the course of this chapter, but the major reasons
The presumption was that in this chapter the book’s are as follows. I find the concept of information
arguments would be updated to take account of new society unsatisfactory because of:
thinking that has come from debate on and consid-
eration of the development of more recent pheno- • inconsistencies and lack of clarity as regards
mena such as cyberspace and cyborgs. It is certain criteria used to distinguish an information
that the rapid development of these new technolo- society;
gies as well as of digital television and mobile • imprecise use of the term ‘information’;
telecommunications, and the take-up of personal • the unsupportable supposition of information
computers, e-mail and e-commerce, have further society theorists that quantitative increases in
stimulated talk of an information age having come information lead to qualitative social changes.

These objections do not mean that I find informa- Technology

tion unworthy of study. On the contrary, there
seem to me good reasons for close analysis of Technological conceptions centre on an array of
informational trends. The chief difficulty, how- innovations that have appeared over the past
ever, is with the argument that informational devel- 20 years or so. New technologies are one of the
opments signal the emergence of a new type of most visible indicators of new times, and accord-
social system, an information society. It is a propo- ingly are frequently taken to signal the coming
sition which rests on faulty logic and inadequate of an information society. These include cable
evidence. and satellite television, computer-to-computer
communications, PCs, new office technologies –
notably online information services and word
processors – and CD-ROM facilities. The sugges-
DEFINITIONS OF AN INFORMATION SOCIETY tion is, simply, that such a volume of technological
innovations must lead to a reconstitution of the
social world because its impact is so profound.
It is possible to identify six ways of distinguishing
During the late 1970s and early 1980s commenta-
an information society. Five of these focus on mea-
tors got excited about the ‘mighty micro’s’ capacity
sures of one or other of the following phenomena:
to revolutionize our way of life (McHale, 1976;
• technological innovation and diffusion; Martin, 1978; Evans, 1979), and none more so than
• occupational change; the world’s leading futurist, Alvin Toffler (1980).
• economic value; His suggestion, in a memorable metaphor, is that,
• information flows; over time, the world has been decisively shaped by
• the expansion of symbols and signs. three waves of technological innovation, each as
unstoppable as the mightiest tidal force. The first
These are not mutually exclusive, though scholars was the agricultural revolution and the second the
place different emphases on each dimension. All of industrial revolution. The third is the information
these conceptions rely on a quantitative assessment revolution that is engulfing us now and which
of a particular phenomenon to argue that its expan- presages a new way of living (which, attests Toffler,
sion has brought about a qualitatively different will turn out fine if only we ride with the wave).
form of social organization. In this way each theo- More recently, futurism’s enthusiasms have been
rization adopts a form of reasoning which is ex post boosted by computing’s capacity to transform
facto: there is evidence of there being more infor- telecommunications, to in effect merge the two
mation in society today, therefore we have an infor- technologies (Toffler, 1990). It is this spread of
mation society. As we shall see, there are serious computer communications technologies (e-mail,
difficulties with this form of argument. data and text communications, online information
Nonetheless, it is undeniable that it has an immedi- exchange, etc.) that currently inspires most specula-
ate, even commonsensical, appeal, and it is a fami- tion about a new society in the making (Gates, 1995;
liar form of reasoning. For example, it is frequently Negroponte, 1995; Dertouzos, 1997). The rapid
suggested that, just as a decline in the numbers of growth of the Internet especially, with its capacities
farm workers and a rise in factory employment sig- for simultaneously promoting economic success,
nalled the end of agricultural society and the emer- education and the democratic process, has stimu-
gence of industrialism, so too are quantitative lated much commentary. Media regularly feature
changes in information indicative of the coming accounts of the arrival of an information ‘superhigh-
of an information society. I criticize this form of way’ on which the populace must become adept at
argument below. driving. Authoritative voices are raised to announce
The sixth definition of an information society is that ‘a new order … is being forced upon an unsus-
singular in that it refers, not to the fact of there pecting world by advances in telecommunications.
being more information, but to changes in the ways The future is being born in the so-called Information
in which life is now conducted because of infor- Superhighways … [and] anyone bypassed by these
mation. The argument offered here, that theoretical highways faces ruin’ (Angell, 1995: 10).
information / knowledge is the fulcrum of contem- More soberly, the spread of national, interna-
porary life, suggests a distinct conception of the tional and genuinely global information exchanges
information society. In my view, this is the most between and within banks, corporations, govern-
persuasive (if the least commonly mooted) argu- ments, universities and voluntary bodies indicates
ment for the applicability of the concept of infor- a similar trend towards the establishment of a tech-
mation society. nological infrastructure that allows instant com-
I propose now to examine each of the first five puter communications at any time of day in any
definitions in turn. I then consider the questions of place that is suitably equipped (Connors, 1993).
quantity and quality, and the nature of information, Most academic analysts, while avoiding the
before examining the sixth definition. exaggerated language of futurists and politicians,

have nonetheless adopted what is at root a similar dominant concerns with technology in recent years.
approach (Feather, 1998). For instance, from Japan It should also be understood that this conception of
there have been attempts to measure the growth of the ‘information society’ is quite different from that
joho shakai (information society) since the 1960s which suggests it is information and communica-
(Duff et al., 1996). The Japanese Ministry of Posts tions technologies which distinguish the new age. A
and Telecommunications (MPT) commenced a focus on occupational change is one which stresses
census in 1975 which endeavours to track changes the transformative power of information itself rather
in the volume (e.g. numbers of telephone messages) than the influence of information technologies,
and vehicles (e.g. penetration of telecommunica- information being what is drawn upon and generated
tions equipment) of information using sophisticated in occupations or embodied in people through edu-
techniques (Ito, 1991; 1994). In Britain, a much cation and experiences. Charles Leadbetter (1999)
respected school of thought has devised a neo- titled a book to highlight the insight that it is infor-
Schumpeterian approach to change. Combining mation which is foundational in the present epoch.
Schumpeter’s argument that major technological ‘Living on thin air’ was once a familiar admonition
innovations bring about ‘creative destruction’ with by the worldly-wise to those reluctant to earn a liv-
Kondratieff ’s theme of ‘long waves’ of economic ing by the sweat of their brows. But all such advice
development, these researchers contend that infor- is now outdated, Leadbetter arguing that this is
mation and communications technologies represent exactly how to make one’s livelihood in the infor-
the establishment of a new epoch (Freeman, 1987) mation age. Living on Thin Air proclaims that
which will be uncomfortable during its earlier ‘thinking smart’, being ‘inventive’, and having the
phases, but over the longer term will be economi- capacity to develop and exploit ‘networks’ are actu-
cally beneficial. This new ‘technoeconomic para- ally the key to the new ‘weightless’ economy
digm’ constitutes the ‘information age’ which is set (Coyne, 1997; Dertouzos, 1997), since wealth pro-
to mature early in this new century (cf. Hall and duction comes, not from physical effort, but from
Preston, 1988). ‘ideas, knowledge, skills, talent and creativity’
(Leadbetter, 1999: 18). His book highlights exam-
ples of such successes: designers, deal-makers,
Occupational Change image-creators, musicians, biotechnologists, genetic
engineers and niche-finders abound.
This is the approach most favoured by sociologists. Leadbetter puts into popular parlance what many
It is also one closely associated, with good reason, thinkers now argue as a matter of course. A range of
with the work of Daniel Bell (1973) who is the most influential writers, from Robert Reich (1992) and
important theorist of ‘post-industrial society’ (a Peter Drucker (1993) to Manuel Castells (1996–8),
term virtually synonymous with information suggest that the economy today is led and energized
society, and used as such in much of Bell’s own by people whose major characteristic is the capacity
writing). Here the occupational structure is exam- to manipulate information. Preferred terms vary
ined over time and patterns of change are observed. between authors, from ‘symbolic analysts’ and
The suggestion is that we have achieved an infor- ‘knowledge experts’ to ‘informational labour’, but
mation society when the preponderance of occupa- in all one message is constant: today’s movers and
tions is found in information work. The decline of shakers are those whose work involves creating
manufacturing employment and the rise of service and using information. Twenty per cent (and
sector employment is interpreted as the loss of man- expanding) of the US workforce (Reich, 1992: 179)
ual jobs and its replacement with white-collar work. is constituted by this group which manages,
Since the raw material of non-manual labour is designs, creates and refines information, this being
information (as opposed to the brawn and dexterity the raw material of our globalized and fast-
plus machinery characteristic of manual labour), changing world.
substantial increases in such informational work All analysts agree that information operatives
can be said to announce the arrival of an informa- vary enormously in what they actually do. For
tion society. instance, many manage corporate affairs in various
There is prima facie evidence for this: in Western capacities, some handle financial networks, others
European and North American nations over 70 per work in a burgeoning media sector, or in the law, or
cent of the workforce is now found in the service higher education, or accounting, or public relations,
sector of the economy, and white-collar occupa- or local government, while still others are in design
tions are now a majority. On these grounds alone it where they are occupied with adding value to mun-
would seem plausible to argue that we inhabit an dane materials. Despite such diversity, all share a
information society since the ‘predominant group propensity to reskill themselves as a matter of rou-
(of occupations) consists of information workers’ tine. In this way they are at one with the flexible
(Bell, 1979: 183). world economy which demands constant change on
An emphasis on occupational change as the all sides. This commitment to what others have
marker of an information society has displaced once called ‘lifelong learning’ ensures that informational

labour keeps ahead of the game, capable of building (for example, the personnel wings of a company,
a portfolio of experience on various projects while the research and development sections of a busi-
ever ready to adapt positively to novel situations. ness). In this way Porat is able to distinguish
A corollary of this is that informational labour, the two informational sectors, then to consolidate
whatever particular differences are in evidence, them, to separate out the non-informational ele-
shares talents most commonly nurtured in higher ments of the economy and, by reaggregrating
education. Specific skills learned in universities do national economic statistics, to conclude that, with
matter, but they quickly date and the graduate must almost half the US’s GNP accounted for by these
constantly retrain to keep abreast of things. Much combined informational sectors, ‘the United States
more important then is the ‘human capital’ nurtured is now an information-based economy’. As such it
in the experience of higher education, something is an ‘information society [where] the major arenas
which expresses itself in a heightened capacity to of economic activity are the information goods and
communicate effectively, to analyse situations dis- service producers, and the public and private
passionately, to come up with a strategy for (secondary information sector) bureaucracies’
advance, to broker deals with other actors, to iden- (Porat, 1978: 32).
tify strengths and weaknesses in a given milieu, and
so on (Reich, 1992: 178–9). The inculcation of such
qualities places an especial premium on higher edu- Space
cation and, in this light, it is scarcely surprising that
the calibre and capabilities of a nation’s education This conception of the information society, while
system have become central to government policy it does draw on economics and sociology, has at its
(Brown and Lauder, 1995). The leitmotiv of Blair’s core the geographer’s distinctive stress on space.
UK administration is ‘education, education, educa- Here the major emphasis is on information networks
tion’, a litany repeated in all advanced nations which connect locations and in consequence can
which intend to see their citizenry capture a high have profound effects on the organization of time
proportion of ‘symbolic analysis’ jobs in the future and space. It has become an especially popular index
(Seltzer and Bentley, 1999). Not surprisingly, then, of the information society throughout the 1990s as
a system of mass higher education is taken to be an information networks have become increasingly
indicator of an information society. prominent features of social organization.
It is usual to stress the centrality of information
networks that may link together different locations
Economy within and between an office, a town, a region, a
continent and indeed the entire world. As the elec-
This approach charts the growth in economic worth tricity grid runs through an entire country to be
of informational activities. If one is able to plot an accessed at will by individuals with the appropriate
increase in the proportion of gross national product connections, so too may we imagine now a ‘wired
(GNP) accounted for by the information business society’ operating at the national, international
then logically there comes a point at which one may and global level to provide an ‘information ring
declare the achievement of an information econ- main’ (Barron and Curnow, 1979) to each home,
omy. Once the greater part of economic activity is shop, university and office – and even to the mobile
taken up by information activity rather than say individual who has his laptop and modem in his
subsistence agriculture or industrial manufacture, briefcase.
then it follows that we may speak of an information Increasingly we are all connected to networks of
society (Jonscher, 1999). one sort or another – and they themselves are
In principle straightforward, but in practice an expanding their reach and capabilities in an expo-
extraordinarily complex econometric exercise, nential manner (Urry, 2000). We come across them
much of the pioneering work was done by Fritz personally at many levels: in electronic point of sale
Machlup (1902–83) of Princeton University terminals in shops and restaurants, in accessing data
(Machlup, 1962). His identification of information across continents, in e-mailing colleagues, or in
industries such as education, law, publishing, media exchanging information on the Internet. We may
and computer manufacture, and his attempt to esti- not personally have experienced this realm of
mate their changing economic worth, have been ‘cyberspace’, but the information ring main func-
refined by Marc Porat (1977a; 1977b). tions still more frantically at the level of inter-
Porat distinguished the primary and secondary national banks, intergovernmental agencies and
information sectors of the economy, the former corporate relationships.
being susceptible to ready economic valuation since A popular idea here is that the electronic high-
it had an ascribable market price, the latter being ways result in a new emphasis on the flow of infor-
harder to price but nonetheless essential to all mation (Castells, 1996–8), something which leads to
modern-day organizations, involving informational a radical revision of time/space relations. In a
activities within companies and state institutions ‘network society’ constraints of the clock and of

distance have been radically relieved, the corpora- consider, for example, the informational dimensions
tions and even the individual being capable of man- of the clothes we wear, the styling of our hair and
aging their affairs effectively on a global scale. The faces, the very ways in which nowadays we work at
academic researcher no longer needs to travel from our image (from body shape to speech, people are
the university to consult the Library of Congress intensely aware of the messages they may be pro-
since she can interrogate it on the Internet; the busi- jecting and how they feel about themselves in cer-
ness corporation no longer needs to fly out its tain clothes, with a particular hairstyle, etc.).
managers to find out what is happening in their Far Reflection on the complexities of fashion, the intri-
East outlets because computer communications cacy of the ways in which we design ourselves for
enable routine and systematic surveillance from afar. everyday presentation, makes one well aware that
The suggestion of many is that this heralds a major social intercourse nowadays involves a greater
transformation of our social order (Mulgan, 1991), degree of informational content than previously.
sufficient to mark even a revolutionary change. Contemporary culture is manifestly more heavily
information laden than any of its predecessors. We
exist in a media-saturated environment which
Culture means that life is quintessentially about symboliza-
tion, about exchanging and receiving – or trying to
The final conception of an information society is exchange and resisting reception of – messages
easily acknowledged. Each of us is aware from our about ourselves and others. It is in acknowledge-
everyday lives that there has been an extraordinary ment of this explosion of signification that many
increase in the information in social circulation. For writers conceive of our having entered an informa-
instance, television programming is round-the- tion society, one where everything that we see and
clock. There are also several broadcast channels do is simulated (Poster, 1990; 1995).
available, and the TV receiver has been enhanced to
incorporate video technologies, cable and satellite,
and even computerized information services. More FROM QUANTITY TO QUALITY?
recently, an avalanche of computerized games has
become attached to PCs and ‘virtual reality’ prod-
ucts have begun to enter the home. There is very Critiques of information society scenarios revolve
much more radio output available now than even a around a discontent with quantitative measures
decade ago, at local, national and international level. when they are used to designate profound, systemic
And radios are no longer fixed in the front room, but change. The central criticism is that quantitative
spread through the home, in the car, in the office indices of the spread of information and informa-
and, with the walkman, everywhere. Movies have tion technologies cannot be interpreted as evidence
long been an important part of people’s information of really deep-seated social change. On the con-
environment. Though over the years attendances at trary, they can be regarded as the consolidation and
cinemas have declined, movies are today very much extension of established patterns of interest and
more prevalent than ever: available still at cinema control (Beniger, 1986; Webster and Robins, 1986).
outlets, broadcast on television, readily borrowed Definitions of the information society offer a
from video rental shops, cheaply purchased from the quantitative measure (numbers of white-collar
shelves of chain stores. Walk along any street and it workers, percentage of GNP devoted to informa-
is almost impossible to miss the advertising hoard- tion, etc.) and assume that, at some unspecified
ings, the billboards, the window displays in shops. point, we enter an information society when this
Visit any railway or bus station and one cannot but begins to predominate. But there are no clear
be struck by the widespread availability of paper- grounds for designating as a new type of society
back books and inexpensive magazines. In addition, one in which all we witness is greater quantities of
audiotape, compact disk and radio all offer more, information in circulation and storage. If there is
and more readily available, music, poetry, drama, just more information then it is hard to understand
humour and education to the general public. why anyone should suggest that we have before us
Newspapers are extensively available and a good something radically new. This is a point made well
many new titles fall on our doorsteps as free sheets. by Anthony Giddens (1985: 178) when he observes
Junk mail is delivered daily. And so forth. that all societies, as soon as they are formed into
The informational features of our world are more nation-states, are information societies in so far as
thoroughly penetrative than a short list of televi- routine gathering, storage and control of informa-
sion, radio and other media systems suggests. tion about population and resources are essential to
This sort of listing implies that new media surround their operation. On this axis all that differentiates
us, presenting us with messages to which we may the present era from, say, seventeenth-century
or may not respond. In truth the informational England, is much greater quantities of information
environment is a great deal more intimate, more that are amassed, dissembled and processed. If what
constitutive of us, than this suggests. One may we are experiencing in the informational realm

today is but an extrapolation and intensification of contain. Indeed, so crucial is the issue of quality
trends established long ago, then it is hard to see on here that it is possible to present a credible argu-
what basis it can be alleged that these developments ment that contends that a mass circulation tabloid
are bringing about a new sort of society. or entertainment-dominated television represents
Furthermore, it is at least intellectually possible the very antithesis of an information society, with
to imagine a radically different sort of society com- a ‘dumbed down’ audience being swamped by
ing into being, one that may even merit the title garbage information (Postman, 1985; Washburn
‘information society’, though this transformation and Thornton, 1996).
may be manifested in only small quantitative This example alerts us to a related matter, the
increases of information. That is, it may be feasible tendency for quantitative measures to overlook
to describe as a new sort of society one in which it strategic issues. For instance, a raw count of
is possible to locate information of a qualitatively information occupations is blind to the differences
different order, though the information changes between groups, equating, say, social workers
appear quantitatively minor. This does not require and stock exchange dealers, schoolteachers and
that we discover that a majority of the workforce is corporate executives, clerks and lawyers. All are,
engaged in information occupations or that the of course, information workers, and hence equal
economy generates a specified sum from informa- in terms of the statistician’s categories, but some
tional activity. For example, it is theoretically of them clearly are very much more equal than
possible to imagine an information society where others. In a cognate manner, postmodernist Jean
only a small minority of information experts hold Baudrillard’s (1983) willingness to announce the
decisive power. On a quantitative measure, say of ‘implosion’ of meaning in the realm of the sign in
occupational patterns, this would not qualify for effect puts light entertainment, news and documen-
information society status, but we could feel tary programming on the same plane – all artifacts
impelled to so designate it because of the decisive that can be experienced by audiences in any way
role of information /knowledge in the power struc- they feel disposed.
ture and direction of social change. There are a good many criticisms to be made of
Bluntly, quantitative measures – simply more the methods used to measure an information
information – cannot of themselves identify a break society. All return to the issue that, while finished
with previous systems, while it is at least theoreti- statistics may appear precise and firm, behind them
cally possible to regard small but decisive qualita- lies a great deal of subjectivity and variable inter-
tive changes as marking a system break. Further, it pretation. For instance, discriminating between
is especially odd that so many of those who identify informational and non-informational occupations is
an information society as a new type of society do so a difficult task, involving distinctions of degree
by presuming that this qualitative change can be rather than of kind. Thus a photocopier repair
defined simply by calculating how much informa- person is deemed to be an information worker by
tion is in circulation, how many people work virtue of working with advanced technologies,
in information jobs and so on. What we have here while the farmhand is seen as merely manual,
is the assumption that quantitative increases though it is likely that a good deal of information
transform – in unspecified ways – into qualitative will be required in the performance of their duties.
changes in the social system. But to argue that a The point is, we need to be sceptical of apparently
plethora of personal computers or a preponderance conclusive figures which are the outcomes of
of white-collar occupations means we have an infor- researchers’ perceptions of where occupations are
mation society is tautologous. We have been pre- to be most appropriately categorized.
sented with no argument as to why more There are related complaints to be made about
information should result in the coming of a new technological measures of the information society.
era; we have had only the unfounded assertion that At first sight technologies seem to be especially
more information defines a new society. robust measures, but what is to count as a relevant
Moreover, quantitative measures tend to homo- technology? PCs, computer-to-computer facilities,
genize highly disparate activities. For example, in video, telephone exchanges, cable, camcorders,
totalling the value of information activities in satellites, Gameboy toys, Exocet missiles, CD
the economy and arriving at a given sum, infor- players – as soon as one begins the list, problems
mation society theorists arguably overlook crucial arise. Again, which of the long list of potential
qualitative differences within information. For technologies might take priority over others?
instance, sales of a single tabloid newspaper in Networked systems over free-standing PCs?
Britain are vastly greater than those of all the qual- Further, how is one to count computers: by pro-
ity broadsheets combined. But who would suggest cessing power, by use (machines in larger offices
that these newspapers can be lumped together in are likely to be much more exactingly used than
the same category? The crucial issue to most those in the home), or by cost? And how can one
observers is the quality of the information, of assess the role of software packages in the expan-
news, reportage and opinion, that these newspapers sion of information technology?

Finally, but by no means least, even when one is titles available, in book issues from public libraries,
alert to the difficulties that come with trying to in the volume of telephone traffic, in enrolment on
establish what technologies are to be counted and advanced education courses, in television sales, in
how they are to be weighted against one another, hits on websites, in the scale of exchange rate flows,
there looms the vexing question: how much technol- in the expansion of online databases, in take-up of
ogy must there be in place to enable commentators PCs and so forth.
to describe something as an information society? It However, a difficulty here is the profligate way
is not frivolous to ask whether an information in which the term ‘information’ is used. When bun-
society is one in which everyone has a PC in the dled in this manner, different definitions of the
home, or whether it is more appropriate to designate word are collapsed. The closer one looks at what is
this as three-quarters of the way towards a mature meant by ‘information’, the more awkward does it
information society compared with those that have seem to find a precise and unambiguous definition.
an established information network in place (but Commentators write as if the meaning of the term is
then again, when is a network a network?). self-evident, but in this they are mistaken. Indeed,
A connected and familiar criticism of technolog- Norman Stevens concludes that ‘so diverse are the
ical conceptions of an information society is that definitions of information today … that it is impos-
they are determinist (Dickson, 1974). First, they sible to reconcile them’, and, he continues, ‘there
assume that technology is the major force in social is little consistency in the way in which the term
change – hence arguments which refer to the ‘world information is used … resulting in an assumption,
the steam engine made’, ‘the atomic age’, the ‘com- probably incorrect, that there is a broad underlying
puter society’. A moment’s reflection reveals that definition of information that encompasses all uses
history is much more complicated. For example, it of the term in all fields that is commonly and
is clearly the case that climate, mineralogical directly understood’ (1986: 5).
deposits, economics, education, war and a host of Amongst the diversity of definitions of informa-
other factors have contributed to social change, tion in play, Zhang Yuexiao (1988: 400) reports that
some of these being, at the least, powerful forces there have been identified some 400 conceptions of
influencing technological innovation itself (con- information presented by researchers in various
sider, for example, the influence of war and defence fields and cultures. Most significant is the divide
pressures on the development of high technology). between those approaches which conceive of infor-
Second, technological determinists work with a mation in non-semantic ways and those which insist
model which holds to a clear separation of technol- in its being something that has meaning. The latter
ogy and society, the former being in some way apart is the most widely understood lay definition, infor-
from social influence yet destined to have the most mation being regarded as data and ideas that are
profound social effects. Technology here is at once identifiable, organized in some way, often commu-
sealed from the social world yet capable of shatter- nicated, stored in various forms (books, television,
ing established social relations. Perhaps for this etc.) and used in a meaningful way (Stevens,
reason, technological development is frequently 1986: 9). However, it is important to appreciate that
presented as an unworldly thing, led by eccentric this is not the engineer’s understanding of informa-
inventors or possessed boffins, which yet impacts tion, which is a matter of measuring signals
society dramatically when it is launched on the (Shannon and Weaver, 1964 [1949]). Thus mea-
unsuspecting public. Again, however, it is not diffi- sures of information increase that concern them-
cult to appreciate that technology is a part of selves with the processing power of computers or
society, subject to social shaping by factors such as the acceleration of transmission rates by telecom-
investment priorities from corporate and govern- munications exchanges invoke one definition of the
ment bodies, market opportunities and value com- term, that of the technologist which evacuates con-
mitments. Accepting this position casts doubt on tent. Commentators who define information in
those thinkers who would have it that technological semantic terms, and perhaps look to the extension
innovations are such as to define a new type of of signs and symbols in advertising and on televi-
information society (MacKenzie, 1996). sion, are operationalizing a quite different concep-
tion of information. Elsewhere, those who take the
growth in economic import of information – say,
WHAT IS INFORMATION? the expansion of the publishing business or trading
in video materials – adopt a conception of the sub-
ject that is amenable to assessment by price, but
When one first encounters statistical series which which is a definition that elides questions of seman-
chart increases in information, it might appear that tics. Again, one of the most common ways of iden-
we are using a term that is precise and widely tifying an information society is by counting the
understood. Initially at least it does seem unprob- number of information workers in employment, a
lematical to observe that information increase is definition of information which centres on a process
identifiable in, say, growth in numbers of magazine rather than a product, focusing on what people do

rather than on what is produced. This may be that, although the weight of his analysis leans
intrinsically interesting, but it is a quite different towards quantitative increases in service (i.e.
notion of information from one which would information) occupations as indicators of post-
emphasize its expression in artifacts such as books industrialism, he is emphatic that ‘what is radically
and computers. new today is the codification of theoretical knowl-
This lack of precision, and the habit of aggregat- edge and its centrality for innovation’ (1979: 189).
ing highly diverse conceptions into the single cate- It is easy enough to understand what Bell means
gory, ought to encourage closer scrutiny of a by this when we contrast today’s post-industrialism
blanket term that has been used rather promiscu- with its predecessor industrial society. In the past, it
ously in recent years. That said, Theodore Roszak’s is argued, innovations were made, on the whole, by
(1986: x) observation that it is the ‘very emptiness’ ‘inspired and talented tinkerers who were indiffer-
of the word ‘information’ which paradoxically has ent to science and the fundamental laws underlying
allowed it ‘to be filled with mesmerizing glamour’ their investigations’ (Bell, 1973: 20). In contrast to
merits serious consideration. Indeed, when one this decidedly practical and problem-solving orien-
encounters writers who insist that more information tation, it is suggested by Bell that nowadays inno-
makes for an information society, it is as well to vations start from theoretical premises. That is, now
query just what it is they are counting as informa- that we have arrived at a situation in which it is pos-
tion here. Michel Foucault (1980) urged scholars to sible to codify known scientific principles, our
scrutinize ways in which things get talked about, knowledge of these becomes the starting point of
arguing that examination of the construction of action. In this way, what was once dismissed as
‘discourses’ can be illuminating as well as some- useless – as just ‘theory’ – has becomes the axis of
what subversive. A Foucauldian account of the practical innovations.
genealogy of ‘information’, one which looks atten- Again, it is not difficult to find illustrations of
tively at variable ways in which the term is this ‘change in the character of knowledge itself’
conceived and applied by information theorists, (1973: 20). For instance, Alan Turing’s paper ‘On
computer scientists, semiologists, librarians, socio- computable numbers’, published in 1937, set out
logists and economists, would make for an instruc- mathematical principles which underpin later appli-
tive read. Not least, it would lead one to hesitate cations in computer science; the development of
before making sweeping statements along the lines integrated circuits that enabled the ‘microelectron-
that ‘information’ is transforming the very founda- ics revolution’ to get under way in the late 1970s
tions of life as we know it. was founded on known principles of solid-state
physics; and innovations in areas as diverse as com-
pact disk technology, lasers and nuclear energy
THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE were reliant on breakthroughs in theoretical physics
which were regarded, initially as least, as being
without practical consequence. In fact, it is rather
There is another suggestion, intriguing if imprecise, difficult to think of technological applications
which contends that we are on the point of entry nowadays which do not hinge on theoretical knowl-
into a distinctly novel information society, yet with- edge, whether it is calculating the needs of house-
out a need to reflect on the meanings of the infor- holds for supply of potable water, constructing
mation so developed. This proposition has it that aircraft, building bridges or generating energy. Not
we no longer need to seek quantitative measures of surprisingly, perhaps, we find historian Eric
information expansion (information employees, Hobsbawm confirming Bell’s perception, conclud-
tradeable information, etc.), because a decisive ing that during this century ‘the theorists [have
qualitative change has taken place as regards the been] in the driving seat … telling the practitioners
ways in which information is used. This marks such what they were to look for and should find in the
a break with the past that we may legitimately refer light of their theories’ (1994: 534–5).
to the coming of an information society. Bell takes his argument for what he terms the
From this point of view an information society is ‘primacy of theoretical knowledge’ considerably
regarded as one in which theoretical knowledge further, to suggest that it is pre-eminent not only in
takes on a pre-eminence which it has hitherto the realm of technological innovation, but even in
lacked. The theme which unites what is in fact social and political affairs. For instance, govern-
rather a disparate range of thinkers is that, in this ments today introduce policies based on theoretical
information society (though frequently ‘knowledge models of the economy. These are variable –
society’ is preferred, for the obvious reason that it Keynesian, monetarist, supply side, laissez-faire,
conjures much more than agglomerated bits of collectivist – but each underpins the day-to-day
information), affairs are organized and arranged in decisions that ministers may make in response to
such a way as to prioritize theory. practical exigencies. Alternatively, it is salutary to
It is worth noting that Daniel Bell presents this as reflect on contemporary policies oriented towards
an ‘axial principle’ of post-industrial society and resolving environmental problems. It quickly

becomes evident that these are not merely responses of people to operate successfully in the ‘knowledge
to particularly pressing problems (an oil spillage at society’ (Webster, 2000). Such knowledge as is
sea, desertification). They do involve such contin- transmitted is undoubtedly codified and generally
gencies, of course, but they are also proposals abstracted from practical applications, and it is
developed on the basis of theoretical models of the even generalizable, though it is surely of a different
ecosystem’s sustainability. Thus, for instance, envi- order of magnitude to the theoretical knowledge
ronmental debates are routinely informed by theo- expounded in sciences such as chemistry and
retical projections on matters such as population physics.
growth, fish stocks and the condition of the ozone Nico Stehr (1994), proposing that we now inhabit
layer. Practical policies are only imaginable on the a ‘knowledge society’, does extend the definition of
basis of these sorts of theoretical model: for exam- theory in such a way, arguing that nowadays knowl-
ple, appropriate reactions to a noticeably dry or edge has come to be constitutive of the way that we
warmer summer in the UK are comprehensible only live. Recourse to theoretical knowledge is now
in a context of theoretical models of the long-term central to virtually everything that we do, from
likelihood of and consequences of global warming. designing new technologies and producing every-
To be sure, such models are at present inchoate and day artifacts to making sense of our own lives when
unrefined, but they and other instances help us to we draw upon large repositories of knowledge to
appreciate that, while theoretical knowledge does help us better understand our own location.
not have to be ‘true’ in any absolute sense, it does Here we are extending the idea of theoretical
play a decisive part in our lives. knowledge a very great deal, but it is helpful in so
Theoretical knowledge is undeniably an arresting far as Stehr echoes themes in the work of social the-
idea, one which prima facie defines a new type of orist Anthony Giddens that merit comment. Stehr
society which hinges on the generation and use proposes a threefold typology of the development
of information / knowledge. If theory is at the point of knowledge: meaningful, that is the Enlighten-
of initiation of developments, in contrast to one- ment ideal of knowledge for better understanding;
time practical demands, then such knowledge could productive, that is knowledge applied to industry;
be said to herald a new sort of society. Moreover, we and action, where knowledge is intimately con-
are talking here not merely of more white-collar nected to production with, for example, the inclu-
workers or more bits of information being produced, sion of intelligent devices, and where it influences
but of a new foundational principle of social life. the performance of one’s everyday activities. This
Nonetheless, a major difficulty with this notion is last form of knowledge appears close to Giddens’
defining with any precision what is meant by theo- emphasis on what he refers to as the intensified
retical knowledge (Kumar, 1978: 219–30). Theory reflexivity of ‘late modern’ existence. What
evokes abstract and generalizable rules, laws and Giddens highlights here is that, increasingly,
procedures and, with this, there can be agreement modernity has been a story of people’s release from
that advances, especially in scientific knowledge, the strictures of nature and certain forms of com-
have resulted in their codification in texts which are munity, where it appeared that one had to do what
learned by would-be practitioners and which in turn one did as it was a matter of ‘fate’, towards individ-
become integrated into their practical work. This uals and groups making choices about their own
principle can reasonably be thought to be at the and collective destinies in circumstances of ‘manu-
heart of research and development projects at the factured uncertainty’. That is, the world increas-
forefront of innovations, but it is clearly in evidence ingly is not bounded by fixed and unchangeable
too in a large range of professions such as architec- limits, but is rather recognized as malleable and the
ture, building, handling of food and even the design outcome of human decisions. A requisite of this is
of much clothing. heightened self and collective interrogation, other-
However, there are those who would extend the wise reflexivity, though this is not to be perceived
notion of theoretical knowledge to encompass a as some trend towards self-absorption. Quite the
much vaster range, all of which could be cited as contrary, it is premised on openness to ideas, infor-
evidence of a knowledge-based society. Here, for mation and theories from very diverse realms,
example, one might include the training of many which are examined and incorporated as circum-
white-collar employees in law, social services, stances and people so decide.
accountancy, etc. as evidence of the primacy of A key point here is that a ‘post-traditional’
knowledge in the contemporary world. Indeed, one (Giddens, 1994) society which is characterized by
might argue that the whole of higher education, at intensified reflexivity of actors and institutions
the least, is concerned with transmitting theoretical hinges on information / knowledge. Of course,
knowledge. After all, it is a common refrain, in some of this is local and particular (one’s biography
Britain at least, that the rapid transition to mass reflected upon, a company carefully scrutinizing its
higher education (with about 30 per cent of the age sales and stock records), but a great deal is also
group attending universities) has been required by abstract, emanating especially from electronic media
the need to equip appropriately large numbers and from other, notably educational, institutions.

If one accepts Giddens’ argument that we do etc.) which are codified in texts, then this is one
inhabit a world of ‘high modernity’ in which reflex- matter. However, if theoretical knowledge is taken
ivity is much more pronounced than hitherto, then to include hypothetical models such as the relation
it is feasible to conceive of this as heightening the between inflation and unemployment, poverty and
import of information and knowledge in contempo- life chances, or social class and educational oppor-
rary life. A world of choices, for both organizations tunity, then this surely is another matter. It may be
and individuals, is reliant on the availability and that such theoretical knowledge is distinguishable
generation of detailed and rich information. If one from laws of physics only by degree, but this remains
follows Giddens’ contention that ours is an era of an important difference nonetheless. If theoretical
intensified reflexivity on the basis of which we knowledge is perceived as the prominence in
forge our material as well as social conditions, then modern life of expert systems that operate services
it follows that this will sustain and will demand a such as water and sewerage, air traffic control and
complex and deep information environment. It is the telephone networks, through the systematic
perhaps not quite the same sort of theoretical monitoring of activities which are (re)organized on
knowledge as that which Daniel Bell has proposed, the basis of established principles (of toxicity,
but in so far as it is abstract and codified then it safety of margins and so forth), then this too is
could find inclusion in a suitably widened category. another thing. Alternatively, if theoretical knowl-
Nevertheless, there are reasons why we should edge is to be understood as a trend towards very
hesitate to depict any novel information society in much more intensified reflexivity amongst individu-
these terms. Not least is that Anthony Giddens als as well as institutions, on the basis of which they
himself is reluctant to do so. While he does empha- then shape their future courses of action, then this is
size that a ‘world of intensified reflexivity is a another thing again. Finally, if the rise of theoretical
world of clever people’ (1994: 7), he appears knowledge is to be chartered by the spread of edu-
unwilling to present this as other than an extension cational certification – a common strategy – then
of long-term trends. Life today is certainly more this is to introduce still another significantly differ-
information intensive, but this is not sufficient ent definition. Such imprecisions must lead one to
to justify projections that it represents a new sort be wary of theoretical knowledge as a sound means
of society. of distinguishing an information society, albeit that
In addition, Giddens has also raised doubts about a shift towards the primacy of theory does appear to
the novelty of theoretical knowledge. Several years be a marked feature of recent history.
ago he observed that ‘there is nothing which is
specifically new in the application of “theoretical
knowledge”. .. Indeed . . . rationality of technique . . . CONCLUSION
is the primary factor which from the beginning has
distinguished industrialism from all preceding
forms of social order’ (1981: 262). This being so, This chapter has examined six analytically separa-
we return to the problem of designating as novel ble conceptions of the information society. It has
today’s society in which theoretical knowledge argued that all are suspect to a greater or lesser
is prevalent. degree, so much so that the idea of an information
Giddens’ objection also begs the key question: society cannot be sustained. In each case defining
just what do commentators mean by theoretical criteria are imprecise and vague. Moreover, the
knowledge? It is clear, from the quotation above, claim that the information society marks a profound
that Giddens feels that the classical sociologist Max transformation in our ways of life cannot be sup-
Weber’s conception of formal rationality which ported on the basis of the quantitative indices that
underpins purposive action (most famously mani- are typically advanced. There can be no doubt that,
fested in the growth of bureaucratic structures) in advanced nations, information and communica-
might apply on one definition. After all, it involves tion technologies are now pervasive and that infor-
abstract and codifiable principles, rules and regula- mation has grown in economic significance, as the
tions (the entire bureaucratic machine), as well as substance of much work, and in amounts of sym-
requiring from participants the command of bolic output. But the idea that all such might signal
abstract knowledge (how the system works). the shift towards a new society, an information
Theoretical knowledge, in these terms, is not much society, is mistaken. Indeed, what is most striking
more than learning the rules and procedures of how are the continuities of the present age with previous
bureaucracies function. If so, then one is forced also social and economic arrangements, informational
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