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Name Jill Molina

NRIC Number S9146001G
Date of Birth 9th December 1991
Age 19 years old
Gender Female
Address 47 Lor L Telok Kurau (425475)
Contact Number 98363734
Nationality Singaporean
Race Filipino
Website Address


I am Jill Molina currently pursuing my Diploma in New Media at Republic

Polytechnic. I am a good team player and I have also been passionate about art. I
am not afraid to take changes and I like challenges. Each day is a whole new
experience out there for me to discover. I love fashion and beautiful things.

Whether creating or observing, art is something I am never tired of. Almost

everything can be an inspiration to me especially everyday life, it comes slow
and naturally. I personally feel that it is important for me to leave a sign or
personal stamp on the work. I always strive to create works that are also able to
communicate my views and style. As an artist/designer, the best way to express
myself is through my works, which often portray my feelings such as fashion,
music, love, pain, glamour and women.

With so many ever changing trends and styles, it is important for me as a

creative/artistic person to stay true to my own style to be unique. I feel that the
only thing that makes my work stand out is that at the end of the day, I take
away whatever inspirations and influences all around that I had gotten from
books, people and places, and instead I draw inspiration from inside my head. I
trust my instincts, and follow my mind and soul.

Kindly refer to my online portfolio for visual reference:

• Republic Polytechnic, 2008 – 2011 (Diploma in New Media)
• Clementi Woods Secondary, 2004– 2007 (GCE O Level)
• Bukit Timah Primary School, 1998-2003 (PSLE)

• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe Premiere Pro
• Adobe Illustrator
• Basic Adobe After Effects
• Basic Adobe Dreamweaver
• Microsoft Excel
• Microsoft PowerPoint
• Microsoft Word


• Graphic design
• Photography
• Doodling
• Baking
• Music
• Fashion


Company Name: American Academic Alliance

Title: Administrative
Period of Service: Year 2007

Job Duties / Responsibilities:

My duty is to handle the administrative works of American Academic Alliance.
During that time where there was an event going on, and I had to make sure that
all envelops and letters are ready to be sent out.

Reason for Leaving: School reopens

Salary last Drawn: S$7 per hour

Company Name: BizTrading Group

Title: Promoter
Period of Service: Year 2007

Job Duties / Responsibilities:

I had to promote the brand of a contact lens to the public.

Reason for Leaving: School reopens

Salary last Drawn: S$7 per hour

Company Name: BizTrading Group

Title: Server – The Settlers’ Cafe
Period of Service: Year 2008

Job Duties / Responsibilities:

The job involved various staff duties starting from greeting, taking orders,
serving and not forgetting, attending to customers’ various other needs such as
the food and recommendation of games. Attentiveness is just as important as
efficiency in this small cafe. I was able to take away some general knowledge on
the F&B culture and some customer service skills.

Reason for Leaving: Job not suitable

Salary last Drawn: S$6.50 per hour

Company Name: Ti/t

Title: Road-show Model for SportsOn
Period of Service: Year 2009

Job Duties / Responsibilities:

The job involved me donning on a cheer leader outfit and going around
campuses such as NUS, SMU etc trying to bring awareness of the recently new
sports community known as SportsOn. Where active sportsmen come together in
a portal to share their views or create activities that would bring them together. I
had to approach almost everyone to get them to join in this lively community
with my persuasion skills and communication.

Reason for Leaving: Event ended

Salary last Drawn: S$10 per hour

Company Name: Ti/t

Title: Model for Health Promotion Board
Period of Service: Year 2009

Job Duties / Responsibilities:

The job involved me modelling my set of teeth and also another set of scene in a
calm healthy environment filled with greenery.

Reason for Leaving: It was only for one project.

Salary last Drawn: S$35 per hour

Company Name: Essential Venture

Title: Talents for advertising
Period of Service: Year 2010
Job Duties / Responsibilities:
The job required me to give out flyers to people who came for the Comex Road-
show held at the Suntec Convention Hall. Not only was I supposed to give the
flyers out, but also to invite them to come to our booth which is the M1 booth. As
there were many other competitive brands out there, I had to bring out my
personality and communication skills with the public to draw them in.

Reason for Leaving: Event ended

Salary last Drawn: S$10 per hour

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