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Characteristics of a good team

1. Everyone participates actively and positively in practice.

2. Team goals are understood by everyone.
3. Individuals sell out for one another.
4. Everyone takes initiative to get things done.
5. Each teammate trusts the judgment of the coaches.
6. Everyone is supportive of the play call and of others.
7. There is plenty of communication between team members.
8. Full team acceptance is expected as decisions are made.
9. Everyone is focused on the ultimate goal of the team.
10. The team respects their opponent.

Characteristics of a good team member

1. Trusts, supports, and has genuine concern for other team members.
2. "Owns" problems rather than blaming them on others
3. When listening, attempts to hear and learn what the coaches are trying to say.
4. Influences others by selling out for them.
5. Encourages the development of other team members
6. Respects the person around him and his opponent.
7. Acknowledges and works through conflict openly
8. Encourages feedback on own behavior
9. Understands and is committed to team objectives.
10. Has skills in understanding what's going on in the group

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