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Our Login and Registration application consists of 3 different layers (tiers)

1. Presentation Layer
2. Business Layer
3. Data Access Layer

Presentation Layer

JSF is used to build the presentation layer of the application. JSF allows us
to create rich gui for web application. It resolves the technical challenges
of creating rich gui web application. In this layer we have jsp pages and
JSF components. All the request to the web server are passes through
faces servlet.

Business Layer
The POJO classes and classes to process the business logic are used to
create the Business Layer. The POJO classes with the help of spring
framework creates an ideal solution to implement the Business Layer.

Data Access Layer

The data access layer handles all the logic to save and retrieve the data
from data base. Hibernate O/R mapping tools is an ideal solution for
enterprise application of any size. Hibernate handles all the logic to store
and retrieve POJO objects. It also handles resource management and
transaction management activities.

Creating web application

Web application follows the start directory structure as defined in the JEE
(J2EE) specification. Here we are creating the application in the exploded
format, you can also create archive (war, ear) and then deploy on the
application server.

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