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In medieval legend, a succubus (plural succubi; from Latin succuba; "prostitute"

) is a female demon that seduces men (especially monks) in dreams to have sexual
intercourse. They draw energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until t
he point of exhaustion or death of the victim. From mythology and fantasy, Lilit
h and the Lilin (Jewish), Lilitu (Sumerian) and Rusalka (Slavic) were succubi.
According to the Malleus Maleficarum, or "Witches' Hammer", succubi would collec
t semen from the men they slept with, which incubi would then use to impregnate
women. Children so begotten were supposed to be more susceptible to the influenc
e of demons.
Honoré de Balzac wrote a short story The Succubus [1] concerning a 1271 trial of a
she-devil succubus in the guise of a woman, who amongst other things could use
her hair to entangle victims.
From the 16th century, the carving of a succubus on the outside of an inn indica
ted that the establishment also operated as a brothel.

A psychic vampire, in mythology, is a being said to have the ability to feed off
the "life force" of other living creatures. The concept appears in the mytholog
ies of many cultures, just as do blood-drinking vampires.
Psychic vampirism is also called psychic attack.

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