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“Nicholas!” William shouted at the top of his lungs.

The servants that

were passing by the crown prince’s room cringed and scurried along, praying
to whoever was listening to protect whoever was DUMB enough to rouse his
Nicholas rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance. The prince was
REALLY NOT a morning person. The prince was mad at him, and the only
thing he had done so far was open the curtains… and it wasn’t even seven
“Too much to drink at the party last night, sire?” He inquired, although
he already knew the answer.
After all, you don’t go swimming in the public fountain in nothing but
your underwear when you’re sober…
“…Don’t you have some duties to attend to? Like mucking out the
stables?” William growled as he covered his eyes from the harsh sunlight that
was streaming through the tall windows.
Nicholas slowly and CALMLY counted to ten. He had mucked them out
yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that… actually every
day this week!
“Yes sir.” He grudgingly replied. But then he smiled.
“Your father wanted you to know that he wants to talk to you about
your little show last night in the fountain.”
His smile widened when he turned and saw the tense prince, his face
drained of all color, yet he really couldn’t find any pity. He just couldn’t resist
the little barb. William was asking for it anyway, making him muck out the
stables AGAIN!
Nicholas snapped his head up, and promptly saw the prince smiling
“After all,” William continued,” I wasn’t in charge of the wine last
night… you were!” He finished triumphantly.
Nicholas BARELY held in his groan. Mucking out the stables AND the
stocks! And all before breakfast! Could this day get any better?!
“Well sire, we’ll see how that goes over. And on your way to the throne
room, ignore the giggling girls. That was quite a sight you gave their virgin
eyes.” Nicholas commented non-chalantly as he left the room.
Every servant ran for cover at the threat of bodily harm in the crown
prince’s angered voice.

Nicholas barged into the court physician’s, Martin’s work room.

Martin looked up from the potion he was making for a man having
stomach problems.
“Would it be safe to hinder a guess that the fruit and vegetables
currently adorning your shirt are from you spending some time in the stocks
today?” He asked, not bothering to hide the smile gracing his features.
Nicholas snapped his head up and glared at the man he considered like
a father.
“Your guess would be correct.” He replied and walking to the sink
started washing off. “William’s idea of blaming me for the… incident, in the
fountain worked like a charm. His father was NOT happy with the… oh, what
word did he use… ah yes, public humiliation that was performed by the crown
Martin smiled fondly. “Ah yes... Ambrose would do that.” He
commented as he poured the liquid in a small vial and corked it.
“But, don’t let it get to you. Ambrose is… difficult… to understand.” He
finished as he grabbed a wooden bucket full of cold water. Coming up behind
Nicholas he dumped it on his head.
As Nicholas sputtered from the cold shower Martin grabbed the vial
and as he walked out the door he called over his shoulder, “And don’t forget
to take a shower! I don’t want rotten food in my work area!”

Nicholas peered cautiously into the crown prince’s bedroom.

… Nope. No sign of William.
“What… are you doing here?!” An angered voice asked, VERY loudly
into his right ear as he got cuffed upside the head.
Nicholas sighed in annoyance.
“Nothing… your HIGHNESS.” Nicholas growled out through gritted
teeth as he walked into William’s bedroom, followed EXTRA closely by the
crown prince.
“That’s the problem dear Nicholas! You’re doing NOTHING when you
SHOULD be mucking out the stables, cleaning my boots, my dirty clothes
need attending to, as does my armor, and my horse…”
Nicholas tuned William out as the prince rambled.
“Oh… and… sorry… about… earlier.” Nicholas snapped his head up.
Was William… apologizing?!
“Ummm… sure. Nothing to it.” Nicholas informed William, though his
face probably showed his utter and shocked confusion, because, for one, the
prince was avoiding eye contact and, wringing his hands… almost like he was
Oh, this was priceless!!!
But he did have a little bit of decency in him.
… Unlike William.
Nicholas smiled affectionately. “Like I said, sire, nothing to it. After all,
I’m just a lowly servant…”
“No you’re not! You’re an invaluable part of this castle!” William
interrupted, very forcefully and shouting VERY loudly.
Nicholas visibly started at William’s tone of voice. It sounded like the
voice he had used nine years ago…

~ Nine years ago ~

The ten year old boy stood trembling before the High King in front of
the whole court.
“You do know why you are on trial, do you not boy?” Ambrose asked
coldly, glaring at the… insignificant pheasant boy before him, his blue eyes
becoming hard.
As the boy shook his head ‘no’ Ambrose sighed in frustration.
“YOU, boy, are on trial on charges of theft!” He shouted angrily. The
boy was now cowering.
“Ambrose, perhaps you are being too harsh on the young man, he is
after all, only ten…” Martin whispered to his angered king, his heart going out
to the lost, frightened boy.
Ambrose turned to face his long time friend. “You should not address
me so informally, court physician.” He “told” Martin irately.
Martin didn’t let his shock show for too long, he quickly masked it. It
shouldn’t have surprised him at all. Ambrose was… difficult to understand.
He bowed in submission. “Forgive me, my king.” He acquiesced.
Ambrose turned his glare from Martin to the young boy cowering in
fear in front of him.
“The punishment for stealing is the removal of your hand.” Ambrose
informed the boy, who’s face drained of all color at the news.
“Father, that is too harsh.” A young voice told the King forcefully, his
voice raised a notch higher in volume.
Ambrose whipped around to face his son.
“After all, he’s a pheasant which means he probably didn’t have the
money to pay for the food. Plus… he can’t be much older than I am Father.”
William finished.
Ambrose visibly shook, his anger clear as his blue eyes flashed.
“He is a thief!” He shouted.
“But we’ve not had to deal with him before, Father, which means this
is his first offense.” The young princess spoke in a gentle voice.
“Or, this is the first time he’s been caught!” Ambrose continued to
Katherine, who some considered, at times, wiser than her eight years
of age, smiled at her father and, descending from the platform, walked until
she was standing in front of the accused criminal.
“I, as princess of this realm, command you to answer my question, and
to answer it truthfully. Do you understand?”
At the small nod, “yes,” she asked, “Is this the first time you have
“Yes.” Was whispered after a few moments.
“I did not hear your answer, tell me again and look at me.” Katherine
gently ordered.
The young man raised his head and Katherine couldn’t help her small
gasp of shock as she saw his eyes for the first time.
They were exactly like hers’ and William’s!
She swallowed thickly and with a surprisingly steady voice asked
again, “Is this the first time you have stolen?”
“Yes.” The answer was louder, but barely.
Katherine gazed into his swirling eyes until they finally became one
color… blue.
“He does not lie Father. This is the first time he has stolen.” Katherine
told the King, not removing her gaze from the boy in front of her, who
returned the gaze.
Finally, she broke eye contact and returned to the platform.
Ambrose was still seething. “Then WHAT pray tell, do you suggest we
do with him?!” He questioned his daughter.
She stared into her father’s angry eyes and stated calmly, “Make him a
servant of this household.”
At this William laughed. “Yes Father! Make him a servant. That way, we
can keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn’t resort to his thieving ways.”
He exclaimed as he descended from the platform and pulling the boy up so
he stood straight, slung an arm around the boy’s shoulders.
Ambrose stared intently at his son and the thief. An idea suddenly
popped into his head. The thief would have his punishment.
“Boy! You will be William’s manservant.” Ambrose declared and
ignoring his protesting son, descended from the platform and left the throne
William sighed. “Well, I guess that’s it then.” He muttered. Turning to
the young boy beside him, who’s mouth was wide open as he realized that he
had been spared, he said, “Well, if you’re to be my manservant, I’m going to
need to know your name.”
The boy, still staring off into space murmured, “Nicholas.”
“Nicholas eh? Okay then Nicholas, as my manservant you’ll have to
look after my horse, see to my armor, make sure my clothes are in top shape,
the same goes for my room…” He started listing off with a wicked smile, as
they left the throne room.
“Um… William?” Nicholas interrupted, his voice barely above a
whisper. William stopped, his mouth dropping open in shock. Nicholas had
just addressed him informally!!!
… He kind of liked it.
“Yes Nicholas?” He asked, Nicholas giving him a questioning look at
the sudden joyous smile on William’s face.
“Where will I be staying?” He asked, his voice still whisper-soft.
… William hadn’t thought that far…

~ End of memory ~

Nicholas smiled at the memory.

“Nicholas? Nicholas! NICHOLAS!”
Nicholas whipped his head up to see William standing RIGHT in front of
He stumbled back a step.
“Are you alright Nicholas? You didn’t hear me calling.” William said, as
he placed the back of his hand on Nicholas’ forehead.
Nicholas wormed his way out from under the hand.
“I’m perfectly alright Sire.” He answered, breathing a mental sigh of
“Oh, okay then. Just making sure. I don’t need you fainting on me
during weapons practice.” He said with a smirk.
Nicholas groaned inward. This day just couldn’t get any better, could
At that moment, a knock was heard.
Before William could call out for them to enter, the door opened and
Katherine walked in.
“Hello Will, Nicholas.” She greeted with her normal smile.
“Morning dear sister!” William greeted in return as he gave her a hug
and a peck on the cheek.
“Your highness.” Nicholas greeted as he bowed. He held a deep
respect for Katherine after she saved his life. He regarded her almost as a
Katherine sighed in frustration. “Nicholas, how many times do I have to
tell you? If you don’t call me Katherine I will have you thrown into the
dungeon, without food and water for as long as it takes.” She mock
threatened with an amused smile.
Nicholas couldn’t help but smile. “Good morning… Katherine.”
Katherine practically beamed. “There we go. Now, that wasn’t so hard,
was it?”
Nicholas shook his head ‘no.’
Katherine turned her attention from Nicholas to her brother. “By the
way, Father told me to tell you that if you’re late for weapons practice, YOU
will be the one in the stocks.”
Kissing William good-bye and telling Nicholas to be careful, Katherine
left the room.
Nicholas sighed. THIS was going to be a fun afternoon…

“Goodness Nicholas! How weak can you be?!?” William shouted in

frustration as Nicholas fell to the ground… again.
Nicholas chuckled. If he only knew…

~ Eleven years ago ~

“No, no, please no!” A woman screamed as she cowered before the
The soldier sneered at her, before grabbing her hair and yanking it
“As I understand, you have no husband…” He said, smirking, as he
looked into her frightened eyes.
“That’s because he was murdered by you disgusting pigs!!!” She
shouted, spitting in his face.
Nicholas couldn’t help but smile. He was glad that after all his mother
had gone through, she still had her fighting spirit.
But his smile quickly disappeared when he saw the soldier scowl, and
thrusting his sword forward, Nicholas felt his stomach drop as he saw the
sword pierce his mother’s body.
The numbness consumed his entire being as he heard his mother
gasping for air.
And he felt only anger when the soldier wrenched his sword from her
body and she fell to the ground.
He didn’t even remember picking up the sword.

Oswyn sneered at the woman at his feet. He would’ve loved to come

back year after year and torture the woman, but, unfortunately, his temper
had gotten the best of him. Again. After all, that was the reason he killed her
He suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his left leg. Looking down he saw a
sword tip protruding just below his knee.
Turning slowly he saw his attacker.
Blasted brat…

Nicholas stared at the soldier in terror. His eight year old mind raced
wildly as the situation dawned on him. He yanked the sword out, staring at
the blood covered steel. He was about to drop it on the ground when he
noticed his mother.
The anger was there again. He was too small and too young to protect
his father, but he WOULD avenge his mother.
With an angered shout he lunged at the soldier who had attacked his
The man would pay dearly for that.

Oswyn couldn’t hide his surprise. This brat was strong! And not only
strong, for a kid who couldn’t be any older than ten, he was a natural with the
Oswyn came out of his musings when he felt searing pain in his left
shoulder. He stared at the gash, spewing forth his crimson blood.
… The kid had managed to land a blow on him.
… It wasn’t possible…
He didn’t have enough time to defend himself and felt the cold steel of
the sword plunge into his abdomen.
As he fell to his knees he stared into the swirling eyes of the angered
“That, was for my mother.” Nicholas told the defeated soldier. Placing
the tip of the sword at the man’s throat he growled, “And this, this is for my
Rising the sword above his head, he waited a mere moment, before
swinging the blade down… with all his might.

Rowland heard the cry of pain, and turning around to see what the
commotion was about, was shocked to see Oswyn fall face down in the dirt,
the woman’s brat standing above him, a bloody sword in his hand.
Giving an angered shout, he charged the small boy, the rest of the
men following suit.

Nicholas stared at the bodies littered around him, six men in total, now
lay slaughtered… by his own hand.
His vision swam, and looking down at his right side, he could see his
blood staining his tunic. It had been clean this morning…
He dropped the sword and walking over to his mother, knelt down at
her side.

~ End of memory ~

Nicholas had the murdered mother and the scar on his right side to
serve as reminders of what had happened that day.
He had awoken two days later in Martin’s workroom. Apparently, he
had been passing through the village and after checking each of the bodies,
and discovering that the young boy was the only survivor, but only by a
thread, he patched him up and brought Nicholas back with him.
He made sure to keep his weapon skills a secret. He didn’t want to
become a warrior of the king. The only time he ever used his skills was when
he was hunting or in secret, as he protected those who couldn’t protect
themselves, the innocent, and those he loved. He made ABSOLUTELY SURE
that William never knew of these skills either.
He stood back up, though it was difficult, and returned to the defensive
stance he had been in earlier.
“Good. Now, just stand there… and try not to injure yourself.” William
mocked as he prepared himself to attack.
Without warning, or perhaps there was a warning and Nicholas’ mind
was just acting too slow to catch it today, William attacked.
Nicholas BARELY had time to react. His instincts kicked in and he
raised his sword to protect his head from the prince’s attack.
… He barely made it.
“What’s wrong with you today Nicholas?! You’re slower than usual!”
William taunted as he continued raining blows down on Nicholas.
The truth was… William’s words had some truth to them.
Nicholas was tiring and his body wasn’t listening to him anymore.
“Nicholas! Block it!” William shouted in concern as he saw that
Nicholas wasn’t reacting fast enough, and his sword was coming closer to
Nicholas’ unprotected head!
The momentum was too great for him to stop the attack completely, so
he attempted to change the direction, and it worked, but not good enough.
He stared in horrified shock as his blade connected with Nicholas’
head. As Nicholas fell and the blood started to pour from the wound, William
did the only thing he could think of.
“NICHOLAS!” He shouted in horror, as he dropped his sword and knelt
beside his fallen friend.

Nicholas wearily opened his eyes and waited for his fuzzy mind to get a
grasp on reality.
When he saw his bedroom walls, he bolted upright and promptly
groaned in pain. It felt like his head was being cleaved in two!
“Easy there Nicholas. You’ve got quite the cut on your head.” Martin
was instantly by his side and speaking to his ‘patient’ in a gentle voice that
was so quiet, it could’ve been a whisper, as he helped lower Nicholas back on
to the bed.
Nicholas was confused at Martin’s words. The last thing he
remembered was weapons practice with William.
… William!
He promptly bolted upright again.
… And instantly groaned as the pain tore through his body.
“What did Martin just tell you, you idiot?!” A familiar voice inquired in
anger, concern lacing his words.
Nicholas turned his attention to the dark corner by his door.
William stepped from the shadows, a warm smile gracing his face.
Nicholas froze in horror, his eyes going wide in terror.
“Your highness! I am SO sorry! Please, accept my humblest apologies!
I shall attend to my duties at once sire!” Nicholas informed a shocked
William looked on in surprise as Nicholas rose from the bed.
… Or attempted to.
William sighed in frustration as he approached the bed. “Honestly
Nicholas, lay back down before you faint again…” He stopped before he could
finish, for it was now his turn to be frozen in terror.
The look Nicholas was giving him made him fear for his life.
“William, you may be able to order people around. And you probably
expect people to follow them without another thought. …Do not expect me to
be one of them.” Nicholas informed a VERY bewildered looking crown prince.
William hid his smile as he observed Martin slipping quietly from the
room. When he was sure that he and Nicholas were alone, he stalked over to
the bed.
“Nicholas, that was not my intent, but so help me, if you do not lay
back down this instant, as soon as this illness has left your body, you WILL be
in the stocks!” William ranted, his concern for his manservant’s health
making his voice sound harsh.
“You would do that?!?! Why you royal prick!! …” Nicholas started
shouting in anger, but when he thought of William’s words, he stopped.
“Illness?” He asked hesitantly.
William smiled affectionately. “Yes illness.” He sat down on the edge of
Nicholas’ bed. “You idiot… why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
Nicholas sighed heavily. “It must have began last night while I slept. I
didn’t pay any attention to it. Just figured a certain royal prick was making
me work too hard.” He teased before he started coughing.
William rubbed his back, trying to ease Nicholas’ pain. His heart was
breaking. Why didn’t Nicholas trust him enough to tell him he wasn’t feeling
When Nicholas began to breathe a bit easier, William removed his
hand from Nicholas’ back and placed it on his forehead.
“Your fever’s risen! I’m going to go get Martin!” William explained in
fear. As he made to stand, Nicholas placed his hand on William’s arm and
held him in place.
“No. Don’t. Please, just, stay.” Nicholas pleaded, as he started to sway.
William glanced from Nicholas to the door, and back to Nicholas again. With a
defeated sigh he helped ease Nicholas back on to the bed.
As soon as Nicholas’ head hit the pillow, he was dead to the world.

Katherine glided silently into Martin’s workroom. When he noticed her

he opened his mouth to start conversing, but she held a finger to her lips. He
smiled and nodded his head to show that he understood and went back to his
She continued on her way and with a soft knock, she entered Nicholas’
room, to find her brother asleep in a chair next to Nicholas’ bed. She couldn’t
stop the smile when she looked upon the two sleeping ‘boys.’
At that moment, William awoke.
… And promptly noticed his sister.
“Katherine!” William shouted in surprise and instantly became worried
when he heard Nicholas groan. He sighed in relief when Nicholas just rolled
over and went back to sleep.
He stood slowly to his feet and motioned for them to continue outside.
As they left the room Katherine couldn’t help but take one last look at
the sleeping figure on the bed.

As William slowly shut the door behind them, he breathed a sigh.

“Now… how may I be of service?” William asked as he walked to the
work table and sat down on the edge of it.
Katherine smiled as she followed her brother to the table. Sitting down
beside him she crossed her arms and said, “I just came to see how Nicholas
was doing. I was a little late in getting here though.
… Since I had to speak with Father about a certain crown prince who’s
been shirking his duties for the last couple of days. He hasn’t been practicing
with his men, he hasn’t been patrolling ANY of our borders, he hasn’t done
any hunting, he hasn’t given the king a daily report…” She drifted off with a
victorious smirk.
William blanched. “Father’s going to kill me!!!” He wailed, self pity
heavy in his tone.
Katherine chuckled softly. “He was planning on it. But a certain
princess convinced him that if he wanted his son to have ANYTHING to do
with him, he would rein in his infamous temper.”
As William sighed in relief Katherine added non-chalantly. “I also told
him that a certain prince would DOUBLE his duties, since his sole duty in life
is to please his father and king.

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