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DRAMA – 2010-2011

I like the activities (smurfs and house activities) because these are all
about observation matter in classroom settings. Since both teachers and
learners need to learn how to efficiently observe the others, esp. for
receiving some satisfactory results in education, observation skill is of
crucial importance for modern, effective teachers. That is, as we have
learned, an efficient and effective educator is the one who can smell-sense
the atmosphere and make the necessary adjustments to the aura. I mean,
the effective use of observation skill enables that kind of teachers to
chance the moods of learners simultaneously when any sign of boredom,
dissatisfaction emerges. Moreover, this kind of activities, if applied in the
classroom, enhance the creativity and abstract thinking since learners
aged app. 12-18 are just stepping into the abstract thinking stage
according to Piaget’s theory, and also with the help of these kind of
activities learners can absorb the rules of language indirectly.

I dislike the activity (name the activity) because

I have a difficulty in figuring out nothing

I can use these kinds of activities because of the reasons I have written
above. In addition, I’ve learned the necessity of using classroom space.
Again using classroom space is about observation matter to some extend.
Also using the space efficiently means having students to move and use
their energy in learning process. They are not supposed to just sit and
listen to teacher. I can establish some settings for activities and let them
be friends with English at least.

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