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If I never slept, well what would I do? Psh! I'll tell you what I would do, ready to listen?

Me with no sleep would be like woah. Considering I just love to sleep! It all depends if you still got
tired or not. If I never slept I would be bouncing off the walls! Driving my parents mad as usual. But like
ten times worse!

With no sleep I would be like way out of it. I'd be laughing way more. Not to mention I would go
crazy. I mean who wouldn't with no sleep?

Well another one of the many things I would do with no sleep is, hang out with friends 24/7. I mean
who wouldn't!? Well you got to go to school and everything too... but if I wouldn't be tired, school
would be much easier for me.

one of the big things I would do with no sleep, is when I would supposed to be sleeping, or when I
am normally asleep, I would read some of my favorite books. With all that extra time you got you gotta
do something to use it up! I love reading, and I would totally rather read, then sleep. Any day, anytime.

Hmm what else, what else... I would have more time to write, draw, and be with family. I mean I
guess when your sleeping you are sort of with family, but your not like talking to them, unless you like
sleep talk or something. As much as that sounds cool, it's not true. I can't think of one person who does
that. So that would be great to be with family more!

Thats what i think of never sleeping. I love the idea! Just the thought of it makes me smile.

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