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Three Dan Tian Meditation

The three Dan Tians or Elixir Fields are areas of the body that
correspond to what the ancient Taoists describe as the Three
Cinnabar Fields. They were considered to be the palaces of the
Gods in the body. The maintenance of freely circulating qi
through these areas was said to insure that the Gods would
maintain residence in the body and enable the person to have
a long and healthful life. If the circulation of qi became
obstructed, the Gods would depart ensuring disease and an
early death.
These areas can also be interpreted as focal points of different
physical and psychological functions of the body. The upper
Dan Tian, located in the center of the forehead, corresponds to
the physical functioning of the brain and sensory organs and
to the psychological processes of thinking and contemplation.
The middle Dan Tian, located in the center of the chest
between the breasts, corresponds to the physical functions of
respiration and the circulation of qi and blood. Psychologically
it functions as the emotional and interaction center of the
The lower Dan Tian, located in the lower abdomen between the
navel and the public bone, corresponds to the physical
functions of digestion, elimination and reproduction.
Psychologically it functions as our sense of stability and
balance and as the connection of our sexuality.
The Three Dan Tian meditation uses breath and concentration
to activate the circulation of qi and blood through these areas.
Three Dan Tian Meditation

1. Close your eyes and place your awareness in the

lower Dan Tian. Breathe into this area 5 times.
2. Inhale into the lower Dan Tian and imagine you
are drawing qi into your body from the outside.
Exhale and radiate the qi out into the universe. 12-
36 times.
3. Inhale into the middle Dan Tian and imagine you
are drawing qi into you body from the outside.
Exhale and radiate the qi out into the universe. 12-
36 times.
4. Inhale into the upper Dan Tian and imagine you
are drawing qi into your body from the outside.
Exhale and radiate qi out into the universe. 12-36
5. Return your awareness to the lower Dan Tian.
Focus the breath there and allow qi to accumulate.
12-36 times.
6. Slowly open your eyes. Rub the palms together
vigorously until they are warm. Rub your body
starting at the head, arms, chest, abdomen, lower
back, legs.

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