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4 amazing yogic pranayamas

Want to breathe properly? Do these breathing techniques called

pranayamas. Women will derive immense benefits from them.

Sithali Pranayama

This pranayama cools the system. You have to sit in the Padmasana
(cross-legged pose) or the Sukhasana (the easy pose). To do this
pranayama, roll your tongue, and breathe through the rolled tongue.
Close your mouth, bend a little and place your chin against the
collarbone. Now, slowly breathe out through the nose. Do this three
times. You can do this in the morning as well as in the evening.

Sitkari Pranayama

Sit in a comfortable position. Press the tip of the tongue against the
upper palate or just above the upper row of teeth. Slowly inhale through
the mouth. Make a hissing sound. Retain the breath for a few seconds.
Breathe out through the nose.

These are the only two pranayamas, in which the breath is taken in
through the mouth.

Brahmari Pranayama

Sit in a comfortable position. Keep the back of your palms on your knees.
Then, close the glottis with the tip of your tongue rolled back. Breathe in
making a snoring sound. Bend down a little and touch your chin to your
collarbone. Breathe out slowly making a humming sound like a bee. This
pranayama is ideal for clearing the throat. It also helps to get a sweet
clear voice.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Sit in a comfortable pose. Take a deep breath. Then, breathe out in

rapid succession at least four times. This helps remove the phlegm and
also helps to get relief from headaches.

All these pranayamas can be done after your regular exercise schedule.

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