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what do u do when life gets so friggin boring?

As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matter
Mornin' people...woke up the same way I always wake up every morning, with a fr
own on my face and a curse to the sun!!!
such a beautiful morning!!! It's a perfect weather for sleeping....ja oyasumi...
I am what you see, I am not what they say. But if I turn out to be, could you lo
ve me anyway?
Life's supposed to be simple, it's humans with their cerebral cortex and it's hi
gher cognitive function that makes everything so effing hard!!!
? what do you do if your solution becomes the the problem, when the things tha
t made you laugh now makes you cry
When life gives u lime u make lemonade. What happens when life gives u shit? Wha
t juice do u make???
Good Luck? don't need it, never had it! I just do my best and God will take car
e of the rest
I'm bored... I'm even bored of being bored.... I have a feeling I'm nearing cli
nical depression... anybody got a rope?
When in Rome do as Romans do, when in Jambi drive as Jambinese drive, if u're lu
cky u won't need to spend the night in the ICU! yay!!!
come out angels, come out ghosts, come out darkness bring everyone you know...I'
m not running, I'm not scared, I am waiting and well prepared
pak, pesen es teh manis hangat tanpa es tp yg tawar ya
I have a bad habit of listening to a song I like over and over again until I ge
t so sick and tired of it that never want to hear it ever again
someone out there is listening to the same song, feeling the same way as I do..
oh god the if I don't have enough of those in my life...these days my
life feels like an eps of Grey's Anatomy
I worked harder than God, if He hired me, He would've created the world by thurs
I can't believe I almost forgot about the power of music, just listening to it w
ith my headphones on, drowning myself in it's melodies and lyrics, without a car
e in the world... ahh...such bliss......
My stomach is playing Beethoven's Symphony No.9
in B flat,I'd prefer a Tchaikovsky,but it seems that mystomach
has adifferent taste in music
again I ask: life (your way of life, ego, principle), love (love in general, aff
irmation of others), or food (your most primal needs)? which is more important?
I hope they'll invent a drug for boredom that's over the counter, have no withd
rawal effects and doesn't kill u if u OD-ed in it...
my nightlife in jakarta...filled with lots of sleeping and midnight snacks
gerah, demam, jenuh...well at least things can't get any worse than this, can it

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