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‘Lan writing this es my formal resignation from the schoo! board. In light of the events of the last week I Clint MeCance will be resigning from the Midland Schovl board. I did not represent my school or my position well with my statements online. Lam sorry forall the trouble it has caused the schoo! district, and those people that I love in this schoo! system, ive in the best community in the world in my opinion, and the people that reside here are the salt of the earth, J have enjoyed my tenure as a school board member, und would not trade my time spent learning about the school system and howe il works. | hope this resignation will help things get back to normal for you. Amo time did i want anyone to hart themselves, I do not support bullying. I do not wish harm on anyone. [ always learn from my mistakes and hope that all of you learned something from this experience. Tam a bettor person today than i was « week ago | promise you. | wish nulhing but the best for you all, and may God bless this school district.

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