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Never Fall

By Ishaan Bakshi

A Sequel to breaking dawn by stephenie meyer

The Rights Remain To Stephenie Meyer

My view of the sequel

STORYLINE: We fast forward to 10 years later after the birth of Reneseme

and the confrontation with the Volturi

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning

Life had changed so much by being a vampire time flew by like seconds and yet I
could remember all the memories I had that were more important than my
existence like my first day with Edward , our first kiss, Our wedding day, Birth of
Reneesme .These memories were stored in my mind for my whole existence. I
looked at the watch , my husband would be worrying , agghh , even after a
decade after marrying Edward I still laughed when I told people I was married.
Reneesme was all grown up and just as Nahuel she stopped aging when she
reached 16 . First I used to say she was even more beautiful than Rosalie and
Edward now she was more beautiful than me , Rosalie and Edward put together ,
and Jacob my old friend hadn't aged himself he was still the same guy as when I
was human. Though I was a little angry at Jake for imprinting on her , I was
secretly happy for Reneesme I mean I could trust Jacob with her life I knew he
would hurt himself rather than see Reneesme sad for more than a minute.
Altogether , my life was like a wonderful dream at this time. I had a wonderful
family , A husband I was lucky to have and a daughter who was so beautiful that
made me want to cry( if I could ) . A future son -in -law I would love to have and of
course Alice who was the best sister and the best girlfriend at the same time . My
relationship with Rosalie hadn't changed much but after Reneesme birth our
relationship was more stronger. Though we always were on the move I really
missed Forks ,I wanted to meet Charlie again . As I pulled into the driveway of our
new house in Alaska what I was secretly scared about was going into the closet . I
was sure it would be filled with clothes with all types , shapes and sizes and I was
sure all of them cost a fortune but even a tornado wouldn't stop Alice from a trip
to the mall . Being in Alaska it was a lot easier to move around because it was like
sunshine once in a month . As I walked into the house ,I heard my lullaby played
by my dear husband Edward it was actually a kind of ritual now whenever I came
home Edward would play it to welcome me home , and it would be followed by
Reneesme running down the stairs coming to hug me and I lovingly returned it to
her , I still couldn't imagine myself to be a mom at this age but technically I wasn't
ageing was I and trust me I would risk my life again and again if I would get
somebody like Reneesme as a child but now my little baby was all grown up and
deeply in love with my best friend and fortunately she loved him the same
amount as he loved her and fortunately for Alice , Reneesme loved to shop and
seriously I really didn't know where she got that from. Reneesme quickly put her
hand on my cheek and then I saw what she had done the whole day . " Ha !!"
Edward laughed when she showed a flash of Jacob and Emmet wrestling . Edward
was right beside me and when I turned around I looked at him I was again that girl
in Forks who saw an angel walking through the cafeteria .I still couldn't help and
look at him I had always thought why did Edward choose me but like I have any
objections .He hugged me tightly and planted a kiss on my lips that would make
my heart skip a beat if it was still pumping . My relationship with Edward never
changed or got boring it was still like everyday was my first date with him and I
loved every second of it . It was easier now of letting my shield down or to expand
it and I quickly pushed my shield out of my head so that Edward could hear my
mind as there was no secret I was hiding all my thoughts were of him or my
Reneesme . He still kept his arms around me when we heard huge footsteps
coming down the stairs and sure enough it was Jacob I still couldn't believe he
was still growing . A huge smile came upon his face as soon as he saw Reneesme,
he gave me a quick hug and then went to sit next to Reneesme at the moment he
sat down . In a second somebody other than Edward came behind me and
without even looking behind I knew it was Alice because I heard her say " Ahhh " I
was getting used to it whenever she would see what I was wearing she would say
it . " You no Bella you hurt me everyday , It's hard to shop like I do and then you
will still wear your own 90's wardrobe " she always said it in a disappointed tone .
After that we all talked about our day when suddenly Alice came back in a half an
hour running and quickly took my hand and said enthusiaticly to come fast she
took my hand and she took off running to the direction of the river I was not far
behind I was interested in listening what Alice was so excited about as soon as we
came to the river she stopped and turned around to face me ,she was so excited
that I couldn't even understand what she was saying at first but then she calmed
down a bit and excitedly said "Bella I know this will be a little difficult for you but I
just saw a very fuzzy vision in that all I could see was Reneesme in a big white
dress and walking down an altar but just as I was going to see who it was the
vision closed so Bella I am sorry to tell you this but I think Reneesme is going to
marry Jacob in the near future .” she said . Then she suddenly stopped and looked
at me as If I had gone crazy she worriedly said "Bella are you alright ? " . Honestly
, I wasn't sure myself I was happy for Reneesme but a little shocked my little baby
is going to be engaged to my best friend ." I'm fine" I said doubtfully.

Chapter 2 : Nerves always get the best of me:

"Bella , love, don't worry. Charlie will take it just fine." Murmured Edward, reading my
mind. He already knew about the marriage but he had taken it better than I had
thought . Sometimes I forgot when I was letting him in past my mental shield, usually
it was when I was fretting about something. I had never known my shield better, it was
now not difficult at all to take it down or put it up. It was like playing a sport that
you've played for years. It was easy as cake . Edward, Renesmee, Jacob, and I were
driving in the car. Leah was flat-out sprinting in the forest beside us, Leah still doesn't
care for us, she was only there for Jacob. They're closer than the average person
would think, closer than me and Jacob. We were all on our way back to Forks, to visit
Charlie, my father .I guess you could say a lot has happened since we were facing the
Volturi in the clearing ten years ago. But quite frankly, nothing has. I took a quick
glance in the mirror. Nothing different. My brown hair framed my porcelain skin in
wavy locks that went past my shoulders about five inches. I looked the same as
before, but with golden honey eyes instead of red scorching flames .Edward and I
went to Dartmouth for a few years after we left. I decided I had enough of college and
we were going to move to a different town soon. But first, we would visit everyone in
good old Forks .I looked over at Edward. " I know, I'm just nervous about what he'll
think. I mean its not like I've changed in the last ten years! I mean Renesmee is only
supposed to be ten years old and she looks like she's seven years older than that!" I
said ."Charlie will be happy to see us. I mean, what has it been four years? Since his
and Sue's wedding, right? He really misses you. Sue probably does too, love. And he'll
be ecstatic to see Ness-""-DAD! It's Renesmee! You know that I want to be treated like
an adult" Renesmee yelled. She was leaning into Jacob, who was sleeping silently with
his arms around her. if that was even Her long bronze curls wound to a little below her
shoulder. Her milk chocolate eyes make her pale skin glow. Rosalie.Jacob woke up
suddenly to the yelling. "What's...going...on...?" Jacob said half-asleep .Jacob's black
eyes searched the inside of the car. He caught sight of Renesmee's flawless face and
smiled. The smile glowed on his russet skin. He was just happy to see her. She
returned the smile with a gleaming blush crossing her pale face as he raised his hand
to brush her cheek. I always remembered when this exchange used to happen
between me and Edward . Edward looked in the mirror and saw this exchange. He was
annoyed he didn't like to be around when they did this ."Renesmee, will you call
Grandpa for me?" I asked, holding my cell phone out to her, before Edward could say
anything. I understood that they couldn't help themselves, sometimes it could get a
little irritating, but Edward and I were like that too ."Sure, Mom," Nessie responded. I
could tell she was a little embarrassed but also a little annoyed that I interrupted the
moment they had. She grabbed the phone and started dialing . There were a few
beeps and then she closed the phone. "It's busy." she said placed her hand on my
cheek and showed me an image of her anxiousness, she was worried too, about what
Charlie would think. Edward sighed. He saw this too."Will everyone just stop worrying?
Bella, love, we're just going to tell him what we are. He will still care for you, even if
you are a vampire."I know, I know, but I'm worried about his reaction...what if he is
disgusted or afraid of me. I won't be able to look at his face if he is. I don't want to
hurt him." I said quickly. Oh, man, was I nervous. Edward didn't respond. I could tell
we were getting near and he was starting to listen to Charlie's thoughts. That meant
that we were really close.I focused on staying calm by listening to the rain drops
plopping on the Volvo. Jasper would be proud. Jasper and Alice were driving in their
own car, Alice's yellow Ferrari. Rosalie and Emmett in the monstrous Jeep. Carlisle and
Esme in their Mercedes. We stopped and pulled into Charlie's driveway. And
Charlie came running out.

Chapter 2: Semi-sweet Welcoming:

Charlie ran to my door and opened it and pulled me into a hug. He had
clearly not seen my face because if he had, he would have known it was
the same ."Bella, I've missed you so much, kiddo." He pulled back to get a
better look at me and he gasped clearly noticing no difference ."Dad, we
need to talk about many different things..." I said nervously. I bit on my
lip, trying to control my emotions. Jasper smiled slightly at how well I was
doing. I patted my brother's arm lightly to tell him to be cautious, just in
case I needed his helping hand."Yeah, it seems we do, Bella. Where is
Renesmee?" He looked around hopefully, she was his favorite person to be
around besides Sue. Sue Clearwater and my dad got married five years
after we left Forks. We visited once after that but very briefly so he didn't
notice any real change .I was so happy for Charlie to find someone like
Sue."Right here, Grandpa," Renesmee said, coming out of the Volvo with
Jacob's hand in hers. She ran over to Charlie and gave him a gentle
squeeze around the waist. Jacob also gave Charlie a hug even though their
hands were still connected."Nessie, is that you? You look so grown up!"
Charlie understood that Renesmee grew fast but you could still see
surprise cross his face."Yeah, it's me." Renesmee said. She looked over at
Jake and he gave her an encouraging smile."Why don't we go inside and
have a little chat, everyone?" Charlie said, he had noticed that everyone,
even Jacob, hadn't aged a bit besides Renesmee.We all walked in at
human speed. Everyone had a nervous game face on. Sue was in the
kitchen,she came out and gave me a big hug. She then moved along to
the rest of my family Sue no longer cared if we were vampires or not, she
loved me and all my other siblings and my husband like her own children,
just like Esme. They were the best of friends, of course.Edward and I sat in
two of the kitchen chairs, our hands glued together. Everyone else found
their seats too. We were short one seat, so Renesmee sat on Jacob's lap,
not that she wouldn't have already. Edward tried to ignore it but it didn't
work out so well. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze and he let it slide this
time."Well, Dad, we need to talk about a few things..." I said quietly. He
nodded me on. "Well, as you may have noticed Jacob , Edward and me
and my whole family have yet not aged even a little bit I know this will be
difficult to hear but its time you learn the truth The Cullens are vampires
and so am I , You already know about Jacob, Leah, Sam and Seth and the
rest of the pack" I said barley audible. I continued on." So is Ness, she is
half- vampire. Sue already knows this already because as you already
know, Jacob, Leah, and Seth are werewolves. I'm sorry to tell you like this,
I really am now its upto you I know it must be scary to think but it’s the
truth ""Bella, I don't know what to say..." Charlie took a minute there were
a lot of mixed expressions and then I remembered how my dad had taken
Jacobs transformation and then his expression finally became normal . “
Cant say I’m surprised but Bella you should have atleast given me a heads
up , he was still looking for the right words to say ."Why don't we tell you
everything about us and our stories and the reason as to why Jacob and
Leah and Seth are what they are werewolves." Edward said calmly. I didn't
understand how he could do it. He smiled at my thought. Whoops! My
shield was down again, I decided to leave it down, he would want to know
what I was thinking at this moment anyway . If there was anyone who
could calm a human being it truly was Edward .We told him everything.
Surprisingly, Charlie took everything fine. He listened along intently. He
asked questions and was surprised by the answer. He wanted to know
everything. How you become a vampire and how everyone in the family
became "vamps"(as Charlie started to call it). When I became a vampire
and what we eat. He was intrigued by it all. He was not disgusted or hurt.
He was surprisingly happy because he was now part of the secret. Sue
was adding in as all the Cullens spoke and so was Jacob. Leah was upstairs
in her room, which used to be mine, she was preparing for a date. Leah
was listening to the conversation though. Seth was out with the rest of the
pack .The doorbell rang and Leah flew down the stairs at inhuman speed.
She had not imprinted but she had been imprinted upon by Embry Call,
one of the member of the pack. Leah thought that she could never imprint
because her body couldn't change, but it could once she retired from
being a werewolf. So it was possible after all. She said a quick goodbye
and ran out the door into Embry's arms. I was happy for her, she hadn't
been happy for a long while.Charlie yawned, it was getting late. We said
goodnight and that we would see them tomorrow. We then went to the big
white house hidden in the woods. Rosalie and Emmett went upstairs to
their room. Jasper and Alice to theirs. Carlisle and Esme went upstairs
also. We went to our little cottage. When we arrived Renesmee said "Good
Night" and so did Jacob and they skipped off to their rooms.Edward sat
down on one of the couches and I sat next to him. I snuggled into to his
chest and thought all my memories that I made with him, good and bad,
human and immortal. We tended to do this when Jacob and Renesmee
were sleeping. I ran through all my memories and he watched silently. He
never got bored of just watching .Midway through my Volturi memory, we
heard screaming and someone jumping up and down with commotion was
coming from Renesmee's room. I darted to her room with Edward's hand
in mine and opened the door.

Ch 3: The Question:

Edward and I sprinted through the door. I looked around the room for danger, but I saw
none. All I saw was Renesmee and Jacob's over-smiling faces. That was quite odd. I had
never once seen their faces this excited since Renesmee was full-grown at her last
birthday."What's going on?" I pressed. I wanted to know why thier was all this
excitement."Nothing, mom" Renesmee said quickly. Too Quickly. There was something she
was trying to hide from me. She knew that her father was listening to her thoughts. Edward
looked as if he ate something bad and was about to purge. But Edward pulled me away
and led me out of the room."What is going on, Edward??". Edward sighed."He’s doing it
Bella right now Jacob is proposing " He stopped trying to find the right word. He seemed
happy. I was overjoyed for Renesmee to get married and to find someone she really
loved. But I was also annoyed that she was getting married when she was so young. I was
also mad at Jacob for not telling me . After hunting we went to our meadow. I hadn't been
there in years. It looked the same as before. We lay there for hours, just staring into each
other's eyes. I was no longer mad at him. How could I? When the rain had gotten to be too
much, we went back to our cottage. It was around six in the morning .Jacob had already
left. He had to keep watch over at La Push because Sam and the rest of the pack were
away for the week. Sam had planned to meet some foreign werewovles, or Shape-Shifters,
in Arizona with the rest of the pack. They were planning on forming one big pack that could
be split to cover more land to protect.Renesmee had just gotten up. She was wearing a
gorgeous pink diamond ring. I gazed at it. It was beautiful. It was an eighteen carat white
gold diamond and pink sapphire three stone ring."Renesmee, it's beautiful!" I said. She
looked at the ring and smiled."I know, isn't it? Leah helped Jake pick it out. She's got good
taste." She marveled at the ring." Are you okay with this mom?" She asked. I nodded. She
then smiled and ran to me and gave me a big hug. I was laughing and so was she. Edward
joined and we had a big group hug.

Chapter 4: Party:

For the next few weeks, we stayed in Forks. We still had a few weeks left until we would
have to move and go to a new school. We spent all the time over at Charlie's. Charlie loved
having us home. He said it felt like the "old days" when I used to live with him.We on our
way to Charlie's when my phone rang. I looked at the caller id. It was my mom. I opened
the phone before giving Edward a look."Hi, Mom" I said nervously, usually whenever I was
on the phone with her, she would beg me to visit her and Phil."Bella, honey, how are you?"
She said. She started to talk about Phil, going on and on and on. I wasn't really paying
attention. The whole time, I was thinking of an excuse to say No to the invitation. I already
used it's too hot, tickets are too expensive, I'm going back to college, and Renesmee's too
young. None of those would work again, tickets went down on price, Renesmee is old
enough, I already "went back to school" for my master's degree.We pulled into Charlie's
driveway. She continued to talk and luckily I came up with an excuse to go. "Mom, we're at
dad's, so I got to go. Love You." I said quickly interrupting her story about Phil's latest
injury. He got injured a lot when he played baseball. She said goodbye and that she would
call me soon.We walked inside and no one was there. That was odd. There was a note on
the kitchen counter.

We went over to La Push to see Billy. He's having a little get together.
Come on over.
Everyone wants to see you and The Cullens.
They really want to see how much Renesmee has grown.
See you there.
Love You,
Charlie and Sue

Since everyone in the two packs liked us now, except for Leah, the treaty got a little
messy. We were allowed to go on La Push land, if we were invited. But it meant that all the
werewolves had to drop any plans that they had and they were to watch over us like a
hawk. Whenever Billy had a party and we were home, he always invited us. Everyone had
fallen in love with little Nessie."So are we gonna go?" I asked. I really wanted to go because
I hadn't seen anyone from La Push since the wedding. I looked at Edward hopefully."Why
not. Let's go" He said grabbing my hand. We decided to run there instead of driving. I was
always up for riding on Edward's back instead of driving the Volvo. Renesmee and Jacob
were already at La Push. The rest of the family was going to be a little late. They were
visiting J. Jenks to get all the birth certificates and driver's licences for our next
destination.I hopped on Edward's back. He took off in a run. We speeding throughout the
woods. I pressed my lips into his neck and he smiled."I love you, Bella" he said lovingly."I
love you more." I said challenging him."No, I love you more." He said."Nope, I defiantly,
love you more" I said.We went back and forth like that for the rest of the run. We laughed
and joked too.We were almost there when he stopped and put me down. He turned
towards me and stared into my eyes. Our golden eyes boring into each others. I broke the
stare when I planted a big kiss on his lips. He chuckled and we stayed kissing for a few
minutes when he broke away and spoke."I think everyone is going to be looking for us." He
said laughing. I pouted and we ran together with our hands connected.We arrived at Billy's
house a minutes later. Everyone ran out and gave us big bears hugs.

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