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Scavenger Hunt

v CLUE: These chatter when you’re cold, and

you can take them out when you get old.

v CLUE: Look into me and you will see a key

link in the company.

v CLUE: This little guy stretches and bends,

flexibility is the message he sends.

v CLUE: If you were in outer space, you could look down and see this

v CLUE: These swim in the deep blue sea, have you caught FISH

vCLUE: Take a moment and pause, give yourself a round of

v CLUE: A symbol for many things, nothing
compares to the pride it brings.

v CLUE: This guy has quite a bite, but nothing

compared to your customer service might!

vCLUE: Celestial glitter, glass balls and beads,

wave this and fulfill your customers’ needs.

v CLUE: Laughter flows from your lips, when out of

your hands this slips.
Scavenger Hunt Answer Key

1. Wind up smile teeth.

2. Novelty mirror.

3. Bendy smiley man, Bendy, Bobby Lucy.

4. Squeezie Earth.

5. Gus the fish, Climbing fish key chain, Sand animal fish, Fishing Joe
Bender, Squeezie fish.

6. Clapping hands.

7. Flag pin.

8. Squeezie shark, shark pincher.

9. Wand: celestial wands, pearl wands, whimzee wands.

10. Water wiggle.

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