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goodness never dies

any good deed by anybody never be unrewarded

may be nobody may notice it

may many becomes enemy

may many insults and obstacles become

part of daily activity..

which confuse whether we are in the

right path or aimlessly trodding upon the unknown

so much sorrow that accursed in the heart

agony and melancholy stoickness touches day-to-day activity

by the slow poison assimilating in the vain and cells

of unfaithful and ingratitude’s

this is nothing but out of our own making

where mysterious fructification of past actions.

no body to be accused or to avenge upon

no body to blame

only own self to wear the cloth of patience

and calmly watch the play of nature

interminantly in our own works tirelessly

Surmounting the obstructions

to be continued...

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