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1.Form: Infinitive form of the verb Verb to be + verb in –ing form

2.Spelling rules:
3rd person s Verb in -ing form
 -s, -ss, -ch, -tch, -sh, -x: + es /iz/ (eg. catch-  -e: no e + ing (eg. take-taking)
catches)  -ee: + ing (eg. see-seeing)
 -o: + es (go-goes)  -ie: no ie + ying (eg. die-dying)
 consonant + y: no y + ies (eg. try-tries)  consonant+short vowel+consonant: double
 vowel + y: +s (eg. play-plays) consonant+ing
(eg. run-running)
3. Auxiliary verb: DO, DOES VERB TO BE

4.Adverbs: Frequency adverbs (never, always, hardly Now, today, this week, at the moment, right now, etc.
ever, often, sometimes, once a week, twice a
month, etc) Always (too often): eg. She’s always forgetting her
Always (every time): eg. I always make a cake on keys at home.

5. Use:
 Routines or repeated actions  Something happening now, at the moment
Eg. I usually get up at 8 a.m. Eg. It’s raining cats and dogs at the moment.
 Facts, things that are always true  Temporary actions
Eg. People speak French in France. Eg. I usually work in the mornings, but this week I’m
working in the afternoons.
6. Stative verbs: Verbs that cannot be used in the continuous tense.
 Thinking: think, agree, believe, forget, know, realize, recognize, suppose, remember, understand, etc.
 Feeling: like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, enjoy, matter, depend on, want, etc.
 Possession: have got, own, belong, be, etc.
 Other verbs: consist of, contain, deserve, exist, mean, seem, promise, refuse, forgive, need, hear, etc.

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