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By Chitra Gounder

 Select any industry from India.

 Overview of industry.
 Analysis the financial status of industry, its
growth, development and future projects in this
 Industry influence in Indian economy.
 Comparison of any two corporate in the
industry selected.
 Analysis the financial status of corporate, its
growth, development and future projects in this
 SWOT analysis of the study.
 Conclusion of the study.
 Film industry
 Steel industry
 Cement industry
 Energy industry
 Aviation industry
 Food processing industry
 Textile industry
 Steel industry
 Telecom industry
 Leather industry
 Tourism industry
 Packaging industry or any other industry
 Name of industry and company should be
submitted on or before 21 August 2010.
 Name of group member should be submitted
on or before 21 August 2010.
 Hard copy should be 50 pages -70 pages.
 Theme fonts should be in Times New Roman
(Font size12) with a Line spacing of 1.5.
 The final project should be submitted on or
before13 September 2010.
 Presentation dates will be announced after
final project submission.
 Chapter 1: Introduction
 1.1 Introduction
 1.2 Scope of the Study
 1.3 Statement of the problem
 1.4 Objectives of the study
 1.5 Research methodology
 Chapter 2: Profiles
 2.1 Industry profile
 2.2 Company profile
 Chapter 3: Literature Survey
 3.1 Conceptual and theoretical review
 3.2 Research review
 Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation
 4.1 Analysis Part – I
 4.2 Analysis Part – II
 Chapter 5: Conclusions
 5.1 Results and Discussions
 5.2 SWOT Analysis
 5.3 Limitations
 5.4 Conclusion
 5.5 Suggestion
 Bibliography
 Appendix

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