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Tentative programme for B1/07 “clinical pharmacy refresher gathering”

Day 1: Tuesday 9th Nov 2010, Venue: to be announced

Time Activity and topic Facilitator /

9.15 – 10.15 Intro to mental health pharmacy Mr Benny

10.30-11.30 Intro to paediatric pharmacy Mr Kingston

13.30 – 14.30 Intro to geriatric pharmacy Dr Low Bee Yean

14.45 – 15.45 Intro to ICU pharmacy Mr Syed Shahzad

Day 2: Wednesday 10th Nov 2010, Venue: to be announced

Time Activity and topic Facilitator /

9 – 12 noon Workshop on PCP (pls get the cases from BE + SSH + KIR
sem 8 elearning portal under CP II module
and prepare before hand)
13.30 – 14.30 Formative assessment (online MCQ) BE
Briefing about the e-learning portal for sem

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