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JMARS (Java Mission-planning and Analysis for Remote Sensing - ASU) Due 10/27/10

1.1 Download and install the public version of JMARS from

Work your way through the Tour of the JMARS interface, and Tour of the JMARS Layers.
There are 8 tutorials posted on the Jmars wiki, 1-7 and MSIP. Work through the MSIP tutorial sections
1-6. Then work through Tutorials 1 and 2 (these are much shorter).

1.2. Mapping the morphologies of Mars at different wavelengths

Q 1.1. In colorized MOLA topography, zoom in to the southeasten flank of Arsia Mons right at the
break in slope (Centered: 11S, 242 E, 128ppd). View it with nighttime THEMIS IR, daytime THEMIS
IR, and MOC, zoom in and out to get a perspective on the features. Describe what you see as a function
of wavelength (and time of day): MOLA, IR night, IR day, Visible.
Record a simple description of the surface.

Q1.2. Using the method outlined above, zoom into the Gusev Landing Site (Mars Exploration Rover
A), and using the same datasets, answer the same question as in Q1.1.

Q1.3. What are the differences between Visible and Thermal? How does Thermal look differently from
night to day? Which wavelength gives you the best perspective for identifying the composition of
surface materials?

1.3. Quantitaive Datasets

Q1.4. Find Melas Chasma (12 S, 288E).

Generate a plot of the following characteristics across the valley from N-S.

TES Albdeo
MOLA Elevation
TES Thermal Inertia

Q1.5. Generate and save a 3-D view of the canyon. How does it compare to the Grand Canyon on Earth
(depth, length, width). You will have to use Google Earth to see what is going on the in the GC.

1.4. The Write-Up

Answer all questions and submit figures embedded in a single document file. (.pdf)

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