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Pic have been sent by Santosh Shinde at Photo desk

Pradeep Gupta/ TNN


A monkey who has created terror at Amberanth, Badlapur and Ulhasnagar area finally
has been caught by an alert villager Prakash Suryawanshi at Ambernath’s Pawar section
area where from on Wednesday late night monkey was rehabilitated to Malsej Ghat.

Interestingly initially on Tuesday evening when Suryawanshi resident from Pawar section
area in Ambernath first spotted monkey and caught him and then he tied him with the
normal rope but smart monkey managed to break down the rope and flee from
Suryawanshi’s residence where from later he again attacked four people including
Suryawanshi’s son.

According to Suryawanhsi, “When I heard that monkey had again attacked four people
including both my son in the area I immediately started hunt for him and managed to
caught him on Tuesday late night from the village”.

This time Suryawanshi tied monkey with iron belt so that he can not flee and create
problems to any other peoples.

On Wednesday morning then Suryawanshi informed Forest Officials who came over
there. Shockingly when forest officials were trying to catch monkey they were getting
difficulties to handle monkey because of which they had to take help of the PAWS (Plant
and Animal Welfare Society) an NGO working for the animals, who then brought net for
monkey and with the help of which later monkey was rehabilitated far away from city at
Malsej Ghat

According to Devraj Rathod, Regional Forest officer, Badlapur range, “Monkey had
attacked many people and that why there was need to shift him far away from city where
he can live with other monkeys so we rehabilitated Malsej ghat where many monkeys
lives on ghat”

Since last few days the monkey had created terror amongst the residents after he attacked
more than 30 peoples including children’s and women’s in the locality. Due to terror of
the monkey worried resident of the area were keeping bamboos poles at their homes.

The forest officials who rehabilitated monkey believes that he could be first came to
Ulhasnagar area where he attacked around 15 peoples and later when Fire Brigade
officials traced him and rehabilitated to Badlapur forest he then chosen Badlapur city
where he attacked around 12 peoples and then on Tuesday he targeted residents of
Ambernath area.

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