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Da Wagon Kannon

Big Mek Kogtoof swore obscenely as his precious truck got blasted to pieces
by the Imperial guns. He started to kick the Gretchin swarming around his
feet. He swore again as he stubbed his foot of a piece of Grot Artillery and a
Grot came flying out the end.
“Dat gives me an idea,” sniggered Kogtoof to himself.

Unit: 1 Wagon Kannon

Type: Super Heavy Tank, Moving Scenery

Structure Points: 10

Weapons and Equipment:

• 1 Wagon Kannon
• 6 Twin-Linked Big Shootas
• 3 Big Guns

Transport: The Wagon Kannon has a huge platform on its roof, designed to
hold dozens of Orks as it rolls into battle. The Wagon Kannon does not have a
set transport capacity, but my carry as many Models as can physically fit on
the transport platform, and may be of any unit type. The Platform may also be
accessed by enemy models to fight on or shoot from, and they may move
around as if the platform in normal scenery.

The Wagon Kannon

The Wagon Kannon is a huge gun designed to fire trucks into the enemy. To
fire the Kannon, a truck must first move into the Kannon’s breach. Once in the
breach, once per turn, the cannon may fire. To fire, first choose a point within
60” of the end of the Kannons barrel. You must then roll a scatter dice and
2D6 to find out the landing place of the truck. After landing (crashing) the truck
must take one strength 7 Hit on its front armour.

If the truck lands in another unit (friend or foe) they must immediately take D6
Strength 9 Hits.

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