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THE SOVEREIGN = Issue 7 January 2010 Obama Government Leaders Bieta sy x) a lasrdtik Me ce eD ey Aen hy Biz Info We ‘The Obama adminiaraton took its frst major step in a plan fo bat Bl firexme in the United State, ‘The Obama administration intends to force gun contrel and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens ‘ough the spning of interrationsl ‘ueaties with foreign nations. By ‘Suing interrationa estes on gun ‘control, he Obama administration eat we the US State Deparment © ‘bypass the nommalepisztive process in Congress ‘Once the US Govemment sins ‘hese irtersional testes sll US ciozens will be subject fo those gun laws created by foripn sovertment: ‘Thesearelawsthathivebeen developed and promoted by organirations sich asthe United Nations and individuals ‘suhh as George Soros 2nd Michael ‘Bloomberg. The laws ae desigred and {ended fo lend to the complete ban and confscation ofall frearms. Tee Obama adminisration ic smrempting io use taeis and metinds af gun comrol that will infict major amage to our 2d Amendment before (US crizene even understand what hae Iappened. Obama can appear before ‘he public 2nd tel them that he doesnot invend to pursue any legislation (nthe ‘ited States) har williead to new aun contra laws, while cloaked in secrecy, Ds Seeetay of Stat, Hillary Cliton 'S commiting the US to intematonal treaties and foreign gu conta avs Doe: tht msan Obama it telling the truth?” Wha it means fs that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media fr votes in Congress. We will wake up one morning and find that the United States has sianed 2 treaty tha probibits fiream and ammunition fmamifacurers fom selling to ‘the publi. ‘We will wakeup anothermorning andfind hat the UShas signed treaty thar probbits any transfer of firearm ‘ownership. And then, we will wake up {etanother morning and Sind thatthe ‘UShas signed a treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the eal soverumere collection and destruction cetter 0 {ace imprisonment. "This is not a joke nor 2 false waming As sure’ a5 govermen healthcare wll be forced on us BY the Obama administration through ‘whatever means necessary. $9 Wil puncontol. Special Ops Report Suggests Assassination Pragram Aimad at “Enemise of the Stats" Kurt Nimmo: Prison Fe) ro) mamungewsmian canara Fang sarge In {Ina report posted on te Wired vebsit, Noah Shachman mentions 2.C1A plan to Int down and ill “hadists, drug deales, piates and cher enemies of ie sae” Stachmman Gites 2 repart produced by the US. military's Joint Speci Operations Univesity suggesting a plebal 2ssassnation team. “Report author and reied Lt. Cal. George Craword instead would ike fo see a permarent ‘goup with clear aubority, rainng, Goce and technology 10 go after these dangerous individuals” writes Shachman, ‘The National Guard has trained to take on “militias” as dangerous domestic terrorisee. ‘Beyond the obvious legality of such 2 program , execwnng assuned ‘errors and drug dears withoutthe tenet of tral, te suggested murder opram has another big problem. I ‘Wouldallow the government to deane

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