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1.Alcohol leaves you dehydrated and thus it's important to drink a lot of water. Water also helps
in lessening the amount of alcohol in á  á.

2.Drink a tall glass of  

. A shot of Vitamin C breaks down the alcohol content in the body.

3.Include Vitamin B rich food in your breakfast. Food like fish, avocado, potato etc. This helps


4.Soak two banana peels in water and boil it. Remover the pills and drink the water. This is one
of the quickest way to reduce hangover.

5.It is very important to drain out toxins from the body. Hot bath in the morning, helps in doing
the same.

6.Eat starchy food like rice, bread, pasta etc. Starchy food absorbed the alcohol in the body.

7.Squeeze a whole lime in a glass of water and drink it without sugar.

8.Take a spoon full of honey. Honey has fructose which breaks down alcohol levels.

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