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University of Leicester
Centre for Educational Leadership and Management
MSc in Educational Leadership Dissertation
These questions are being posed as part of my MSc final dissertation. My research is
based on the role of libraries in higher education institutions – how they are managed
and what part they fulfil in the management of teaching and learning policies. It also
aims to investigate the use of library facilities and how much of this usership is based on
information literacy skills.

The subsequent transcript will be based on anonymity and pseudonyms will be used if
strictly necessary when directly quoting responses.

Your participation in this survey will be very useful and your honest response to the
following questions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Josephine Saliba B.A., P.G.C.E May 2007

1) Does your staff attend formal meetings with library staff to familiarise themselves with
the services are offered by the College libraries?

2) Do you participate in formal library inductions and/ or information literacy programme

at the College libraries? If so, what does this entail?

3) Are LSU students formally inducted to the LSU section at the College library they
attend or is this left to individual staff members to do? If so, what does this entail?

4) In which ways is your staff encouraged to make use of library visits and/ or library
resources (excluding the LSU section)?

5) In which ways is your staff encouraged to integrate visits to the LSU section at the
library and LSU library resources?

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6) Is there any type of collaboration – formal or informal – between library staff and your
lecturing staff that you are aware of?

7) Would you be in favour of such collaboration and what sort of collaboration would you
opt for?

8) Do you think that a lack of a Curriculum Department hinders the potential of the library
service at the College?

9) How would you describe the LLRC and institute libraries’ role within the educational
management vision of the College?

10) Would you like to add any other comments on the College library system, its
management and the way it is organised or any other suggestions you might have?

Thank you
Josephine Saliba

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