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WATERHAMMER ANALYSIS by JOHN PARMAKIAN BIBLIOTECA DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC. New York Lay w PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION ‘Aum-Cuaucas Muorscronna Courar ‘Busowan-Lawa-Hascuron Comoran ‘Tam Janes Levent & Compan Nawrorr News Sumraonaixa axo Dat Doce Couraxe 3. Monga Surra Couranr In this connection I am especially indebted to G. Dugan Johnson, Chief Hydraulic Engineer of 8. Morgan Smith Company, for ini- tinting and obtaining this cooperative assistance. Much valuable assistance was given by my past and present colleagues at the Bureau of Reclamation. Of these I wish to thank F. E, Cornwell, C. C, Crawford, and W. E. Evans, whose suggestions have influenced much of the text material. The illus- trations were prepared by R. H, Williams. ‘The solutions of the waterbammer problems at the end of the book were worked out independently by Benjamin Donsky and C. W. Lundgren. The assistance of Mr. Donsky and F. 0. Ruud in proofreading the text and illustrations is also acknowledged. Finally, I wish to thank L. N. McClellan, Assistant Commissioner and Chief Engi- neer of the Bureau of Reclamation, and Professor Warren Raeder, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University ‘of Colorado, for the privilege and opportunity to teach the first ‘course of study on this subject at the University. Joun PARMAKIAN Denver, Colorado Preface to Dover Edition The Dover edition of Waterhammer Analysis is the same ‘as the original edition with the exception that several subscript errors and missing decimal points in a few of the figures have been corrected. To date no important exceptions to the material contained in the book have come to the author’s attention, Jorn Panmaxtan Denver, Colorado ve Water Column Theory. -- +. 5 + 1. Basic Equations. . 2. Uniform Gate Operation 3, Bmmple... 2... 4 Bauialn Leng of Pp i 5. Limitations of Theory . Elastic Water Column Theory ee 6. Basic Considerations . 7 Condition of Dynamic Equilibrium 8. Condition of Continuity : 9. Fundamental Waterhammer Equations. 10, Physidal Significance of Waterbammer Equations Velocity of Waterhammer Waves. . . - 1, Sioa, Cashion and TransitePpes 12, Wood-stave Pipes... - 13. Reinforced Concrete Pipes... M4. Circular Tunnels... = 15. StoeLlined Cirenlar Tunnels. Waterhammer Wave Reflection... . . . 16. Ata Reservoir. 1, Ata Dead End < | | Ata Change in Grossaectional Area. |. 10. Ata Junction of Three of More Pipes. - 20, Ata Partially Open Gate... .. 19 95 Oo CONTENTS ‘Watethammer for Rapid Gate Movements. . - ‘21, Instantaneous Gate Movements... ss. . 30 22, Gata Movenenta Competed in Lam Than 21/6 Seconds errr 4 ‘Watethammer for Slow Gate Movements... - 23, Baslo Considerations. 6. ss ws eet 4, ‘Time Intervals Used in Computations - + 25, Example. ss... 30 ote a 28, Interpretation of Solution Theory of Graphical Waterhammer Analysis for Gate Operation... «+ 27, Conjugate Waterhammer Equations... 45 28, Gate Discharge Equation... . 5 48 29. Graphical Solution for Gate Closure a Watethammer Produced by Gate Closure. . « 30, At the Mid-length of Pipe. 31, At the Quarter Points ofthe Pipe Line 32. Pipe Line with « Stepwise Change in Diameter. 55 33. Partial Gate Closure 34. Gate Clonure with a Relel Valve... 2 88, Cont Gate ated Ary fom Outlet Bad of| cere vee OL 36. contol Gata Lacated ab Upper ea of Pipe oe OL Waterhammer Produced by Gate Opening . « ‘37, Fallin Presrure Produced by Gata Opening 63 £38, Pressure Riso Produced by Gate Opening 63 39, Rhythmic Opening and Closure of Control Gate. 65 Waterhammer for Uniform Gate Operation . . « 40, Uniform Gate Closure to Zero Gata 7 41, Uniform Gate Opening from Zero Gate « 30 37 45 52 63 70 xi. xi. Xill, XIV. XV. CONTENTS ‘Watethammer in Pump Discharge Lines Caused by Power Failue .. ++ - 42. Transient Conditions at Punp and Discharge Une. ss. es occ “ 43, Toertia Equation eee te 70) 4. Pump Characteristion se 78 45, Waterhammer Equations.) 2... ss a 46. Graphical Waterbammer Analysis... . 83 Wales Colomn Siparaton «s+ s ot Waterhammer Charts... Beet pra orn gas bocua charge Lines 50, Effect of Changes in Pumping Head... . 51, Pump Discharge Line with Check Valve... 32, Pump Discharge Lin with Long Suction Line 153, Effect of Control Valves - 34. Blarting and Stopping Pumps . esses ‘Waterhammer Analyses Including Effect of Hy- draulic Losses... . . - eee 55. Losses Concentrated at Intake . . 101 166. ‘Losses Concentrated at Pump Discharge Outlet . 103 ‘57, oases Concentrated at Several Points Along Pipe 105 Waterhammer Analysis for Compound Pipes . - bees s 106 . 0 Pipe Line with « Dead-Bod Branch Connection . 111 81. Compound Pipe System with Two Control Gan, 11 camer eer ne na Approximate Methods of Graphical Watetham- mer Analysis... se ee $3. Houvet Uniform Pipe Apposimation . - - 115 G4. Pipe Line with Surge Tank . . U6 93 101 106 115 XVI. XVI. XVIIL, como? Discharge Characteristics of Gates and Valves . oe Soe cence de Sot iteawe Sooo Suge Tanks. 2 mean Air Chambers at Pumping Plants... 2... TL. Operation ee see BBL 72, Basie Considerations : 73. Graphical Solution ‘ 74, Air Chamber Charts... | eee 7. Eumple..... 1. ae ML 76. Water Level Controls 22) 2 oat References... ee Problems... ee ee Index ve ee ee 120 193 131 143 147 157 DQ Notation ———————— Description 1. Conduit Dimensions and General Symbols Cross-sectional area of pipe or conduit ‘Thickness of pipe wall Inside diameter of conduit, Inside radius of conduit Modulus of elasticity of pipe wall material ‘Modulus of rigidity of tunnel material Acceleration of gravity Bulk modulus of water ‘Total length of conduit, Length of any uniform section of conduit Specific weight of water Distance measured positive from lower end to point on conduit Distance measured in opposite direction from ‘Height of point on conduit messured above eater line of control gate Angle of slope of conduit Poisson's ratio for the pipe wall material ‘Longitudinal stress in pipe wall Circumferential stress in pipe wall 2. Pressure and Head Symbols for Gate Operation Pressure head for steady conditions (when gate is submerged, His taken as the ‘et head on gate) Presaure head for surge eondit Pressure rise above normal Pressure drop below normal Ratio H/He Friction head Ratio H;/He Unit pressure Symbol S Poms anmoen 8 Units fe ft fe ft Ib/te Ib/te ft/sec? Toye fe ft lye ft. fe ft byte Ib/te ft fe tt fe ft lot NOTATION Description Velocity and Time Symbols ‘Velocity of pressure wave Round trip wave travel time Number of 2L/a time intervals Initial steady flow in conduit, Time Time of gate travel ‘Velocity in conduit for final steady condi- tions Velocity in conduit for surge conditions ‘Velocity ratio ¥/Vs ot V/V, Difference between initial and final steady velocities J. Waterhammér Symbole Pressure wave travelling in direction of +2 Pressure wave travelling in direction of —2 Pipe line constant Reflection factor ‘Transmission factor . Gale-Opening Symbols Crose-sectional area through gate opening Gate opening factor as defined by equat (28) Coefficient of discharge through gate EBilective discharge area of gate Proportion of full gate effective opening . Pump Operation Symbols Ratio of pump speed at any time to rated Pump speed Ratio of pump input torque at any time to pump input torque at rated speed and head Pressure head for surge conditions measured above the pump intake water surface elevation ‘Symbol Units {ft/sec wee f8/e0 see ee. ft/sec ft/sec tt/see ft/e00 ft ft fe 10/200 te fe 3° NOTATION Description Pumping head for initial steady pumping conditions Rated pumping head Friction head Ratio of pressure head for surge conditions to rated pumping head; h= H/He Ratio of friction head to rated pumping head Defined by equation (50) Pump input torque Pump speed Pump efficiency at rated speed and head Angular velocity of pump and motor shaft Flywheel effect of rotating parts of motor, Pump and entrained water Mass moment of inertia of rotating parts 7, Surge Tank Symbots Cross-sectional area of pipe Cross-sectional area of surge tank orifice Dimensionless parameter Cross-

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