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Technology Class Procedure

Introduction to the Topic

Ask questions to the students about the New Topic that they
Present powerpoint slide with Visual material to explain the
Ask the students how they can solve problems using this ne
Show application cases by associating the common life expe

Organize individual and group activities to solve thru pre-pr
Offer assistance and ideas to each student on specific quest
Use Internet thru pre-analized websites as visual aid to supp

Ask the group specific questions and let them answer volunt
explaining when they are wrong making deeper questions t
Review with the Projector the procedure to Save all the exce
One weekly homework using Office tools and develop one p
Provide specific websites where students can investigate an
Use email (mi entorno) to send the homework to control Nam
to get used to work in an cibernetic environment for informa

Monthly Test
ew Topic that they will learn.
rial to explain the topic and compare with the answers they previously provided
lems using this new topic material
common life experiences with the New Topic that we are going to learn

o solve thru pre-prepared and saved excercises in specific folders inside the computer
t on specific questions when doing the excersises activity on the computer
s visual aid to support the explanation given on the powerpoint slideshow shown at the

hem answer voluntary. Write the answers on the board and correct them
deeper questions that lead the student to think again about the answer.
o Save all the excercises under student's Name

and develop one project based on the new Topic Contents

can investigate and find material to construct their homework
work to control Name of the student, date homework was sent and help the students
onment for information exchange.
y provided

de the computer

how shown at the introduction

lp the students

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