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Pulled and Pushed into Position

We waged war for far too long,

The score is dried up and dead,
Monsters have made chalices out of our heads,
Spoon fed ultra violence,
The mice have claimed to become men yet fled the
Left the innocent to drown,
Got down and dirty with the whores of Babylon,
This comes as no surprise,
The lies begin to overflow,
Our heads will not hold them in anymore,
The truth must be exposed,
The letters must be sent and best represented by a
clear conscious head of state,
For as of now we live in a state of the undead,
Flowers to wilt and soil that just isn’t rich enough,
Mineral depletion,
Hormonal harmony lost,
Cerebral diarrhea host,
A ghost at your front door,
Most beings would get sick at what we so endure,
Letters and numbers compute this world so low
Shapes and symbols laugh at our inability to learn
the ways of the core,
We are being pulled and pushed into position,
The question is…
What will you do with it?

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