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Summary of Problems reported CONTEC-HILLMED-KANGER


All equipments

 Most have no brand or serial number.

 The presentation of software CDs is poor.
 User manual presents poor information and data is limited.
 It does not bring any operation manual .
 The software and manuals are in English and not has a Spanish version.
 The equipment is transported in a weak packaging.

Multiparameter Monitors
- On some monitors 6000 - 7000 there were failures in the temperature measurement. It takes
too much or not reach the real value.

Ambulatory Pression Measure system (Map)

- The programming of the time intervals for each measurement does not match the software.
- The strap of the case to the equipment is too short. (Fixed in the workshop)

 The software of some ECG 300G failed. (In Chinese)

CMS 600B portable ultrasound

 The dragball circuit was not properly installed. (Fixed in the workshop)

CMS 600A ultrasound Pedestal

 There were failures in the Transducer card. (In Chinese)

Stress Test HM-Treatmill
- It has a misalignment of the belt due to the structure.
- On a computer there were failures at the power circuit. (Fixed in the workshop)

Portable X-ray HM-30

 The chrome accessories is of poor quality and presented early rust.
 The collimator radiation leaks.
 The stand is unstable.

Surgery Lamps
 Failure in cable connection. (Fixed in the workshop)

Electrical Operation Tables
- The electrical control does not apply. (Fixed in the workshop)
- The order to drop the table does not have a top limit.
- Painting of poor quality. (Fixed in the workshop)
- The chrome accessories is of poor quality and presented early rust. (Fixed in the

Hydraulics Operations Table

- Painting of poor quality.
- Problems in the mechanical braking system.
- It is difficult to maneuver and it has not a neutral position.
- The chrome accessories is of poor quality and presented early rust.

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