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"To follow is a virtue if you are following someone who has something real to

13. "If a teaching just seems to make no sense do not trust it until it does
make sense."

14. "No earthly teacher is flawless."

"The rising teachers of the human race will teach through the authority of
the soul instead of through the sanction of an organization."

"No great teacher has expected to be a light to the world all by himself."

"You know a teacher is doing a reasonable job when he finds his students
can get along fine without him."

33. "The best any teacher can do is relate the truths he has received and
wait for the seeds to grow in their proper places."
"The true student tests the teacher and makes sure that the teacher is one
who is capable of leading him or her to greater knowledge."

"Teachers do not look for one who performs the appearance of work, but a
student that one can truly depend on who will be a great asset to
accomplishing the goal."

"The true teacher will dedicate his excess abundance not to self, but to the
benefit of the whole in the way he sees best."

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