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The Next moment

Life is a cycle/

So they say/

Comprised of a million tiny moments/

Morphing into great arcs/

Sending out ripples in to the world/

So what does the next moment bring?

Of what is it the harbinger?

Glamor, glitz…

Romance, passion…

Love, heartbreak…

Joy, despair…

Wealth, poverty…

What does the next moment place on your doorstep?

One moment you laugh, the next you frown/

One moment you smile, the next you scowl/

If you say life is a cycle of a million tiny moments/

Then I say it’s a myriad emotions, myriad feelings/

No straight path is life/

The moments meandering hither and thither/

Where you will/

Just out of your grasp/

So what does the next moment bring?

Bafflement, wonder…

Amazement, anger…

You may whip out your looking glass or you may prognosticate/

All to no avail/

Only hold on tight for the next moment/

For life is a cycle/

Mythili Tummalapalli

09 November 2010

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