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When the Print Goes Blank


Click. Click. Click. Everything now goes with a click, but not with the click of a retractable pen but with
the click of the mouse, the keyboard, and the cellphone. This era has brought us to an age where
everything is available in an instant. This trending computer driven era and almost printless society of
ours make us face this one question – What is left for print media?

The computer has made things a whole lot easier for us, that is pretty much something that everyone
can concede to. Who would have thought that your research assignment can be done is less than a
quarter of an hour, who would have thought that a thesis or a dissertation can be done in a month, a
week or even less, who would have thought that the news that occurred today will be reported in a
matter of seconds, who would have thought that all these things can be available in an instant. But it is
quite unfortunate to think that mother of all these instant information is left to rot with cobwebs and

Print media has been around ever mad learned of his capacity to write and of his ability to create ink
and paper. You know this is how the entire computer generated information started; it started with the
writing of the idea of the mind that now is a concrete body. It’s good that there are still people who
would collect books because there is still that inherent value that is imbedded in the book. It is a
collectible, it is an heirloom, and in other cases, it is a book. But other than the unfortunate event that
some print media are forgotten, a more unfortunate event that print journalism is taken for granted.

Of course, everyone wants to be updates in a matter of seconds that in a snap of a finger and a click of
the mouse, there goes the news you need. How can print media battle with that? The newspaper
undergoes processes it takes a day to bring you the news that occurred yesterday. Sadly, that becomes a
thumbs down for print media. But come to think of it, did the computer media under such hard work
and process? Did computer media fuel the modern journalists that create the news blogs and websites
that we have now? The access that both media give is just a matter of time, but if we want the best
source for the most recent, latest, and well covered news, print media like newspapers, magazines, and
journals are still the best. You ask why? Because of the sweat and hard work that go with it, because
media men would die for print media just to give society the information they need, because there is
passion enclosed with every print of this kind of media.

The ink to the future of print media is blurring. Like how a dot-matrix prints on paper. Let us not forget
that print media is still the mother of the internet child. Appreciate the new, but treasure the old.

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