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r What is dengue fever.

r Characterstics of the Aedes mosquito.
r Symptoms of dengue fever.
r How the aedes mosquito transmit the disease.
r How to prevent the spread of dengue fever.
r The 10 minute mozzie wipe-out exercise.
What is dengue fever ?
r ©engue fever is illness caused by infection with a virus
transmitted by the aedes mosquito.
wharacteristics of the aedes
r §ne distant physical feature Ȃ black and white stripes
on its body and legs.
r Bites during the day.
r Lays it legs in clean, stagnant water. A pool of water as
small as twenty cent of coin is all that needed for it to
mptoms of the dengue fever.

r Headache.
r Prolonged fever.
r Skin rash.
r Muscle and Joint pains.
r Vomiting.
tep of transmit the disease͙

r Step1.Mosquito bites and sucks blood containing the

virus from an infected person .
r Step2. virus is carried in the body of mosquito.
r Step3.and passes the virus to healthy people when it
bites them.
Ú ere is no such treatment and vaccines are available
but we can take precautions such as ǥ

r Proper rest .
r Balanced diet.
r ©rink plenty of fluid.
r Apply odomos on body.
his is what u can do to help͙

r Prevent Aedes mosquito from breeding.

r Remove all sources of stagnant water.
r Precautions .
6 minute mozzie wipe out
r Change water in vases alternate day.
r Remove water from flower pots.
r Turn over all pails and water storage containers.
r ©o not throw cups and bottles anywhere which can
collect rain water and breed mosquitoes.
r Cover all toilet seat bowls.
pread the dengue prevention

Let your family, friends and neighbors know about the

dangers of breeding mosquitoes and how they can
help to stop it.
hank You

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