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Jacob Alexander

Willow Watson

Death Ray
Archimedes was a Greek mathematician, engineer, and
inventor and he is often regarded as one of the greatest
minds of the ancient world. Born in 287 BC, Archimedes is
credited with many breakthroughs within the mathematical
and scientific worlds of the time. He was killed during the
Siege of Syracuse in 212 BC where his last words were “Noli
turbare circulos meos” or “Do not destroy my circles.”
Archimedes is often associated with the invention of the
death ray.
The death ray is a series of mirrors that align in
such a way that they focus light into a small area and
catch an object on fire. The purpose of the “Death ray” was
to catch enemy ships on fire as they invaded Syracuse. This
invention was thought to be the most effective of his war
devices, and may be the reason that Archimedes was able to
hold off the invading soldiers for nearly two years.
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