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We are the children of Utkal, the land of excellence. Kalinga has a great history. Nearly 2400
years ago, great Kalinga war happened which transformed, Asoka The Great. We have great
emperors like Kharabela. Great history of fine arts and merchandise over sea. But these does
not make us unique. At best a civilization like Rome or Mesopotamia, which were once upon a
time great civilizations. We can find there reminiscence of those great civilizations through
excavation and preserving in museum, in some books or in some blockbusters movies and
documentaries. That is all about those great civilizations. Rome civilization had ruined to dust by
the invasion of Chritianity and so do Mesopatamia by invasion of the Persians We have all the
ingredients in our history that are comparable to above ones, in many cases excelled, but that
does not make us unique. We can find what Utkal civilization, not going to a library or in books,
but in the villages and towns of Orissa. Alive and kicking. We are unique and blessed because
genesis of our culture is based on Jagannath. What we called Srikhetra is inside Orissa, mark
any part of Srikhetra, is not outside Orissa. Sriketra, the Land of divine prosperity. This makes
us unique, this makes us great. Where eternal truth is the foundation and blended to form a
culture which can and have sustained in the ups and downs of the history.

Here I am going to give a spiritual glimpse of our religious philosophy starting the journey from
our self, the soul upto Jagannatha, The Lord of Universe. And why He is, what He is. I have
taken 3 beautiful slokas to explain about the journey of the soul, from individuality to

Sloka 1..

Pratah smarami hrudisam spurat atma tatwam

Sat-chit-sukham paramahansa gatim turiam.

Jat swapna, jagrata, susupti mamay ti nityan

Tada brahma niskalamaham, nacha bhuta sangraha.

Literal Meaning:

I remember in my heart, the essence of atma (Spirit) which is eternal, deepest conscience and
absolute bliss, which is path of the greatest swam (Paramahansa), the state of Turia. Who is not
deviated, in all the three states of mind such as dream, awake & deep sleep. I am That Bramha,
without blemish, not attach to the 5 elements.


This is the first sloka of a sequence of 3 slokas, which have very deep meaning, beauty in
reciting and which gives instant peace. The most fundamental question which is intriguing and
always seems to be a unsolved mystery is “who am I”. Whether I am as being called for years,
whether I am the corporal physical being or the ever changing mental state, or the intelligence
or nothing we are. This is albeit the most difficult question before us to resolve. And how to
resolve it has been described here both in theory and practice.

The best time to explore or search within is morning time. This is the time when mind is peaceful
and calm. Here in the above sloka, tells us, we have to remember or meditate upon what we
really are, what are our characteristics in our heart. We always confused where to fix our
attention while meditating. Here it is specifically told to fix our attention on the heart. We don’t
have to concentrate on the chest, but to concentrate on the forehead, this is the point of spiritual
heart. So we need to fixed our attention on our forehead and remember our real essence the
Atma Tatwa.

The first thing it says that we are the spark of eternal, imperishable entity. So we are eternally
new, (netya). Second property is conscience, awareness. We are the spark of wisdom. A
awareness which conceives, perceives everything. A spark of cognizance and the light. Third
property is bless, the eternal ecstasy. Absolute happiness. Whch does not require anything to
be happy except oneself. So we are everything within us, but till now we are in perpetual run to
find happiness outside. Deeply engaged on various activities only because we want to be
happy. And every living being is running after the outer world, in order to get happiness. It is
really strangely mysterious.

All of us have 3 state of mind. First is awake, dreaming and Deep sleep. These state of mind
can be associated with 3 qualities .

Wakeful state ---- Satwik Quality ---- State of Balance Moderation

Dreaming ---- Rajasik Quality -----State of activities Extreme

Deep Sleep ---- Tamasik Quality -----State of inertia Lethargic

So we have these 3 state of mind in every body. But one of these will predominant depending
on our state of mind. But there is another state, the state of Awareness(Eternal Alertness) which
is beyond these three 3 states of mind. With deep meditation, contemplation one can attain that
state. All the great sages and masters are in that state. When one attains that state, practically
he never ever sleep in our mortal sense, he will be always in that state which is beyond wakeful
or dreaming or deep sleep. For example, He may be snoring, seems to be in deep sleep, but if
you will test Him, which state he is, by asking a question, he will answer immediately and again
start snoring. So our aim is to attain the state of Turiya, which is beyond triple qualities, which
is beyond the grip of nature, the state of eternal awareness. We are that. In another word this is
the state of Paramahansa (Great Swam). There are very unique qualities of a swam. It used to
floats on water for long time, search food on or inside water, merry make with one another , do
practically everything on water, yet the water never drain the the Swam, barely touches it’s
feather. The sansara, the world is like water, who can live in the world and not become
worldly(Sansary) is in the Hansa state. Another characteristics of Swam, which is a provarb that
if we give milk mixed with water to it, it will take only milk and leave behind the water. So it can
symbolize who can distinguish between Sat and Asat (Truth and false), and established in
truth. Another quality of swam is who can fly high on the sky. So symbolizes that who can attain
deep meditation. So Paramahansa represents symbolically the best Hansa. And all of us are
potentially That, the Soul. Beyond any blemish Beyond the attachment of all tatwas(Earth,
Water, fire, Air, Sky ).

2nd Sloka

Pratah bhajami manasa bhachasa agamyam

Bacho bibhanta nikila jadanu grahena

Jam neti neti bachanai nigama agocham

Stam deba debam achuta ajama mahuragram


In the morning am reciting his name who is beyond the periphery of mind and words. By through
whose grace words are sprout all over the universe. Who can be known by the proper analysis
of “not this, not this” solemn words. Who is Lord of the Lords, Who is never fallen, Who is
beyond birth, Who is sweetest of the sweet.

Here in this sloka characteristics of Almighty is being explained and path to find Him. To know
Him one should know thyself first as we are all children of God. He(Paramatma) is ocean and
we(Jibatma) are the water drops. This is a scientific approach that in order to know something
about Ocean, one should begin with the quest for knowing the characteristics of water drop.
First sloka explained about what we are the self-knowledge (Swarupa Gyana). In this sloka it is
said we should recite His name in the morning who is beyond the realm of mind and words. The
mind cannot conceive Him, He is unimaginable. The words cannot express Him, He is
inexpressible. But yet he is the power behind all the words and sounds all creatures are uttering.
He is the source from where mind is getting the power to think. Oh Almighty how we can know
You then. We have no means.. He is bigger then the biggest thing we can ever find out or
through the Hubble telescope, which can explore trillions and trillions of stars and millions and
millions of galaxies. And yet we did not get a glimpse of starting and ending, in every direction it
seems infinite expansion. And yet it is only His creation, only a creation. So where to go. Where
to get Him. He is Mahato Mahiyan(Bigger then biggest). And there is a great paradox about him.
As scripture says He is also smallest of small. If we break the atom we will get electron, proton
and neutrons, it we will break them, they will break in to smaller particles and energy. If by any
chance we can break them totally, totally they will be converted into energy. And long before
that comes Hysenburg’s uncertainty principle. Then oh my God, where You are. Then how to
get him, Who is our real Father. Here in this sloka gives us a ray of hope, we have to analyze
the proper analyses. He has created this beautiful creation and there are so many strange,
diverse things in this world. Beyond the veil of this nature(Creation), He is there. All the wealth,
all the family experience, all the foods to test, all the emotions and all the knowledge are nothing
but the toys He has given us to play. He is like Mother. Every mother gives their children toys so
that they will be involved with the toys and she will get some time for other works. But the
moment the child loose interest in one toy, mother provides another toy. Ultimately when child
loose all interest in toys, remembers its mother and when child wants only his mother and when
does not want anything in the universe, then mother comes not with toys (No more tricks), but
with her empty hands to lift the baby, to keep him, in her bosom. So we should ask one
question, whether we require our eternal Mother only? If yes then the game is over She is right
there inside our heart of the heart. We can be with her once and for all. All the endeavor of
thousands and thousands of birth is over. We are Done. But it is not so easy. The eternal
Mother is too naughty, She has infinite toys She can give us to play and not to bother her.
Hence we have the only means is to analyze. Analyze and distinguish between Truth and False.
If we got the truth, to adhere to it. As it is a mile stone to go to the Absolute truth. The journey
from getting toys to getting Divine Mother. The path is called “Neti Neti” means “Not this, not
this”. If we will really practice this great Words in out life, in letter and- intent, then it will become
a cozy train for us in our life of journey. We will enjoy many different sites, sceneries, many
peoples and many experiences, playing, dancing, enjoying and yet at least we will reach Her.
And really this can be our final journey to search Him, Who is Lord of Lords, Who is infallible,
Who is beyond birth, Who is sweetest of the sweets.

3rd Sloka

Pratah namami tamasa paramarka barnam

Purnam sanatana padam, puruso tamakhyam.

Jatsmin edam jagat sesam asasa murtau

Rajya bhujanga maiba pratibhasitam bai.


In the morning I am bowing down to Him, who is combination of black and most brilliant white
light. Who is Absolute eternal state, who is being called as Purusottama. With His grace will
liberate from death as with proper light, our perception of horrible fear that we are holding snake
instead of rope disappears.

Here in this sloka, is being described about the characteristic of Paramatman. To whom we
should devote our self, who is the greatest soul(Purusa). Here is being describe that his
complexion is combination of Black and brilliant white light. Who is called Purusottama, the Lord
of Universe. Who is nothing but Jagannatha. Who is the symbol of Saguna and Nirguna (with all
characteristics and also without all), The Absolute Bramha. So time immemorial we are
worshiping the lord Jagarnath. Who can rescue the worst fallen ones (Patita pabana). That’s
why He is greatest of the great. Which are explained in last 2 lines. We are all fallen ones. We
don’t know the truth. We are roaming in this Sansara, the terrible jungle, aimlessly. If we will
devoted to Him, then with His grace, we will be blended with His characteristics, we will get the
right vision, the third eye will open, the eye of knowledge and we can see, what exactly the
things and all are . We will get rid of the fear of death, the mother of all fears. We will become
immortal. Which Vedanta proponents that we are the children of immortality. We can achieve
not in theory or mental imagination, but will attain what we are.
Here the hint of the royal path of attainment and the destination is being given. If we
will meditate we can know ourselves. Who we are. What we consist of. If we can experience the
presence of Jagannath in our deep meditation, we can go beyond the physical consciousness.
More and more we experience in our heart HIS presence, more and more we can know and
convincingly feel that we are not this body, nor mind, ner thought or intelligence. We are beyond
everything, unimaginable yet perceive the absolute presence and consciousness beyond all
senses, the perennial unobtrusive bless, WHO does not depend on anything, any means, self
effulgence, beyond any limit or origin. Perceiving HIM, we can aware about everything ion their
true nature. We will be beyond the inertia of ignorance, for the very essence for this body. Then
we will be without fear. Fear from death for there is no death persist. The body may disintegrate
and be gone to where it has come. But we will persist with all our glory. For we are the part of
the that Omniscience, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, eternal bliss. And when we completely loose
our existence in HIS presence, then we will be HE and HE only.

So this is The One the only one, The Jagannath, whom we worship. Our culture is based on
Him and how we will get Him. And that makes us, unique and great… Oh my brothers and
sisters of that Holy land, let us contemplate dive within us and stop not until we are awakened
and enlighten oneself and others.

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