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Amen hotep IV (Akhenaton) and Nefertiti

1. For what is Amenhotep IV famous?

Amenhotep IV was famous for undergoing a religious conversion, changed his name, and
then changed his life throughout Egypt.

2. What role did Nefertiti play in this change in Egyptian life?

Nefertiti played an important role In the Egyptian life because she was a proud prospect of
beauty. She was a pure example of what beauty looked like in the past.

3. Critical Thinking making generalizations- Resentment from the priests of the old religion and
the common people led to rejection of Akhenaton’s religion after his death. Why do you
think Akhenaton felt he could make such a dramatic change in people’s beliefs?
-I believe Akhenaton believed he could make a dramatic change in people’s beliefs because
he was a leader and believed that he was a prior example of what others should be. SO he
made an influential role to make sure that everyone believed in what his religion was.

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