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Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................8
Things to Know and do Before you get Started ..................................................................9
Bag Space .................................................................................................................9
Auction House Alts .....................................................................................................9
Talent Builds for Your Farmer .......................................................................................9
Rare NPCs .................................................................................................................9
Addons ...................................................................................................................10
Gatherer .............................................................................................................10
Auctioneer ...........................................................................................................10
Auctionator ..........................................................................................................10
Fishing Buddy ......................................................................................................11
Loot Filter ............................................................................................................11
MailGet ...............................................................................................................11
Quest Helper ........................................................................................................11
Chapter 1 - The Auction House...........................................................................................12
Common Mistakes & Misconceptions ...............................................................................12
Being Impatient .......................................................................................................12
Thinking I Can Share With You Magical Numbers That Will Make You Rich ........................12
Thinking You Always Need to Undercut ........................................................................13
My Realm's Economy Is Screwed Up, I Can't Make Gold In It .........................................13
I Don't Have Enough Time to Make Gold, I'm a Casual Player..........................................13
Prices Always Go Down Because People Keep Undercutting Each Other ...........................13
Getting Started ............................................................................................................13
Tracking Prices .........................................................................................................14
Using the Trade Channel.............................................................................................14
Expect to Maintain an Inventory .................................................................................15
When to Undercut.....................................................................................................15
Using AddOns...........................................................................................................15
Ten Tricks to Dominate the Auction House with Auctionator ...............................................15
Knowing Prices .........................................................................................................16
The Shopping List .....................................................................................................17
Buy Buy Buy ............................................................................................................18
Sell Sell Sell ............................................................................................................18
Big Stack Small Stack ...............................................................................................20
Splitting and Combining Cosmic Essences ....................................................................21
Closing Spreads .......................................................................................................21
Watching Your Existing Auctions .................................................................................22
No Deposit Items .....................................................................................................23
Adjusting Your Undercut ............................................................................................24
Finding, Buying and Reselling Hot Items ..........................................................................24
My Favorite Hot Items (enchanting, crafting mats and gems)..........................................25
Raid Bind on Equips...................................................................................................25
Ulduar Normal:.....................................................................................................25
Ulduar Heroic:......................................................................................................26
Eye of Eternity (Malygos) Normal:...........................................................................26
Eye of Eternity (Malygos) Heroic:............................................................................26
Naxxramas Normal:...............................................................................................26
Naxxramas Heroic:................................................................................................26
Obsidian Sanctum Normal:.....................................................................................26
Obsidian Sanctum Heroic: .....................................................................................26


Twink Items .............................................................................................................26
Level 40, 58 and 68 Greens........................................................................................27
Rare Pets ................................................................................................................29
How to Find your Own Niche to Sell.................................................................................31
Miscellaneous Strategies................................................................................................32
Artificially Inflating Prices ..........................................................................................32
Pre-Patch Buyouts ....................................................................................................32
Chapter 2 - Gathering Professions ......................................................................................33
How to Make Gold with Mining........................................................................................33
Smelting Titansteel....................................................................................................33
Farming Ore.............................................................................................................33
Farming Titanium Ore................................................................................................34
Titanium in Icecrown.............................................................................................34
Titanium in Sholazar Basin.....................................................................................34
Titanium in The Storm Peaks..................................................................................35
Farming Thorium Ore ................................................................................................36
Thorium in Silithus ...............................................................................................36
Thorium in Un'Goro Crater .....................................................................................37
Farming Cobalt Ore...................................................................................................38
Cobalt in Zul'Drak .................................................................................................38
Cobalt in Howling Fjord .........................................................................................39
Farming Mithril Ore ...................................................................................................40
Mithril in The Hinterlands .......................................................................................40
Mithril in Tanaris ...................................................................................................41
Farming Saronite Ore ................................................................................................42
Saronite in Icecrown .............................................................................................42
Saronite in Sholazar..............................................................................................42
Farming Adamantite Ore ...........................................................................................43
Farming Fel Iron Ore .................................................................................................44
Farming Iron Ore.......................................................................................................45
Farming Tin and Copper Ore.......................................................................................46
How to Make Gold with Skinning ....................................................................................47
Loque'Nahak ............................................................................................................48
Arctic Fur.................................................................................................................49
Scion of Quetz'lun - Zul'Drak .................................................................................49
Plagued Proto-Dragon ...........................................................................................49
Cobra Scales ............................................................................................................50
Nerubian Chitin ........................................................................................................51
Forgotten Depths NPCs - Icecrown ..........................................................................51
Hath'ar Skimmer - Zul'Drak ...................................................................................52
Nerub'ar NPCs - Borean Tundra...............................................................................53
Icy Dragonscale .......................................................................................................53
Drakes - Sholazar Basin ........................................................................................53
Scalebanes - Crystalsong Forest..............................................................................54
Rugged Leather.........................................................................................................55
Plaguehounds, etc. - Eastern Plaguelands ................................................................55
Cats & Yeti - Winterspring ......................................................................................56
Other Locations for Rugged leather .........................................................................57
Jormungar Scale.......................................................................................................57
Jormungars - The Storm Peaks ..............................................................................57
Jormungars - Dragonblight.....................................................................................58
Borean Leather ........................................................................................................59
Skinnable Mobs - Zul'drak .....................................................................................59


Skinnable Mobs - Sholazar Basin ............................................................................60
Knothide Leather ......................................................................................................61
How to Make Gold with Herbalism...................................................................................62
Gathering Icethorn and Lichbloom (lvl 80)....................................................................66
The Storm Peaks...................................................................................................66
Farming Adder's Tongue, Goldclover and Tiger Lily from Sholazar Basin...........................67
Sholazar Basin......................................................................................................67
Farming Talandra's Rose in Zul'Drak.............................................................................68
Farming Tiger Lily in Grizzly Hills and Howling Fjord.......................................................69
Grizzly Hills & Howling Fjord...................................................................................69
Farming Goldclover in Howling Fjord............................................................................70
Howling Fjord .......................................................................................................70
Farming Felweed & Golden Sansam in Hellfire Peninsula (lvl 60+) ..................................71
Hellfire Peninsula ..................................................................................................72
Farming Plaguebloom & Dreamfoil in Plaguelands (lvl 55+) ........................................72
Plaguelands .........................................................................................................72
Farming Sungrass in Feralas (lvl 45+) .........................................................................73
Feralas ................................................................................................................73
Farming Kingsblood in Arathi Highlands (lvl 35-60) .......................................................74
Arathi Highlands ...................................................................................................74
Farming Bruiseweed in Stonetalon Mountains (lvl 30-60) ...............................................75
Stonetalon Mountains ...........................................................................................75
Chapter 3 - Crafting Professions .........................................................................................77
How to Make Gold with Alchemy......................................................................................77
Transmuting Diamonds ..............................................................................................77
Transmuting Bars .....................................................................................................78
Mixing Potions ..........................................................................................................78
Mixing Flasks............................................................................................................79
How to Make Gold with Blacksmithing .............................................................................79
Cobalt Tanking Gear..................................................................................................80
Titansteel Weapons...................................................................................................81
Tempered Titansteel (defense) ...................................................................................83
Brilliant Titansteel (crit, mp5 & spellpower)..................................................................83
Tempered Saronite Tanking Gear.................................................................................84
How to Make Gold with Enchanting .................................................................................84
Disenchanting ..........................................................................................................84
Selling Enchants .......................................................................................................89
How to Make Gold with Engineering ................................................................................92
Crafted Items...........................................................................................................92
Crafting Guns/Scopes/Ammunition..............................................................................93
Crafting Mounts/Pets/Trinkets ....................................................................................94
Crafting Reagents/Misc..............................................................................................96
Farming Eternals with Zapthrottle Extractor .................................................................97
Cinder Clouds ......................................................................................................98
Steam Clouds.......................................................................................................99
Arctic Clouds ......................................................................................................100
How to Make Gold with Inscription ................................................................................101
Creating Glyphs for Profit.........................................................................................102
Weapon and Armor Vellums .....................................................................................104
Darkmoon Cards of the North ...................................................................................105
How to Make Gold With Jewelcrafting ............................................................................105


Cutting Gems .........................................................................................................107
Crafting Epics .........................................................................................................110
Doing Dailies ..........................................................................................................111
Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet ..............................................................................111
Shipment: Bright Armor Relic ...............................................................................112
Shipment: Glowing Ivory Figurine .........................................................................113
Shipment: Intricate Bone Figurine ........................................................................114
Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio ...............................................................................115
Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch .............................................................................116
How to Make Gold with Leatherworking .........................................................................117
Crafting Leg Armor .................................................................................................117
Crafting Cloaks .......................................................................................................119
Crafting BoE Frost Resistance Epics ...........................................................................120
Crafting BoE Epics ..................................................................................................121
Crafting BoE Rares ..................................................................................................122
Crafting Armor Kits .................................................................................................123
Crafting Heavy Borean Leather .................................................................................124
How to Make Gold With Tailoring ..................................................................................124
Crafting Spellthread ................................................................................................124
Crafting Cloaks .......................................................................................................125
Crafting Bags .........................................................................................................126
Creating Specialty Cloth ..........................................................................................127
Crafting Epic Gear ..................................................................................................128
Crafting Miscellaneous Items ....................................................................................129
Chapter 4 - Secondary Professions ...................................................................................131
How to Make Gold with Fishing .....................................................................................131
Farming Fish ..............................................................................................................131
Deep Sea Monsterbelly ............................................................................................131
Nettlefish ...............................................................................................................132
Dragonfin Angelfish and Musselback Sculpin ..............................................................133
Glacial Salmon........................................................................................................134
Raw Whitescale Salmon ...........................................................................................135
Fishing Dailies ............................................................................................................136
Blood is Thicker ......................................................................................................136
Jewel of the Sewers.................................................................................................136
Monsterbelly Appetite ..............................................................................................137
Dangerously Delicious .............................................................................................138
The Ghost Fish .......................................................................................................139
How to Make Gold with Cooking ...................................................................................139
What to Cook .........................................................................................................139
Dalaran Cooking Daily Quests...................................................................................141
Cheese for Glowergold.........................................................................................141
Mustard Dogs! ....................................................................................................142
Sewer Stew .......................................................................................................143
Infused Mushroom Meatloaf .................................................................................144
Convention at the Legerdemain ............................................................................145
How to Make Gold With First Aid ...................................................................................145
Chapter 5 - Farming .......................................................................................................147
Farming Eternals.........................................................................................................147
Eternal Fire ............................................................................................................148
Storm Peaks ......................................................................................................149


Borean Tundra (recommended lvl 70-75)................................................................150
Eternal Water..........................................................................................................150
Storm Peaks.......................................................................................................151
Sholazar Basin....................................................................................................152
Zul'Drak (lvl 76-80).............................................................................................152
Howling Fjord (lvl 70+)........................................................................................153
Dragonblight (lvl 74+)..........................................................................................154
Borean Tundra (lvl 70+).......................................................................................155
Eternal Shadow ......................................................................................................156
Wintergrasp .......................................................................................................156
Dragonblight (lvl 72-80).......................................................................................156
Eternal Air .............................................................................................................157
Wintergrasp .......................................................................................................157
The Storm Peaks ................................................................................................158
Sholazar Basin ...................................................................................................159
Grizzly Hills (lvl 76+) ..........................................................................................159
Borean Tundra (lvl 70+) ......................................................................................160
Eternal Earth ..........................................................................................................161
Wintergrasp .......................................................................................................161
Storm Peaks ......................................................................................................162
Sholazar Basin (lvl 76+) ......................................................................................163
Grizzly Hills (lvl 76+) ..........................................................................................164
Eternal Life.............................................................................................................164
Zul'Drak (lvl 76+) ...............................................................................................165
Dragonblight (lvl 71+) .........................................................................................166
Howling Fjord (lvl 70+) .......................................................................................167
Farming Cloth ............................................................................................................167
Farming Linen Cloth ................................................................................................168
Farming Wool Cloth .................................................................................................170
Farming Silk Cloth ..................................................................................................171
Farming Mageweave Cloth .......................................................................................173
Farming Runecloth ..................................................................................................174
Farming Netherweave Cloth .....................................................................................176
Farming Frostweave Cloth ........................................................................................177
Farming Relics of Ulduar ..............................................................................................179
Farming Iceweb Spider Silk ..........................................................................................180
Farming Emblems of Valor ...........................................................................................181
Farming Meat..............................................................................................................181
Chunk o' Mammoth .................................................................................................182
Shattertusk Mammoth .........................................................................................182
Mammoth Calves and Wooly Mammoths (level 70+) ...............................................182
Chilled Meat ...........................................................................................................183
Sholazar Basin (level 76+) ...................................................................................183
Rhino Meat ............................................................................................................184
Borean Tundra (level 70+) ...................................................................................184
Shoveltusk Flank ....................................................................................................185
Howling Fjord .....................................................................................................185
Worg Haunch .........................................................................................................186
Howling Fjord .....................................................................................................186
Worm Meat ............................................................................................................187
The Storm Peaks ................................................................................................187


Chapter 6 - Instance Farming ..........................................................................................188
Stratholme ............................................................................................................188
Strategy to Make Gold..........................................................................................189
Hellfire Ramparts.....................................................................................................190
Strategy to Make Gold..........................................................................................191
Scholomance .........................................................................................................192
Strategy to Make Gold..........................................................................................193
Zul'Farrak ..............................................................................................................193
Strategy to Make Gold..........................................................................................195
Scarlet Monastery....................................................................................................195
Chapter 7 - Dailies ..........................................................................................................197
The Storm Peaks ....................................................................................................197
Icecrown ...............................................................................................................198
Sholazar Basin........................................................................................................200
The Frenzyheart .................................................................................................200
The Oracles ........................................................................................................200
Kalu'ak ..................................................................................................................200
Chapter 8 - Before Level 80 .............................................................................................202
Introduction ...............................................................................................................202
Things that can be Done Regardless of Level ..................................................................202
Auction House ........................................................................................................202
Crafting .................................................................................................................202
Levels 1-30 ................................................................................................................202
Mining Copper (Level 10-30) ....................................................................................203
Linen Cloth (Level 15-30) ........................................................................................204
Skinning Light & Medium Leather (Levels 25-35) ........................................................206
Wool Cloth (Level 25-35) .........................................................................................207
Levels 30-60 ..............................................................................................................208
Gathering Bruiseweed in Stonetalon Mountains (Levels 30-45) .....................................209
Gathering Kingsblood in Arathi Highlands (Levels 35-60) .............................................209
Mining Mithril Ore (Level 43-55) ...............................................................................210
Mageweave Cloth (Levels 43-55) ..............................................................................211
Heavy and Thick Leather (Level 44+) ........................................................................212
Gathering Sungrass in Feralas (Levels 45+) ...............................................................213
Rugged Leather (Levels 54+)....................................................................................214
Plaguehounds, etc. - Eastern Plaguelands ..............................................................214
Cats & Yeti - Winterspring ....................................................................................215
Other Locations for Rugged leather .......................................................................216
Gathering Plaguebloom & Dreamfoil in Plaguelands (Levels 55+) ..................................216
Thorium Ore (Level 55+) .........................................................................................217
Thorium in Silithus ..............................................................................................217
Thorium in Un'Goro Crater ...................................................................................218
Levels 60-70 ..............................................................................................................219
Farming Felweed & Golden Sansam in Hellfire Peninsula (lvl 60+) .................................219
Mining Fel Iron Ore (lvl 60+) ....................................................................................220
Mining Adamantite Ore (lvl 64+) ..............................................................................221
Knothide Leather (Level 65+) ..................................................................................221
Netherweave Cloth (Level 64+) ................................................................................222
Levels 70-80 ..............................................................................................................223
Mining Cobalt Ore (Level 68+)..................................................................................223
Goldclover and Shoveltusk Flank (Level 70+) .............................................................224
Frostweave Cloth (Level 75+) ..................................................................................225
Borean Leather (Level 75+) .....................................................................................226


Chapter 9 - Leisure .........................................................................................................228
Running Lower Level Players through Instances..............................................................228
Begging for Gold.........................................................................................................228
Questing at Level 80....................................................................................................229
Scan Public Test Realm for Changes...............................................................................230
Browse Profession Forums for Ideas...............................................................................230
Keeping up with the Holidays........................................................................................230
Chapter 10 - Conclusion ..................................................................................................231


There are a lot of gold guides out there on the market so sometimes it can be hard to decide
which one to use. I was once in the same situation you were, in fact, I own a copy of every gold
guide that was ever written, if it was available through Clickbank that is. Every gold guide
seemed to be more of the same junk and generic tips without really ever telling you what to do or
how to do it. Some of them contained hundreds of pages of old world stuff that was no longer
applicable. Turns out this is a common strategy used to boost the number of pages in the guide
to make it seem like it's more useful than it really is, but when 2/3's of the guide was written in
previous expansions and not updated it's just useless crap you have to sort through. Most of the
guides don't even have an organizational structure or way to navigate around the guide very
easily. I spent so much time and so much money reading the same stuff over and over in every
gold guide but just written differently. I've compiled a list of problems with the "popular" gold
guides that have led me to creating this one:

• Out dated content from old updates that are no longer relevant
• No way to navigate the guide, most sections weren't even labeled or organized
• Gave me generic, obvious advice, without really telling me what to do or where to go
• Nothing mentioned was ever really a secret and hardly a tip
• Didn't really tell me how to MAKE gold

So what I set out to do was create a guide that does exactly what it claims to do. This guide
TELLS you how to get gold, down to the items to sell and where to get them. Most of the other
gold guides barely have 3 pages of information on things like gathering skills and almost none of
them have maps they just tell you to go to a zone and farm something, yet, that's how the
majority of the people in game make their money! Not only do I have maps, I have routes, and I
tell you exactly what stuff to farm and exactly where to get it, no more guess work, no more
using third party programs to figure out what these other gold guides are talking about, and most
importantly, no more wasting money on gold guides that you could have written by yourself while
This is the real thing. The features of this guide are:
• Detailed maps explaining exactly what to do, what to get, and where to go
• Farming locations given to you by someone who actually plays World of Warcraft, most of
the other gold guide authors HAVE NEVER PLAYED WOW!
• Item lists to sell in the Auction House, from someone who actually PLAYS WORLD OF

This is a real guide, made by a real person, who actually plays the game. This guide is NOT
written by someone who paid other people to write a guide for them that is so generic anyone
could have written it. I have a real navigation structure, I have real organization, you WILL NOT
spend hours trying to figure out what sections apply to you (just click and go), I will never tell you
to farm something and make you look up where to go, and MOST IMPORTANTLY...I TELL YOU HOW


TO MAKE GOLD...SERIOUSLY. Read on and see for yourself.

Things to Know and do Before you get Started

I've compiled a list of things you should know, things you should get, and things you should do
before you get started making gold. I didn't want anyone to start into the guide and not be
prepared to fully optimize their gold making experience.

Bag Space
This one seems obvious, but a lot of people don't take this into consideration. If you are going out
to gather or farm items, the most important thing you can have is bag space. I highly recommend
you invest in the biggest bags you can find, I give even my alts all Frostweave Bags (20 slots)
because that's how important bag space is. Even when collecting items to sell to vendors it's a
painful process to have to stop farming to delete things from your bag in order to keep looting.

Auction House Alts

Another obvious preparation tactic is to have an another character on the account that you're
going to be farming from. When you create this alternative character, make sure to give it a
realistic name, don't name it "Itemseller" or "Shopmart" give it name like it's a regular player. You
DO NOT want to post items in the Auction House with your main character because if someone
sees you posting a bunch of items they may add you to friends and keep tabs on where you are
going and possibly even come out and find you, then they will know how you are making gold and
do it themselves. The reason you create this character on the same account as the account you
are farming from is because all items you send to this alternative character will be received
instantly. Make sure you give your Auction House alt 20 slot bags or whatever you can afford too
with lots of bank tabs, he's going to be holding onto all of your valuables and selling them for you.

Talent Builds for Your Farmer

Unfortunately, this guide does not cover what talent build to use on your characters. I will say this
though, you should have a PvE or Farming Talent build in order to increase your efficiency at
making gold. It doesn't do any good if you can't kill NPCs fast because your in a PvP talent spec or
in a healing spec that kills slow. There are free talent builds at this site you can use, otherwise, if
you want to get some official talent builds from someone who knows your class, I highly
recommend you check out these class guides they do cost money but you get what you pay for, if
it's free, you can't really expect much from it.

Rare NPCs
A lot of gold guides use up endless amounts of pages telling you about rare NPCs and that you
should farm them. While I can't disagree that if you happen to find a rare mob you should kill it
but it's not an effective way to farm gold by any means. Which is why in this guide we are not
going to waste pages telling you to go farm rare NPCs. Some of these NPCs spawn every 8 hours,
some more, and some less, but the point is, in the time it takes for you to take a chance to go see
if they are up, you could be making gold. If you want to dedicate your time to farming rare NPCs
then I recommend you just go to the Casino instead and if you win money out of there maybe just


buy gold instead of farm it! But seriously I'm not really recommending you buy gold, I am simply
saying that spending time on rare NPCs, in most cases, is a waste of time.

Addons are what makes World of Warcraft incredibly easy and convenient for everyone: raiders,
farmers, and PvP'ers alike. If you don't have the following addons installed you will be missing
out on taking advantage of the Auction House and making things easier for yourself, which in turn
makes you a lot more gold. These aren't necessary to follow this guide but if you have them you
will benefit from them greatly. I get my addons from Curse, if for any reason the links below
don't work they were probably changed at Curse and you can go to their site to search for them
by name, but I will keep them updated as soon as I am aware of a change.

Gatherer is an addon for herbalists, miners, and treasure hunters in World of Warcraft. It's main
purpose is to track the closest plants, deposits, and treasure locations on your minimap. The
addon does not track like a tracking ability does, rather it "remembers" where you have found
various items in the past. It does this whenever you gather (perform herbalism, mining or
opening) on an item, and records the specific map location in its history. From then on, whenever
the item comes into range of being one of the closest 1-25 (configurable) items to your present
location, it will pop up on you minimap. When you view your World Map, you will also see the item
locations marked on the particular map you are viewing there.

Auctioneer Suite provides you with the tools and data necessary to make those difficult auctioning
decisions with ease. From purchasing to posting, the Auctioneer Suite provides time-tested tools
to allow you more time to actually play your characters or play the market. As you will soon
discover, it is much more than a simple "Auctioning AddOn", the Auctioneer Suite also shows in-
depth information for all game items, such as those used in quests or recipes, and much, much

Numerous other addons will also use the Auctioneer statistics you gather via scanning. This is
especially true for many of the popular crafting addons, such as Little Sparky's Workshop.
Auctioneer Suite is a complete rewrite that has taken over a year to complete and I am quite
pleased with the outcome and trust that, given a few days, you will find most tasks made easier
and, importantly, faster!

Auctionator is an easy-to-use World of Warcraft add-on that helps you buy, sell and manage
auctions (see the Auction House chapter for more detailed tricks using Auctionator). The most
complete and up-to-date information can be found at

Simply drag an item into its SELL tab and Auctionator automatically:

• displays a summary of all current auctions for that item sorted by buyout price
• selects the cheapest auction


• sets the buyout and start price to slightly undercut the selected auction

If you're happy with those prices, just click the Create Auction button. If not, select one of the
other auctions to undercut, or manually enter prices. With Auctionator, creating an auction is
usually just a matter of picking an item to auction and clicking the Create Auction button.

Fishing Buddy
A fishing addon that keeps track of the fish you catch and helps manage your fishing gear.
Features: - 'Fish Watcher' lets you see the fish you've caught here before (or the fish that you've
caught in the current session) - Display your current skill level and the time since you started
fishing - Choose your fishing outfit and change into it easily - Support for automatically adding a
lure to your fishing pole - Full Titan Panel support - myAddOns support - Preliminary support for
tracking 'cycle fish' such as the Nightfin Snapper so you know when to go looking for them

Loot Filter
Are you tired of deleting all the crap items from your inventory that you get from looting corpses?
Or are you tired of having to manually click the items you want from a corpse? Then this addon is
for you. It lets you filter loot by quality, item name and item value, and helps you keep your
inventory clean. It also features an option to easily sell or delete items in bulk.

MailGet will let you retrieve all of your mail at the click of a single button. You can click either the
"Take All" Button on individual messages, or on your entire mailbox. Blank messages with only
items attach remove immediately. Messages with text will have their items removed, but text
remain. Messages with money in them will automatically be picked up. Auction House winnings
will be retrieved. Auction House listings that do not sell will be retrieved.

Quest Helper
Quest Helper tells you how to finish your quests in the easiest, fastest manner. It includes a
database of quests, monsters, and items, telling you the exact location of that dang Perfect Satyr
Horn you can't find. It also computes the fastest path to complete all your quests - and gain
experience - as quickly as possible.


Chapter 1 - The Auction House
The Auction House is the lifeblood of any gold making strategies in World of Warcraft. It is
extremely important that everyone who reads this guide understands how to use Auctionator,
MailGet and the Trade Channel. Further, auction trading is a discipline and an art. I can't teach it
to you with one paragraph, there's no 1-trick that will give you the edge over other people.
Instead, it's a game of patience and knowledge.

Understanding how to properly use the Auction House is very important so I have included an
entire chapter focused on it. In this chapter you will learn about the essential addons to use to
make buying and selling on the Auction House much easier. You will also learn about buying items
and reselling them for a high profit. I will also discuss ways in which you can find your own niche
to make tons of gold.

Finally, in this chapter you will learn about techniques including market manipulation of the prices
of items and about bidding on items and getting them extremely cheap. It is these kinds of
strategies that are discussed in this chapter that will make using and selling items on the Auction
House much easier. You will be able to quickly assess the value of items and make informed
decisions regarding pricing.

Common Mistakes & Misconceptions

It's best to start by clearing your mind of a few common mistakes and misconceptions about
making gold on the Auction House. These are the problems I encounter most often with people
who are struggling in this area. Here's a list of common mistakes that you need to avoid if you're
going to learn to make gold on the Auction House the way I do.

Being Impatient
Some people might think that the purpose of this chapter is to teach them how they can log on
and in 20 minutes make a few thousand gold off the Auction House. Don't get me wrong, you will
'earn' thousands of gold in short periods of time but you will likely hold onto those items for
several days or even weeks before you cash in on the items you purchased. Trading on the
Auction House is a game of patience and wisdom. You won't be able to login on day 1 and earn
this type of gold either. You will need to watch the Auction House prices for several days if not
weeks before you have the confidence to start capitalizing on the price fluctuations.

Thinking I Can Share With You Magical Numbers That Will Make You Rich
Some people are looking for magical numbers, like 'buy all the Solid Stormjewels you see that go
for less than 500g and repost them at 700g'. This guide is not here to give you price guidelines
like that. I might share with you the price ranges I use but these are dependent on the realm,
faction and time that I used those prices.

The most important factor in making gold trading on the Auction House is knowing the value of
items. If you traded for 2 weeks and watched Abyss Crystals sell for 110g almost every Tuesday
evening and now see a stack of 17 Abyss Crystals at 80g each, you need to pull from your
experience to quickly make that investment before someone else does and know how long to wait
before reposting them. Knowing these price ranges for as many high volume/cost items as


possible is going to help you make gold on the Auction House. Unfortunately I can't teach you the
numbers I use, unless you play Alliance on my realm, and even then my criteria for buying/selling
changes regularly.

Thinking You Always Need to Undercut

A lot of people complain about having to undercut all the time and losing money. This is a bad
habit many people make when starting off on the Auction House, especially people who farm
something and try to sell it as quick as possible. If you farm 5 stacks of Saronite Ore and just
undercut the lowest stacks on the Auction House you're probably not going to make as much gold
as you wanted to. More than likely, someone like me will see your lowball post, buy it
immediately and post it 2 days later for a 3-digit profit.

Prices stay low for periods of time, sometimes days or even weeks. You need to be patient and
watch the prices come up before you post your items. If the prices are low, and you know it, you
can buy a lot of inventory to sell during high price periods. This is how I make about half my gold.
The other half is made from artificially inflating prices on high cost items such as but not limited to
Runed Orbs, Stormjewels and ilvl 213+ items.

My Realm's Economy Is Screwed Up, I Can't Make Gold In It

I've heard this several times. Most of the people who complain are complaining because they are
experiencing extreme price fluctuations. You actually want to see these, they are what let you
make gold. The people who complain about them are those who made the mistake of buying high
and not being patient enough to wait for prices to come back up before selling their inventory. In
conclusion, you can make gold on any realm's Auction House. I have been successful on low,
medium, and high population realms and there's no reason for you to get discouraged if you're
struggling on your realm, it's not your realm's fault.

I Don't Have Enough Time to Make Gold, I'm a Casual Player

A lot of people simply don't have time to farm, they would rather raid, do dungeons, daily quests
or just chill in Dalaran telling Chuck Norris jokes. That's actually good news, because you can
make a lot more gold per hour if you only spend 30 minutes a day checking the Auction House. In
the 3-4 hours you spend on the Auction House per week (spending about 30 minutes per day) you
can make 2-5,000 gold without much thinking. That's an average of over 1,000 gold an hour!
If you don't have a lot of time then you need to start by focusing on this part of the guide.

Prices Always Go Down Because People Keep Undercutting Each Other

This can't possibly be true, if it were everything would be free, right? It might seem obvious to
you but this is a common misconception people have when they only play during peak hours.
During these hours most prices have a tendency to plummet. They will come back up, trust me.
You don't always have to undercut, each time you post an item you have to figure at what price it
will sell and undercutting is only effective if you're posting in your desired price range.

Getting Started
The first thing you should do is start buying some cheap items and reposting them. Don't expect


to get rich right away. This is how I got started when I was new. You might lose a little bit of gold
at first but each time you lose gold you will learn a valuable lesson you would otherwise have
missed completely. Start with a few items that you can follow by checking their prices with
Auctionator a few times a day. As you get comfortable with those items continue to expand your
list. Here's a list of some basic items I would recommend monitoring in the beginning:

• Abyss Crystals
• Frozen Orbs
• Dream Shards
• Arctic Fur
• Eternal Fire
• Greater & Lesser Cosmic Essence
• Frost Lotus
• Titansteel Bar

I selected each of the above items because they have both high volume so they are traded often
enough to make things happen quickly and set at decent prices so the amount you make per
trade is suitable for your time investment (opposed to Infinite Dust, for example). The enchanting
materials have no deposit, so they can be traded much easier than the ones with expensive

When you're ready to start monitoring items with higher prices you can take a look at items like
Stormjewels (Runed and Solid are the best) and Runed Orbs which you can buy and sell every
few days to make several hundred gold per sales.

Tracking Prices
As you're getting started you should keep track of the prices of the items I listed above. The best
thing you can do is write down each item's highest price observed and lowest price observed for
each day. You will see one of my bonus materials is a Auction House Price Tracking Sheet. As you
get started, print out this sheet each week to keep track of prices. This will help you learn item
prices and when to purchase and when to sell along with how the prices change throughout the
days of the week.

Using the Trade Channel

If you can, watch trade channel in your free time when you're not actively playing. Leave WoW up
in windowed mode so you can see it while you're surfing the net (and while you're reading this).
People who are selling rare and epic items will catch your eyes. Keep an eye out for people selling
Frozen Orbs, Runed Orbs and other stuff for really low prices. It amazes me that people who just
finished a heroic will sell a Frozen Orb for 25g less than it's value opposed to posting it on the AH
and waiting a day for it to sell.

Make an offer to EVERYONE you see selling ANYTHING, even if they are asking a higher price than
you're willing to pay. Most of these people are trying to sell a large inventory of items and are
willing to go very low with their prices if they can find a buyer. Some of the best deals are found in
the trade channel.

After making a good deal, always ask the person if they have more to sell. 'Anything else to sell?'
You already know the person you're dealing with is desperate to make money, so maybe they
have some Frozen Orbs, Arctic Fur, etc. Here's your chance to really lowball them, they know they


can make the deal immediately and won't go double check prices. Know your prices, and lowball
all of them.

Expect to Maintain an Inventory

When I say inventory, I mean the items that you currently own. You may have these in your
mailbox, in your backpack or posted on the Auction House. At any given time I have anywhere
from 1,000-10,000g in 'inventory' and anywhere between 100 and 200 Auctions posted. Just like
any real world sales person you have to hold on to items for a certain period of time before you
find an appropriate buyer for them. At first, you won't have enough gold to buy all the 'good
deals' you see on the Auction House, this will come as you progress. As you get more involved in
your realm's economy your inventory will build and you will notice your gold isn't going up as fast
as you thought it would.

When to Undercut
Like I mentioned in the common mistakes section, don't always undercut. However, there are a
few important times that undercutting is essential. This is the case when prices spike up and then
come down quickly. Arctic Fur for example, on my realm hangs out around 25-35g per. This
morning the lowest price was at 65g. Of course they won't stay there for long, they have been
plummeting all morning by several gold every time someone posts more Arctic Fur. Even though
there are more sellers than buyers and therefore prices are going down, that doesn't mean there
aren't SOME buyers paying this high price for Arctic Fur.

In conclusion, when prices are shifting downward rapidly you want to undercut those prices as
often as possible so when that rare buyer comes around you make the sale. If you have 6 items
you can post 1 every hour or so that you have time to log on, post it in the cheapest position so
that your item sells for that high price. Don't post all 6 of your furs every time you undercut,
because you'll be paying more in depositors that way.

The other time to undercut is with very expensive items that people are only going to buy 1 of.
For example, you can undercut the other Runed Stormjewel that is posted on the Auction House
by only 2g. Just try to check the listing more often than your competitor so you have a better
chance of selling yours.

Using AddOns
Like I mentioned in the first paragraph, you need to install and use MailGet and Auctionator. I
wrote an entire section dedicated to using Auctionator to employ all my favorite tricks. You may
also want to install Auctioneer, and Chatter. I use Auctioneer along with Auctionator because it
has a few features that Auctionator doesn't have, such as the iLvl and percent columns when
browsing the Auction House. Chatter is a very nice chat addon which allows you to use the up
arrow to repeat what you just said, I use this for advertising in the trade channel, but I'm sure
there are other options.

Ten Tricks to Dominate the Auction House with Auctionator

When it comes to making money on the Auction House, Auctionator is the best tool you can learn
to use. Let's start by making sure you have the right version of Auctionator installed properly.

Head to Curse Gaming and find the Auctionator Addon, when I wrote this guide it was at There are two options,


automatic install and manual install. I have used both but I would recommend automatic install. If
you use automatic install, Curse will have you install a program called Curse Client. It will run in
your system tray and allow you to quickly and efficiently update your addons without knowing
how they work.
Otherwise, if you choose to use manual install, you will have to download updated versions
manually when new patches come out. If you choose this option, download and extract the
contents of the zip file from Curse into your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory:

Once the Auctionator folder is inside your World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns folder you can load
up World of Warcraft (restart it if it's still running) and it will be installed.

Knowing Prices
The first and most important point I'm including in this section is that knowing prices is THE MOST
IMPORTANT aspect to making gold with Auctionator. Auctionator DOES NOT tell you prices
(although it gives you SOME informational tooltips), only you can figure these out. It takes awhile
to get a feel for each market, and you might make a few mistakes learning it. This is not
something I can teach you. I can't tell you that Frozen Orbs will sell between 60-80g consistently
or that Dream Shards sell above 20g pretty well so if you see them lower buy them. This is only
true for the realms I play on and at the time I wrote this section.

I'm also not going to keep these price estimates updated as time goes by, since they will
inevitably fluctuate. There is also no right answer when you ask what is a Dream Shard worth.
This is dependent on too many variables, what day of the week it is, what time of the day, how
many people are playing, if it's Super Bowl Sunday, etc. Once you get a feel for the prices you'll
realize that prices are dependent not only on the current market but also on the amount of time


you're willing to spend finding a buyer. If you post Dream Shards up for 10g they will sell in
minutes. You can sell a single Dream Shard at 30g and it will probably sell but it will take a week
or more to find a buyer. The skill here is watching the prices, logging on and posting your
inventory at the right time in the right quantities depending on how fast you want to liquidate it.

When Dream Shard demand rises above supply the Auction House will start to get depleted and
prices will rise. If you're paying attention you can post remaining inventory at higher prices and
they will sell, instead of undercutting the cheapest post.

The Shopping List

The Shopping List is an amazing feature that you've got to be aware of. Every time you do a
search with Auctionator it saves the term in the left side, (which is called Recent Searches) and it
saves the term even if it's a typo :(. Next time, all you have to do is click on the name of the item
on the left and it will automatically search for the item and list the results in the appropriate
format! You don't even need a keyboard to make hundreds of gold in a sitting with Auctionator.
'Recent Searches' gets pretty packed, pretty quick. It keeps the most recently and most popularly
searched items at the top so the typos and less often search items sink down. It's even more
effective to keep Shopping Lists of your favorite items. This way when you login you can load up
your Shopping Lists to remember the hot items you have been tracking, you won't forget to look
at Dream Shards or Small Dream Shards because they'll be right there. And best of all, you won't
need a keyboard :).
Here is what it looks like, I created a fake test list to protect the innocent.


Buy Buy Buy
The buy feature in Auctionator is amazing. It will search, sort and organize all the auctions for a
specific item. The best part is that it even shows how many items are in each price range. For
instance it will say: 3 stacks of 20 or, for example, 20 stacks of 1; this tells you a lot.

After you click on the Buy tab, all you have to do is either type in the search term or click on one
of the items on the left bar. The left bar is automatically populated with recent searches or
manually populated with items if you're viewing a shopping list. Play around with the interface to
get a feel for how it works.

The coolest thing is that it makes it so easy to buy a ton of auctions. All you have to do is click on
the row with the price that you want to pay and click buy in the bottom right. It will then prompt
you asking how many of the stacks you want to purchase. This is how I start out most of my
auction sessions. I use my recent searches on the left (or shopping lists) to search for my favorite
items. When I see the right prices I'll buy them out and post them higher.

Sell Sell Sell

The Sell tab is the most useful part of Auctionator. Instead of selling things individually, calculating
and entering the values for each item, you can rapidly sell dozens of an item in a matter of
seconds. Once you have the Sell tab selected, you just drag the item from your inventory into the
Auction Item box in the top left. You can see here I put up my 149 Relic(s) of Ulduar. Auctionator
will automatically load the list of matching items in the right column and let you select which
position you want to sell them at.

I had a friend who didn't know he could select the price on the right side, he thought that
Auctionator always undercut the lowest price. I showed him how to do this and he was extremely
pleased. In the screen shot below I will probably post the Relics above the 2g 11s or maybe above
the Relics for 2g 0s. Either way, all I have to do is select the price that I want to undercut and it
will calculate the new individual and total prices.


Once you have the price highlighted you can select the duration of your auction. Always keep
track of what the deposit is, if this goes too high you might need to lower your price to ensure
that the auction will sell before the time expires. Finally, click either Create Auction, which, if
possible, will sell everything in 1 stack or select Create Multiple Auctions and it will bring up this


This dialog lets you post auctions in the stack size that you want. For Dream Shards I would
mostly do 5-10 stacks of 1, in this case I will do a 1 stack of 100 Relic(s) of Ulduar since this stack
size sells very good.

Big Stack Small Stack

A lot of people post large stacks of high volume items at low prices so that they will sell quickly. It
almost seems like they do this so people like me can pickup the stack, split it up and repost it for
a profit. Who else is going to buy, for example, 20 Frozen Orbs for 50g each? All 3 tabs in
Auctionator are really good ways to hunt down big stacks. You can even do this from the default
search screen, but I don't recommend EVER using that (unless Auctionator starts saying there are
no auctions and if that happens then logout or switch auction NPCs. Here's what a really good big
stack looks like for Dream Shards:

This guy posted 80 Dream Shards at 17g each. I had already bought 1 stack and sold 12 of them
for 24.55 and after this screenshot I bought the rest. These have been consistently selling for
22-30g on my realm, so I'm very confident that I will be able to sell them. So for a 1360g
investment I can immediately start posting these up at the positions I want, and I don't have to
wait for prices to adjust to make my profit. I'll probably sell these over the next several days for a
total of, AT LEAST, 1800g for a nice ~440g profit.

It's good to keep stack size in mind when posting or buying. Imagine a scenario where you want
to post 5 Dream Shards and the cheapest price listed is 17g. You need to look at that 17g listing
and see how big the stack is. If it says 1 stack of 20, or 2 stacks of 20, you don't need to go that
low with your price. Most people who buy things like Dream Shards don't buy stacks of Dream
Shards they buy individuals. They will search for the cheapest individually priced Dream Shard
and buy that one. The above image is a good example of this. I'll post 5-10 Dream Shards at 24g
24s right after I buy them for 17g each.
However, THIS IS NOT TRUE FOR ALL ITEMS; particularly I've noticed that Relic(s) of Ulduar sell
better in large stacks (of course so does cloth, ore, bars, herbs, etc). This is probably because
people want to buy large even numbers for turn ins. I've been buying ALL RELICS for <1g 50s and
I've never had a problem selling them for as much as 2g 80s (stack of 200). Usually they are
posted really cheap in small stacks and sell much higher in large stacks divisible by 50. I build a
stack of 200 when I can, post it between 2g-3g per and it usually sells the first time I post it. This
is a huge money maker.


Splitting and Combining Cosmic Essences
Watching Cosmic Essences is fun. At the time I write this Greater Cosmic Essences (Greaters) sell
from 11-18g consistently. Lessers sell for 3-8g each. Do the math and you'll see these match up
pretty well. But the fun part is that they don't always match up, in fact they actually hardly match
up in my experience. In the last week alone I've seen Lessers selling for 3g each and Greaters
selling for 15g, that's a 6g profit. It's not a ton but it's a really good thing to throw into the mix.
This works both ways, you can find Greaters for sale for 12g buy them and split them and 20
minutes later sell them for 5g 50s each (I did this today!). Why would anyone buy a Greater
Essence for 15g when there's a stack of Lessers for sale for 3g each? Who knows these things?

Closing Spreads
I call it a spread when items get listed with a large range of prices as a result of several poorly
planned undercuts. Here's a hypothetical example of what I mean. Let's say you search for Dream
Shards and see (5x1 means 5 stacks of 1):
12x1@22g <--- SPREAD TOP
3x1@18g <--- SPREAD BOTTOM
What we see here is that the 1x5 stack isn't an individual stack so most buyers aren't going to
buy this stack. So now we see the spread a little different, 3 items are blocking the price at 18g, 1
is sitting at 19g, the one at 20g isn't going to sell to most buyers and there is only 1 at 21g. What


you can do here is buy the 5 individual Dream Shards at 18g, 19g and 20g and repost them either
at 21g 90s or competitively somewhere higher on the stack. This might seem obscure or unlikely,
maybe it seems obvious to you (that's good) my point is that sometimes items are priced lower
than they seem. In this example the 18g Shards are a steal, ESPECIALLY considering the range
that Dream Shards usually sell.
You really have to look at stack sizes and the quantity of items that are selling at the prices to
determine how much you can afford or risk to move to higher prices. Just last night I saw Abyssal
Crystals in a similar setup, however the price differences were in 5g segments so it was a much
better deal. I was able to buyout all the individual Abyssal Crystals below 100g and repost them
all and sell them all that night. I believe my total investment there was about 400g and I resold
them for just a little less than 500g. If I hadn't bought out the low posted Crystals the perceived
value of the Crystals would have stayed well below 100 gold and I wouldn't have been able to sell
the others that high.
Here's a real example, notice where the REAL value of Shards is:

Watching Your Existing Auctions

After you've posted everything and spent 20-30 minutes shopping, buying, selling and making
numerous trips from the mailbox and back you've got to remember to check your More tab. This
will give you a recap of what you're doing. It will even show you if you're still holding the cheapest
position with all the items you have posted (green check mark) or if you have been undercut (red
X). Most of the time if you've been undercut it's not the end of the world, prices will adjust and
your item will have its time. Notice how many Dream Shards I have up right now, I took this
picture in the evening when everyone was posting so prices were dropping quickly, they'll come
back up though.
Other times you might need to immediately repost your item and undercut the other guy. Items
like Frozen Orbs, Abyssal Shards and lvl 213 epics might experience price inflation and you might
know that's about as high as they are going to go. To milk that opportunity you need to undercut
by a small amount keeping the price high but keeping the best position so that when a buyer
comes around your item sells.
In times like this (when demand is lower than supply but the prices remain inflated), you want to
keep the best position on the Auction House while prices adjust downward. Just because there are


more sellers than buyers doesn't mean there aren't buyers who aren't going to wait for prices to
adjust before making a purchase.
There's a button on the bottom you can click to refresh all active auctions or you can select them
individually and they will update.

No Deposit Items
You don't have to be an enchanter to make a ton off enchants. Items like Dream Shards, Small
Dream Shards, Lesser & Greater Cosmic Essences, Abyssal Crystals and even Frozen Orbs (this
isn't an all inclusive list, there are more!) have ABSOLUTELY NO DEPOSIT! That means you can
post them at any price you want for up to 48 hours and not pay anything if they don't sell. You
can even take them down if you want to reposition them. I don't know why Blizzard did this,
maybe to create an economy just around these items, whatever the reason this is the best place
to start for beginners to start playing the WoW market.

Start with a few items at a time, like Dream Shards and Greater Cosmic Essences, start watching
them and learning how their prices move. If you're a risk taker, which you'll need to be in order to
be really successful, buy a stack or a few low priced items and sneak them in at different prices.
This way you can see that it's not only the lowest item that sells (well, it is, but during times of
heavy buying an expensive Dream Shard will EVENTUALLY sell even though it wasn't posted as the
cheapest). Posting your items in the cheapest spot isn't ALWAYS the best strategy, it's mostly for
people who are impatient or have a lot of inventory. With no deposit items, you can play around
without risking a deposit. It's also useful for high volume items you have a ton of and need to get
rid of, just make sure you're making a suitable profit.


Adjusting Your Undercut
In the Auctionator menu (in the top right) there's an Undercutting menu. You've got to adjust
your undercut. This won't only help you make money but it will help everyone else who is playing
this game. Ever notice how prices step downward. For instance someone posts a Dream Shard at
30g, then someone posts one for 29g 90s, next someone for 28g, next 27g 90s, next 27g 80s,
etc. The people who undercut by exactly 10s are probably using an addon, the people who
undercut by a whole number of gold are both impatient, crazy and not using an addon. Now if
everyone used an addon it would take 10 posters to undercut 1 gold (10 silver per poster). This
isn't bad, but if everyone used an addon that undercut by only 1 silver instead of 10 it would take
100 posters to bring the price down by 1 gold. Of course that's pretty idealistic. Some people
might say that if you don't lower the prices enough people won't buy, that's hogwash. Most people
who need a Dream Shard for an enchant aren't going to shop around for it, they are just going to
pay the cheapest price on the Auction House. When they do this, they get a warm fuzzy feeling
inside because they think they got a great deal.
Here are the undercuts I use. This will instantly increase all of your profits.

Finding, Buying and Reselling Hot Items

Finding, buying and reselling hot items on the Auction House is one of the best things you can do
with any character, regardless of it's level and with only a little bit of gold. The trick is to know
which items will sell, how long they will take to sell and how much that buyer will pay. Some
items, like specific greens, might appear to be worth only 10-25g but in reality a new level 68
Death Knight might have the bank to drop 150g on a chest piece with the right stats. Twinks will


also buy some items for insane amounts, since your realm might only see a few of a specific item
get posted every month. Disenchanters also have the ability to scan the Auction House and buy
greens within certain level ranges below their disenchant value (see the Enchanting section for
more details). Below I'm going to share the items that I watch for, and the approximate values
they are worth.

My Favorite Hot Items (enchanting, crafting mats and gems)

Dream Shards and Abyss Crystals are my favorite items to watch. They regularly fluctuate in price
and sell in high volume (read the Getting Started section above for more details on how to start
tracking your realm's prices) and the same goes for Frozen and Runed Orbs.
Frozen Orbs sell in high volume and most buyers are impulsive. Runed Orbs are a bit more tricky,
get a good feel for what they are actually selling for on your server, don't use their posted Auction
House prices as the only guide. I bought my first Runed Orb at 1100g and sold it for 1050g, later
I learned that just because they were posted at 1300-1500g doesn't mean they sell for that much
quick enough to make a the profit I wanted. Although, when a buyer comes around they might
buyout up to 6 of them straight up off the Auction House so undercutting and being the lowest
priced Runed Orb isn't necessary. I buy almost all of my Runed Orbs from the trade channel now,
since people are willing to sell them quickly for much less than they are worth.
Stormjewels have a very small drop rate (from level 80 Fishing Dailies), it's between 2-5 per
1,000. So you're not going to see a lot of these on most realms. My favorites are Runed and Solid
but I also trade Delicate and Bold, this is just personal preference. Always check bid prices on high
priced items, sometimes a Stormjewel will be posted with a buyout of 800g but a bid of 400g, you
can bid on it and pick it up and sit on it for a few days until it sells for well over 800g (these are
the prices on my realm, not yours – learn yours first). I buy most my Stormjewels off the Auction
House, since they are still very rare and thus seldom traded in the trade channel.

Raid Bind on Equips

A lot of PUGs are running Naxx, Malygos, Obsidian Sanctum and even Ulduar these days, and
when BoEs drop either the raid leader nabs them or they do a roll. Shortly afterwards you'll see a
confused person in trade trying to sell a ilvl 200+ epic item. The secret is, they usually have no
idea how much it is worth. To be honest, sometimes I don't, but that doesn't stop me from being
the first person to offer them 500g, or 1000 gold after doing a quick wowhead search to confirm
it's a valuable item. Whenever you see someone in trade selling a level 80 epic, check the iLvl,
and if it's above or equal to 200 look up the item as quickly as possible and if you can, ask
someone who plays the class who would equip it how good it is. If it's a BiS (best in slot) item,
make a lowball offer and see if you can resell it.
Always post these items with a different character than the one you trade with. Throw them up for
2-3x as much as you expect to get for them. Then, sit in trade with your trade character selling
the same item offering to undercut the person who is selling it on the Auction House for the
ridiculous price. Buyers will feel like they are getting a good deal and you'll be able to work down
to a fair price. This strategy is covered in more detailed in the Artificially Inflating Prices section
Here's the WoTLK raid BoE lists, you should familiarize yourself with the lists when you have time:

Ulduar Normal:;cr=105:2;crs=4273:2;crv=0:0#0-2+1


Ulduar Heroic:;cr=106:2;crs=4273:2;crv=0:0

Eye of Eternity (Malygos) Normal:;cr=105:2;crs=4500:2;crv=0:0

Eye of Eternity (Malygos) Heroic:;cr=106:2;crs=4500:2;crv=0:0

Naxxramas Normal:;cr=105:2;crs=3456:2;crv=0:0

Naxxramas Heroic:;cr=106:2;crs=3456:2;crv=0:0

Obsidian Sanctum Normal:;cr=105:2;crs=4493:2;crv=0:0

Obsidian Sanctum Heroic:;cr=106:2;crs=4493:2;crv=0:0

Twink Items
A twink is a character who stops leveling at a certain point, usually level 19 or 29, and collects the
best piece of gear for each slot to fight in battlegrounds against other people in their level's
bracket (level 10-19 or 20-29). Most people choose Hunters or Rogues to twink. Twink gear, the
best stuff for levels 19 and 29, is worth tons given the right customer. Some items, like an
Assassin's Blade, can fetch a price of 500g for someone's twink. Since a server might not see this
item again for a long time, twinks will dump their wallet for a chance to have the best possible
piece of gear for their level. The best way to find these is to search the Auction House for level 19:

The next challenge is identifying items that are undervalued before someone else does. You can
use Auctioneer to show %s next to the price of each item (as discussed in the intro), this can help
you pick out under-priced items to re-list. Otherwise, I've compiled some lists of items that I
watch out for. Don't expect to find these items the first time you search the Auction House. I do
these searches almost daily.

Here's a list of level 19 twink items. Keep in mind the average value column is an average over all
realms, so this can vary on your realm and, in my experience, most items will sell for a lot more.

Item Name Average Auction Value


Shadowfang 550g

Assassin's Blade 250g

Darkweave Breeches 150g

Magefist Gloves 110g

Mindthrust Bracers 100g

Staff of the Blessed Seer 100g

Twisted Chanter's Staff 90g

Boahn's Fang 50g

Ironpatch Blade 50g

Keller's Girdle 50g

Night Reaver 50g

Sentry Cloak 50g

Here's a similar list for level 29 twinks:

Item Name Average Auction Value

Burning War Axe 120g

Vendetta 120g

Gnarled Ash Staff 90g

Vibroblade 80g

Oscillating Power Hammer 50g

Dense Triangle Mace 50g

Staff of the Shade 50g

Supercharger Battle Axe 45g

Looming Gavel 40g

Zealot Blade 40g

Level 40, 58 and 68 Greens

There are three more categories of gear that are very popular. The first is level 40 plate and mail.


At level 40 Warriors and Paladins gain access to plate armor and Shamans and Hunters gain
access to mail armor. This means that most characters will rush to the Auction House (if they
didn't already in preparation of) to upgrade their level 30s mail to plate or leather to mail. So our
job is to make sure that the prices accurately reflect the supply & demand curve (aka, we screw
them by price gouging).

Class Gear Suffix

Hunters upgrading to mail of the Monkey

Shamans upgrading to mail of the Eagle, Falcon, Monkey

Warriors upgrading to plate of the Monkey or Tiger

Paladins upgrading to plate of the Eagle, Bear, Monkey or Tiger

The next big cut offs are level 58 & 68. Characters leveling through the 50s & 60s end up with
really crappy gear compared to the Outland greens that open up at 58 and Northrend greens that
open up at 68. Once they hit that level all bets are off because they gain access to all the greens
that drop in Outland/Northrend. The stats on these greens are scaled entirely different and will
make it possible for a level 58 to breeze through Hellfire Peninsula or a 68 to breeze through
Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra. I purchase these greens, particularly the most popular of them,
and resell them a lot higher.
You can tell the difference between an Outland item and an Old World item by it's iLvl (visible with
ItemLevel AddOn or Auctioneer). Outland greens start at iLvl 84, You won't find a green from the
Old World that high. The same applies for Northrend items, however those greens start at 130.
The greens in Outlands go to about 111.
You can't just buy out all greens though. I stick to suffix items because they are so easy to
interpret and re-list. For example, you wouldn't want to try to resell cloth 'of the Falcon' since it
has agility on it (what cloth wearer is going to use agility?). Neither would you want anything that
is 'of the Wolf', since Wolf is a combination of Agility and Spirit. The most popular suffix items are
'of the Monkey' plate armor. The reason being, all three plate wearers, Paladins, Death Knights
and Warriors can use this stuff. Here's a table I came up with to help understand the relationship
between different suffixes.

bear boar eagle falcon gorilla monkey owl tiger whale wolf


Warlock x x

Mage x x

Priest x



Druid x x x

Rogue x


Hunter x

Shaman x x x


Paladin x x x x

x x x

Warrior x x

In conclusion, purchase any level 58 or 68 leather/mail/plate of the Monkey/Tiger if it's price

doesn't already reflect this increased demand. Be careful, make sure the stats reflect Outland or
Northrend stats, don't accidentally buy a level 53 green of the monkey and try to resell it.

Rare Pets
A niche you may want to look into if you have the time is pets. Pets are very popular with many
players and you can make decent profit by selling them on the Auction House. In the Leisure
section of the guide buying holiday pets is discussed but in this section I'm going to talk about
selling pets on the neutral Auction House. I should also note that often times you can sell your
faction's pets on your Auction House because many players are too lazy to visit the vendor to buy
it themselves, don't realize that the item is bought from a vendor, certain pets require certain
faction or currency to be purchased that many players don't have, and because some are on
limited supply vendors that must be farmed.

The pets in the tables below are some pets that you can buy from vendors and then sell on the
Auction House if you choose to do so.

Pet Average Auction Value Source

Cat Carrier (White Kitten) 150g Lil Timmy in Stormwind City

Mana Wyrmling 60g Dealer Rashaad in Netherstorm

Brown Rabbit Crate 30g Dealer Rashaad in Netherstorm

Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling 25g Dealer Rashaad in Netherstorm


Red Moth Egg 25g Dealer Rashaad in Netherstorm

Wood Frog Box 25g Flik in Terrokar Forest

Cat Carrier (Siamese) 15g Dealer Rashaad in Netherstorm

Magus Tirth in Thousand

Ancona Chicken 5g

Black Kingsnake 5g Xan'tish in Orgrimmar

Blue Moth Egg 5g Sixx in The Exodar

Brown Snake 5g Xan'tish in Orgrimmar

Donni Anthania in Elwynn

Cat Carrier (Orange Tabby) 5g

Dealer Rashaad in Netherstorm

Cockroach 5g or
Jeremiah Payson in Undercity

Dealer Rashaad in Netherstorm

Crimson Snake 5g or
Xan'tish in Orgrimmar

Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling 5g Jilanne in Eversong Woods

Great Horned Owl 5g Shylenai in Darnassus

Hawk Owl 5g Shylenai in Darnassus

Prairie Dog Whistle 5g Halpa in Thunder Bluff

Yarlyn Amberstill in Dun

Rabbit Crate (Snowshoe) 5g

Red Dragonhawk Hatchling 5g Jilanne in Eversong Woods

Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling 5g Jilanne in Eversong Woods

Tree Frog Box 5g Flik in Terrokar Forest

White Moth Egg 5g Sixx in The Exodar

Yellow Moth Egg 5g Sixx in The Exodar

There are a few pets that drop around the world. However, they are so ridiculously difficult to
obtain that they are not worth farming, even though they sell for upwards of 1,000 gold. I wanted
to include a list of these in case you see them under priced on the Auction House. If you do see
them, do some quick research to make sure there drop rate hasn't been recently increased.
Otherwise, pick them up and try to make bank off of them. Here's the list (I've excluded their
source for simplicity):


Pet Average Auction Value

Disgusting Oozeling 3,500g

Tiny Emerald Whelpling 2,200g

Tiny Crimson Whelpling 1,500g

Azure Whelpling 1,000g

Captured Firefly 1,000g

Cat Carrier (Black Tabby) 1,000g

Black Whelpling 1,000g

How to Find your Own Niche to Sell

Finding your own niche is not as hard as it sounds. What you want to do here is start with
everything you're knowledgeable with. For example, if you're a Blacksmith, you know exactly
what you can make and you know exactly how much it should sell for...or maybe you don't and
that's why you need to search for items you craft in the Auction House to see if anyone is selling
them and how much they are selling for. You can do this with every profession you have.

Another way to find a niche is to base it off what you are currently doing in game. If you're doing
daily quests and you recognize a quest requires a reagent that is in high demand by other players,
see what that reagent is going for on the Auction House. Or maybe you run instances all day and
you have Frozen Orbs or something else that drops in the instance and you can control those
niches. Anything you regularly obtain or regularly sell gives you a huge advantage over other
players when looking for your own niche to make money off of.

Let's say you've been farming Relics of Ulduar in The Storm Peaks to sell on the Auction House,
well you are already aware of how much you get for them, so what's to stop you from buying out
any of them that are cheap and reselling them. I'm just using these as examples, there's no limit
to how many items you can control.

Some people on my server don't craft or even do anything in the game except check the Auction
House. You'll find them buying out gear that they know is cheap just to resell it at a higher price.
This one guy buys "of the champion" tanking gear from Wrath of the Lich King and resells it for
over 100g a piece. Normal players who randomly obtain these items have no idea what their
value is and when they list it in the Auction House for 10g he's already in there buying it and re-
listing it for a much higher price.

When you focus on things that you already know and do (area of competence), making gold is
that much easier for you because you're always one step ahead of the competition.


Miscellaneous Strategies

Artificially Inflating Prices

This strategy involves using two or more characters in order to convince a potential buyer that an
item is worth more than it actually is. In many of the crafting professions I've outlined specific
pieces of gear that can be crafted and posted, in other cases I've talked about particular rare
items which have prices that are very negotiable. These exclude items that are easy to obtain. A
great example would be a bind on equip epic from normal Naxxramas, or the BoE epics that drop
from heroic instances. The price might be difficult to gauge and if you begin negotiations with
another player you'll want to make sure you have something to base your offer on. You can do
this by putting the item on the Auction House using an alt with a different name. Put it up for, say,
2200g, and then advertise in trade that you're selling the same item for only 1500g (700g less
than the Auction House), but only for a limited time because you need gold NOW! Alternatively, if
you're quiet about it, a buyer might ask 'how much?' and you can respond with 'hold on, let me
check the Auction House'. Keep this trick in mind when dealing with low supply/questionable
valued items.

Pre-Patch Buyouts
On Tuesday's the servers oftentimes go down for maintenance or patch. When these servers go
offline people aren't able to access anything, not even login. But you'll be surprised to learn that
the Auction House doesn't stop ticking time away on the auctions. This means if you post an
auction sometime before the server goes down, there will be a period of time when no one is able
to buy it. So how does this work in your favor? Simple! If you know a patch day or maintenance
day is coming, the night before or hours before the patch, you go into the Auction House and just
bid on everything that's priced low. Not buyout, BID! It's important that you bid because the
buyout price is usually significant higher than the bid price. If you find auctions that will expire
before the server goes down no one else will be able to bid on that same item and best of all, if
the person who posted the Auction didn't get a bid for what they wanted, they won't be able to
login and cancel the auction. This means you can basically steal items for bid that are expiring
prior to maintenance / patch days.

This also means you shouldn't post auctions before these days because the same could happen to


Chapter 2 - Gathering Professions
Gathering professions are generally referred to as the main gold making professions. If you look
at any forum post about what professions to take to make lots of gold you'll likely find that most
of the responses include some combination of gathering professions. I also agree with this idea, if
you are leveling up a character and looking to make gold with a profession as you level up then
gathering professions are your best bet.

Now, the downside of using gathering professions to get gold if you are a higher level character is
that you will be spending lots of time gathering. In this section of the guide I have outlined some
of the best places to gather so that you can save time by only visiting the highest density areas of
the particular item you are gathering. One final note, if you are able to ride an epic mount,
whether you are lower level with an epic ground mount or a higher level in Northrend, you should
absolutely get an epic mount because it will save you tons of time while you are gathering.

How to Make Gold with Mining

This section will cover the different routes you can use to gather ore and other ways to make gold
with mining.

Smelting Titansteel
Once you are skill level 450 skill you will be able to smelt Titansteel. The Titansteel Bars go for
around 150G on average so check your server to see the local price. If you don't want to get the
materials to make the Titansteel Bar yourself then you can sell the ability in trade chat and offer
to smelt Titansteel for someone for a price.

Farming Ore
Farming ore is probably one of the most effective ways to make gold in World of Warcraft.
Starting with the best ore to farm first and working our way down to the least profitable I will give
you all of the routes on maps.

Recommended Player Level

Ore Average Buyout Price (each)
to Farm

Titanium Ore 77+ 7g

Thorium Ore 50+ 2g

Cobalt Ore 68+ 2g

Mithril Ore 45+ 1g 50s

Saronite Ore 73+ 1g

Adamantite Ore 62+ 1g


Fel Iron Ore 58+ 1g

Iron Ore 20+ 75s

Tin Ore 10+ 50s

Copper Ore None 25s

Farming Titanium Ore

Titanium Ore sells for an average of 7g each, that means you can expect to receive about 140g
for a stack (depending on the server you are on). It was added in Wrath of the Lich King and can
only be found in a the higher level zones in Northrend. It is best to farm Northrend zones early in
the morning or late at night when everyone is still asleep or at work otherwise you may have
problems finding nodes due to competition.

Titanium in Icecrown
It's recommended you have a flying mount and be 77+ to farm Titanium in this zone. Use the
map below for the best results.

Titanium in Sholazar Basin

It is possible to do this next route without a flying mount but it is oftentimes so competitive you
will have a hard time if you are on a ground mount. You will want to stick to just the outside loop
if you are doing it on the ground, you probably want to be 75+ to do this route effectively. There
are two different routes you can alternate between. All of the pillars have pretty good ore around
the outside of them and so does the entire outer edge of the zone, mix and match onto the routes


whenever you get bored.

Titanium in The Storm Peaks

This is another route you will want to be level 77+ for and have a flying mount. Most of the
Titanium nodes will be found in caves so be sure to stop at all the caves marked on the map.


Farming Thorium Ore
Believe it or not, the most profitable non-rare spawn ore is Thorium which is from the original
World of Warcraft. The reason behind this is simple, more and more people are power leveling
their professions to 450 to get awesome Epic items in Wrath of the Lich King but none of these
people want to go out and farm Thorium because you can't use a flying mount to farm it and most
people would rather just buy it in the Auction House. This is bad for them, but good for those who
want to make some money. So below I will give you the best 2 routes to get Thorium. Remember
there are Rich Thorium Veins (required skill 275) and Small Thorium Veins (required skill 245).

Thorium in Silithus
You will most likely want to be around level 55 or higher to farm this route without getting killed
frequently. Don't forget there are Ooze Covered Rich and Thorium Veins in this zone to be mined
just like regular Rich Thorium Veins. Most of the nodes are around the hives where the bugs are.


Thorium in Un'Goro Crater
I have set the minimum skill for this route to 245 but keep in mind there are Rich Thorium Veins
around the center and western edges that will require 275 skill to mine. It is vital that you make
sure you go into the cave in the northeast and drop down into the Hive in the south in order to
maximize your ore.


Farming Cobalt Ore
Cobalt ore typically sells for about the same as Thorium Ore, there are several advantages and
disadvantages to each. For example, Cobalt Ore will require you to be a higher level and if you
want to do it efficiently it is best that you have a flying mount and be level 77+ even though you
will not need to be that level to not be killed. The mobs are also higher level around the Cobalt
Nodes and there will be more competition. The advantage is, you can farm Cobalt Ore while you
level in Northrend. So choose which one to farm based off your local Auction House, both are

Cobalt in Zul'Drak
I'm highly recommending you do not try to follow this route unless you have a flying mount
because you will run into problems with walls and drop offs without one. It can be done without a
flying mount but it may not be optimal. Also, there is a mix of Cobalt Deposits and Rich Cobalt
Deposits, if you aren't 375 skill so you can mine both it also might not be optimal but technically
you can farm the regular Cobalt Deposits at 350 skill.


Cobalt in Howling Fjord
There will also be a mix of Rich Cobalt Deposits and Cobalt Deposits in Howling Fjord but the skill
I recommend is going to remain at 350 because there should be more regular nodes than not. You
will also want a flying mount to complete the route effectively but you don't need one just watch
out for parts of the route that don't use bridges and make sure you ride across them instead of
following the route in some places.


Farming Mithril Ore
Here is another great ore from the original World of Warcraft that can be farmed for some profits.
The reason people want this ore, is the same reason they want Thorium Ore. It takes awhile to
farm by ground mount and they'd rather pay for it to power level their professions. If you're not
level 80 don't worry, this step was made just for you!

Mithril in The Hinterlands

You don't need to be high level for this mining route, level 40+ will suffice, although some of the
mobs on the eastern end can get as high as level 50. Obviously, it's always better to be higher
level than the highest mob you're going to be near but it's doable without that.


Mithril in Tanaris
Tanaris is my favorite spot to mine Mithril Ore for the simple fact that the route is so easy. Yeah it
looks like I just drew a circle on the map but there's more to it than that. This circle hits all of the
major nodes and areas for Mithril in Tanaris. There isn't a better route and it's simple.


Farming Saronite Ore
You're probably shocked to see Saronite Ore this far down the list in the 5th position but there's
an easy explanation as to why it's not as profitable as the above ore, it's over farmed. Yep,
everyone in the world is out looking for Titanium Ore and what node is the place holder for
Titanium? If you said Saronite, you're correct. There is so much Saronite farmed from the
Northrend zones it's almost worthless, but not quite, you can still expect to get 40g for a stack of
20 on average and it has earned the position of the 5th best ore to farm, profit wise.

Saronite in Icecrown
You'll notice this route is almost an exact replica of the Titanium Route above. The only
modification has been to fly southeast more over the Temples cause there's usually 3-5 Saronite
Spawns in that region that you can get. You will probably find Titanium on the way too since
Saronite is a placeholder for Titanium.

Saronite in Sholazar
Sholazar is usually the favorite for those players who just hit 77 and can ride their epic flying
mount again. This route can also be farmed on land mount but its not recommended.


Farming Adamantite Ore
Adamantite Ore can be farmed for a moderate profit but it's not as important as the first five so
I'll just give you one good map to use.


Farming Fel Iron Ore
Fel Iron is on the same par as Adamantite for making gold off of it, but it's probably easier to get
because it's most prevalent in the beginning zone once you enter Outland, Hellfire Peninsula.


Farming Iron Ore
This is a step lower level players can do to make money if you aren't high enough to do the ones
above. The mobs in zones with Iron are typically start at around level 20, therefore you need not
be much higher to effectively follow this route.


Farming Tin and Copper Ore
Copper and Tin Ore can be farmed effectively by players 10+, it's an excellent step to use to help
pay for your mount at level 30. Unfortunately the best zone to do them in is The Barrens, a Horde
zone, but have no fear, you can still get over there as Alliance. You can run south out of Ashenvale
or take the boat from Stranglethorn, either will be a grand adventure for someone around level
10, good luck!


Converting Ore into Bars

With the introduction of Jewelcrafting, there usually isn't a price discrepancy between ore and
bars because Jewelcrafters need to prospect ore, but sometimes there is, especially for non-
prospectable ores. Before you post any of your ore up for sale make sure you check the price of
bars and see if you can make more money just by smelting them. Also look for ore in the Auction
House and see if any of it is cheap enough to buy and make into bars for profit. This is an easy
way to make some cash without even going mining but it depends on your local Auction House.

How to Make Gold with Skinning

There are a few different ways to make money skinning. There are rare mobs that can be skinned
to drop rare items, there are common mobs that can be skinned to drop rare fur, and there are
regular mobs to skin that can drop leather for you. The most consistent way to make money is
through common leather, but this can be done while looking for these jackpots.

Recommended Player Level

Skinning Component Average Buyout Price (each)
to Farm

Loque'Nahak's Pelt 76+ 105g


Arctic Fur 68+ 50g

Cobra Scales 65+ 7-15g

Nerubian Chitin 68+ 5g

Icy Dragonscale 75+ 1g 50s

Rugged Leather 50+ 1g

Jormungar Scale 70+ 95s

Borean Leather 68+ 50s

Knothide Leather 58+ 50s

Loque'Nahak is a rare spawning beast in Sholazar Basin that is supposed to spawn every 8-10
hours, but because he is the only spirit beast in the game he is heavily camped by Hunters.
Nonetheless, I will show you the points where he spawns in case you are farming leather out in
Sholazar Basin or are passing through you can stop and skin this guy he drops a rare pelt when
skinned and it has a random enchant. It sells for an average of 105 gold per, depending on which
one you get.

Click Here to See the Cloak


Arctic Fur
Arctic Fur is currently the new hottest reagent that comes from skinning in Wrath of the Lich King.
Unfortunately it is rare, the best recorded drop rate is 2%. It has a chance to drop off of almost
every beast in Northrend, but a consistent pattern seems to be the higher level the mob the
better chance for it to drop and if it's an elite mob, even better. Here are two recommended
farming spots for Arctic Fur.

Scion of Quetz'lun - Zul'Drak

These are level 76-77 elite mobs but they currently have the highest drop rate for Arctic Fur and
they also can drop 1-3 Borean Leather which is a good consistent source of regular leather.

Plagued Proto-Dragon
There are other mobs that have a higher drop rate than these guys but they were instances so I
choose to pick this mob instead. The good news is, it can be done by a player around level 70 and
it's in Howling Fjord. The reported drop rate of Arctic Furs is 1.7%.


Cobra Scales
This component is farmed in Outland, more specifically, the best spot to farm this item is in
Shadowmoon Valley off of Shadow Serpents. It is still one of the highest profitable reagents due
to no one farming them anymore and their demand for twinks. They commonly sell between
7-15g, but be careful not to over farm them, the demand is less for these than it used to be. It is
used to make two leg enchants, one can be placed on level 50+ players and the other 60+. Check
your Auction House before farming these to make sure it is not flooded.


Nerubian Chitin
These skinning component only can be skinned from the Nerubian NPCs that are commonly found
inside and around the instances of Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. If you are a
level 80 one option you have is soloing these instances on regular to get Nerubian Chitin,
otherwise you will have to find a group or farm mobs that have less common drop rates. There
are two other main spots to do this if you don't kill the mobs outside of Azjol-Nerub.

Forgotten Depths NPCs - Icecrown

There are a few NPCs that can drop Nerubian Chitin that spawn in this area. They start with the
name Forgotten Depths and are bug looking creatures. They spawn all around these two temples.
You will want to be 75+ to do this area maybe even 77+.


Hath'ar Skimmer - Zul'Drak
There are a bunch of Hath'ar Skimmers around Kolramas just waiting for you to come kill and skin
them. So why keep them waiting? You will want to be at least level 72+ to do this area.


Nerub'ar NPCs - Borean Tundra
These NPCs spawn around Warsong Hold, you can do it as alliance but be careful not to get too
close to the guards. There are all kinds of bug looking Nerub'ar NPCs around the hold that spawn
and also a Flamespitter that can drop Nerubian Chitin. I'd draw you a map but they are easy to
find since they sit right outside a major Horde City.

Icy Dragonscale
These are mostly found on dragonkin inside of Violet Hold, in fact, I usually try to do a Heroic
Violet hold at least once a day just so I can skin the dragons inside. If I'm the only skinner I'll
leave with a few stacks of Borean Leather and a good amount of Icy Dragonscales. You can also
go into Regular Violet hold and accomplish a similar feat.

Drakes - Sholazar Basin

In the northern part of Sholazar Basin there are drakes flying in the air and also on ground. You
can kill and skin these and you can also break hatchlings out of the eggs here to kill and skin. This
will net you with a decent amount of Icy Dragonscales because this area has one of the higher
drop rates in game. You'll want to be 75+ for this area.


Scalebanes - Crystalsong Forest
There are a lot of dragonkin out in this area of Crystalsong Forest that have a really good drop
rate. Use whichever of the two areas you prefer. You'll want to be 76+ for this area.


Rugged Leather
As with all gathering professions, old world regular components are worth more than some of the
new ones. The reason for this is simple, everyone wants to power level their professions but do
not want to go farm the components themselves. Since less people are doing the farming, they
get paid higher for each item, thus making Rugged Leather the most profitable leather to farm.

Plaguehounds, etc. - Eastern Plaguelands

The best spot to farm Rugged Leather is in Eastern Plaguelands, hands down, yeah there are close
seconds, but there are so many beasts here that have high drop rates that you can just run
around randomly in this zone and get piles of Rugged Leather. Fortunately, I'm going to give you
a boundary area that you should try to stick to while running around where the beasts are higher
level. I recommend being 54+ for this area.


Cats & Yeti - Winterspring
This is probably the second best zone in the game to come to for skinning for drop rate on Rugged
Leather. You can go to either location in case one or the other is farmed, they are near identical.
You will want to be 55+ for this area.


Other Locations for Rugged leather
Un'Goro Crater - Entire western part of zone has higher drop rate than eastern

Zul'Gurub - if you're able to handle this old world raid instance there are plenty of beasts in here
with high drop rates

Jormungar Scale
There are two major locations to get Jormungar Scales from, The Storm Peaks and Dragonblight.
If you don't know what a Jormungar is, it's one of those ugly looking big worms that tries to eat
you. These are good to kill and skin because they drop Worm Meat as well which can be used for

Jormungars - The Storm Peaks

Jormungars are all over this zone, so I'll highlight the areas on the map the different Jormungars
can be found. They are all basically equal drop rates, about 25%, so where you go is up to you.
You should be 76+ for this part because the NPCs will be around level 80.


Jormungars - Dragonblight
The drop rate on these is about 15% but the advantage is you can do them at level 70 or so,
which is a great for people needing gold and just starting in Northrend.


Borean Leather
Borean Leather is the new leather that was introduced with Wrath of the Lich King and is in high
demand but is also in high supply. There is always at least a page in my Auction House of this
stuff, but you can still sell it decently fast if you keep your prices low. The advantage to farming
Borean Leather is you can farm a number of other things off of mobs anywhere in Northrend
where those beasts or skinnable mobs to get it. You only have to be 68+ to collect Borean
Leather efficiently, the higher the level you are the faster you'll collect it. You can get a lot of this
stuff out of instances like Violet Hold, Gundrak, and Zul'Drak also, in case you're looking to do an

Skinnable Mobs - Zul'drak

There are so many mobs you can farm in this zone for Borean Leather. The ones in this map have
some of the highest drop rate in the game, near 100% when averaged out.


Skinnable Mobs - Sholazar Basin
There are very few things that cannot be skinned in Sholazar, you can basically walk around drunk
with a skinning knife and if you manage to kill something it's probably skinnable. But I
highlighted the areas that have near 100% drop rate anyway. I recommend you be level 74+ to
do this area. The mammoths to the north have a 100% chance to drop Chunk o' Mammoth, which
is among the most valuable meats in Wrath of the Lich King.


Knothide Leather
People still need Knothide Leather from the Burning Crusade to level from 300-350
Leatherworking or for other miscellaneous things. While the demand may not be as high as
Borean Leather there is still a demand and it almost commands the same price as Borean Leather.
This is the least important skinning item to gather so I'm just going to give you ONE GOOD MAP!
Just for your information, if you are level 80 or so you will want to just go ahead and start a
regular instance of Black Morass and kill and farm the mobs there and then reset when you are
done, it's the best place to farm Borean Leather. You may be able to just do it in the high 60s
effectively since most of the stuff is non-elite anyways.


How to Make Gold with Herbalism
Herbalism is a great gathering profession to make tons of gold with. But it's not as simple as
going out and gathering an herb in the nearest zone. In this section of the guide I'm going to
explain to you how to evaluate the Auction House to determine the most valuable herbs to gather.
There are a few main reasons that people would pay big bucks to buy herbs off the Auction
House: First, there are the people who are leveling Alchemy in a hurry will pay whatever it takes
to get the herbs they need without traveling every-which way to farm them themselves. Second
there are those who are leveling Inscription, creating glyphs or Northrend cards won't want to
farm herbs. And most importantly, people who are creating flasks and elixirs at level 80.

Below is a table outlining all the important herbs from levels 1 to 80, where they are best farmed,
how many typically sell a day (from tons of experience on multiple servers) and their average
price (also from tons of experience on multiple servers.) The prices will fluctuate significantly but
these values help identify low or high herb prices to help you capitalize on them. You need to learn
how much herbs sell for on your server and how their volume helps sell them quickly. From the
table we see that a few herbs for each section are particularly lucrative (high volume and high
price) These include: Bruiseweed, Kingsblood, Khadgar's Whisker, Sungrass, Dreamfoil,
Plaguebloom, Felweed and most the Northrend Herbs.

These are the herbs I hold on to and release in stacks of 20 on the Auction House whenever the
price is right (about 150% of the price listed below). There are also route maps below the table,
from high level to low, for each of these lucrative herbs:

Level 1-10 herbs, milled for Alabaster Pigment (low demand)

Herb lvl Best Farming Location Volume Gold

req per



Peacebloom 1 low 2
Durotar, Teldrassil, Trisfal Glades, Mulgore, Dun Morogh,
Silverleaf 1 very low 2
Eversong, Elwynn, Azuremyst Isle and Bloodmyst Isle
Earthroot 15 very low 2

Level 10-20 herbs, milled for Dusky Pigment (low demand)

Herb Best Farming Location Volume per

The Barrens, Silverpine Forest, Westfall, Wetlands,

Mageroyal 50 low 10
Darkshore, Ghostlands, Redridge

The Barrens, Silverpine Forest, Westfall, Wetlands,

Briarthorn 70 medium 10
Darkshore, Ghostlands, Redridge

Shores of STV, Ashenvale, Wetlands, Darkshore, Westfall

Stranglekelp 85 low 10
and Bloodmyst Isle

Stonetalon Mountains, The Barrens, Wetlands and

Bruiseweed 100 medium 40

Level 20-30 herbs, milled for Golden Pigment (medium demand)

Herb Best Farming Location Volume per

Wild Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highlands, Stonetalon

115 very low 20
Steelbloom Mountains, Hillsbrad Foothills

Grave Moss 120 Duskwood, Desolace or the Wetlands very low 15

Stranglethorn Vale, Wetlands, Arathi Highland, low-

Kingsblood 125 10
Stonetalon Mountains & The Barrens medium

Stranglethorn Vale, Dustwallow Marsh, Wetlands and

Liferoot 150 low 10
Swamp of Sorrows

Level 30-40 herbs, milled for Emerald Pigment (medium demand)


Herb Best Farming Location Volume per

Fadeleaf 160 Dustwallow Marsh, Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highlands medium 20

Goldthorn 170 Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highlands and Feralas low 20

185 Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highlands and Feralas low 30

Wintersbite 195 Alterac Mountains very low 30

Level 40-50 herbs, milled for Violet Pigment (medium demand)

Herb Best Farming Location Volume per

Firebloom 205 Searing Gorge, Blasted Land, Badlands medium 20

The Hinterlands (Jintha'Alor), Azshara, Feralas and

Purple Lotus 210 low 20

Arthas' Tears 220 Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands and Felwood low 15

Sungrass 230 Feralas, The Hinterlands and Azshara 20

Blindweed 235 Swamp of Sorrows and Un'Goro Crater low 20

245 The Caves of The Hinterlands low 20

Gromsblood 250 Felweed and The Blasted Lands low 24

Level 50-60 herbs, milled for Silvery Pigment (medium demand)

Herb Best Farming Location Volume per

Golden Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Azshara, Un'Goro

260 medium 20
Sansam Crater and Felwood

Hellfire Peninsula, Azshara, Zangarmarsh and Eastern

Dreamfoil 270 low 20


Mountain Hellfire Peninsula, Winterspring, Azshara and Eastern
280 very low 16
Silversage Plaguelands

Plaguebloom 285 Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands and Felwood low 20

Icecap 290 Winterspring very low 20

Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands and low-

Black Lotus 300 50
Silithus medium

Level 60-70 herbs, milled for Nether Pigment (medium demand)

Herb Best Farming Location Volume per

Felweed 300 Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh and Nagrand medium 10

Dreaming Nagrand, Terokkar Forest, Netherstorm, Blade's Edge

315 very low 8
Glory Mountain & Hellfire Peninsula

Ragveil 325 Zangarmarsh very low 10

Terocone 325 Terokkar Forest and Shadowmoon Valley very low 16

Flame Cap 335 Zangarmarsh very low 10

340 Level 70 Dungeons very low 18

Netherbloom 350 Netherstorm low 30

365 Shadowmoon Valley very low 20

Mana Thistle 375 Terokkar Forest and Shadowmoon Valley very low 10

Level 70-80 herbs, milled for Azure Pigment & Icy Pigment (high demand)

Herb Best Farming Location Volume per

Howling Fjord, Sholazar Basin, Borean Tundra and

Goldclover 350 high 30
Grizzly Hills

Tiger Lily 375 Sholazar Basin, Grizzly Hills and Howling Fjord high 30


385 Zul'Drak medium 40

400 Sholazar Basin medium 40

Lichbloom 425 The Storm Peaks and Icecrown 40

Icethorn 435 The Storm Peaks and Icecrown 60

very 15g
Frost Lotus 450 The Storm Peaks, Icecrown, Sholazar Basin
high each

Gathering Icethorn and Lichbloom (lvl 80)

Icethorn and Lichbloom are located only in The Storm Peaks and Icecrown, while you farm them
you will find a good amount of Frost Lotus as well. I connect the two routes periodically to keep
things interesting. This is one of the best ways to consistently make gold with Herbalism.
Lichbloom is used for a few level 80 potions such as the Runic Mana Potion and Potion of Wild
Magic. Icethorn is used for Runic Healing Potions, while both are used for all of the level 80 flasks
(along with a single Frost Lotus). These crafts create a very high demand for Icethorn and
Lichbloom and keep prices consistently high (try purchasing Lichbloom & Icethorn and self
inflating prices, it sells fast enough to make money off this method especially after patches with
new content).


The Storm Peaks


Farming Adder's Tongue, Goldclover and Tiger Lily from Sholazar Basin
You can farm Adder's Tongue in Sholazar Basin. It's used for a few important Elixirs such as Elixir
of Mighty Agility, Elixir of Deadly Strikes, Elixir of Expertise and Potion of Speed, it's also used
daily by many Inscriptionists for Northrend Alchemy Research. However, it is typically the least
expensive and most abundant herb on the Auction House for milling Azure & Icy Pigment so it's
volume is usually very high.

Sholazar Basin


Farming Talandra's Rose in Zul'Drak
Talandra's Rose isn't used for any import Alchemy recipes, however, it can be quick to farm and if
you drop the price below Goldclover's & Adder's Tongue Inscriptionists will purchase it for milling.
It's only found in south western Zul'Drak (the thawed portion).



Farming Tiger Lily in Grizzly Hills and Howling Fjord
Tiger Lily is used for Elixir of Armor Piercing, Spellpower Elixirs and milling. I've noticed this herb
is very inconsistent, often times there's a ton posted on my realm's Auction House for less than
20g a stack, other times there are only a few for 40-50g. I don't farm this very often, so I
definitely recommend checking prices first and only farming a little bit of Tiger Lily. A bit of it is
found in the above Sholazar Basin route, but the bulk of it can be found by following the rivers in
Grizzly Hills & Howling Fjord.

Grizzly Hills & Howling Fjord


Farming Goldclover in Howling Fjord
Goldclover is used for a ton of stuff, including Runic Healing Potions, Runic Mana Potions, Elixir of
Mighty Agility, Spellpower Elixir, Wrath Elixir and even Flask of Endless Rage. Add to that, not a
whole lot of people don't enjoy hanging out in level 70-74 zones collecting this stuff. The best
place to pick it up is Howling Fjord

Howling Fjord


Farming Felweed & Golden Sansam in Hellfire Peninsula (lvl 60+)
Felweed and Golden Sansam are used a lot while leveling Alchemy and Inscription. With
Inscription, Felweed is the only herb worth milling to get Nether Pigment, so it sells in high
volume every time a new Inscriptionist levels from 300 to 350. Golden Sansam is used a lot in
Alchemy, but sells in low volume. You'll be able to move tons of Felweed but you'll find yourself
sitting on a lot of Golden Sansam after running this route (but it will sell very well). This route is
ideal for level 60s who don't have a flying mount. If you have a flying mount you can widen the
circle a little bit around Thrallmar and head through the Pools of Aggonar.


Hellfire Peninsula

Farming Plaguebloom & Dreamfoil in Plaguelands (lvl 55+)

Level 50-60 herbs are used mostly for leveling Alchemy, Inscription, or making obscure items for
unheard of reasons. While Golden Sansam has the highest volume because it's needed so much,
when The Burning Crusade came out they put a lot of it in Hellfire Peninsula, so you'll farm it
along with Felweed (above). Plaguebloom and Dreamfoil can be found tracing this route in the



Farming Sungrass in Feralas (lvl 45+)
Sungrass is almost always in high demand for Alchemy and Inscription; it's a keystone to leveling
both (assuming the other herbs of this level group 40-50 aren't posted, which they are almost
always not). Fortunately it can be farmed pretty efficiently in Feralas along with Goldthorn and
Khadgar's Whiskers for the level 30-40 group which also sells well:



Farming Kingsblood in Arathi Highlands (lvl 35-60)
Kingsblood is an amazing level 20-30 herb that you can price gouge new Inscriptionists and
Alchemists for. There is tons of it along with Khadgar's Whiskers and Goldthorn in Arathi Highland
in the route below.

Arathi Highlands


Farming Bruiseweed in Stonetalon Mountains (lvl 30-60)
Bruiseweed is about the lowest level herb that is worth farming, while Mageroyal and Briarthorn
rival it as an herb for milling, Alchemists will need about 2 stacks of Bruiseweed to level to 150.
It's hidden away in Stonetalon Mountains and is probably best for low level players to farm to
make gold. I strongly recommend bringing a level 30 mount since there is a ton of open space in
Stonetalon Mountains.

Stonetalon Mountains



Chapter 3 - Crafting Professions
Now, gathering professions are a sure way to sell items on the Auction House but let's face it,
they can be boring and time consuming. Crafting professions don't require any gathering, you can
buy all your mats off the Auction House to make your items. If you have a bit of gold already or
are interested in crating professions then this section of the guide is for you.

I've included tips for making gold with every crafting profession, even cooking, and highlight some
of the current hottest items for making that you might want to try crafting. I would like to point
out that you can make good gold with every crafting profession but before you go out and create
a bunch of items you must assess the demand for the items on your server. Also, ensure that you
are actually selling items for a profit, meaning, if you can sell all the mats for an item separately
for more gold you aren't really making a profit by crafting that item.

How to Make Gold with Alchemy

With Alchemy you can mix potions, elixirs and flasks and you can transmute bars and diamonds
all for a profit without farming any materials yourself. The prices for all those and the prices for
the mats they require; mostly herbs, fluctuate a lot because Alchemy is an under utilized
profession. The best way to make money is to carefully calculate the profit potential of the highest
volume/price items on a regular basis, purchase the mats when they are low and sell the potions,
elixirs, flasks, bars and diamonds when the prices are high.
I've had Alchemists with all three masteries: Master of Flasks, Master of Potions and Master of
Transmutations. I recommend Transmutations because I do more transmutations and the value of
the procs is higher than the value of the potion or flask procs. If you are mixing flasks for your
guild at high volume you will want to consider being a Master of Flasks. Remember, you can
switch masteries for only 150g and pickup any mastery for free afterwards.
I use the below tables (typically printed out but lately I do most of it in my head because I have it
memorized) to quickly gauge the prices of the mats and the product. Print out the following pages
and make note of the prices for the mats and the product and compare the profit potential by
subtracting. It's not rare that you'll find one of these crafts very lucrative (like the other day
Titanium was up to 28g each and Saronite was selling for 40g a stack)

Transmuting Diamonds
Earthsiege and Skyflare Diamonds are cut into some of the most popular meta gems. Since most
players receive head upgrades unexpectedly, they need these diamonds equally unexpectedly to
fill their meta socket, so they will not have time to find an Alchemist to transmute them a
diamond. For that reason late night price hiking of these Diamonds can be very lucrative.

Item Materials Average Price Your Price

Dark Jade
Earthsiege Diamond Huge Citrine 40g
Eternal Fire

Skyflare Diamond Bloodstone 40g


Eternal Air

Transmuting Bars
There's only two potential profitable bars to transmute: Arcanite and Titanium. Arcanite is a low
volume high profit deal where you should probably always have a few posted, it's well worth the
deposit. Transmuting Titanium, on the other hand, should only be done when Saronite prices are
very low (30-40g and below per stack). You'll need the Titanium prices to be high enough (16g or
higher) for it to work. Often Titanium will sell for under 10g for months and then pop up into the
high teens.

Item Materials Average Price Your Price

Titanium Bar Saronite Bar x 8 10-20g

Thorium Bar
Arcanite Bar 10-20g
Arcane Crystal

Mixing Potions
I really like Runic Healing & Mana Potions, they sell in high volume for a good price. Potion of
Speed and Wild Magic sell especially well to casters who want to max their damage in Ulduar or
Naxx. Even Alchemists will buy a stack of 5 Runic Healing/Mana Potions instead of buying the
mats to make them themselves because they will get stuck with short stacks of extra mats (which
makes the cost seem higher to them). But we know that if we mix potions in high enough volume
the short stacks will go to good use.

Item Materials Your Price

Lichbloom x 2
Runic Mana Potion Goldclover
Imbued Vial (2g)

Icethorn x 2
Runic Healing Potion Goldclover
Imbued Vial (2g)

Adder's Tongue x 2
Potion of Speed Pygmy Oil
Imbued Vial (2g)

Lichbloom x 2
Potion of Wild Magic Pygmy Oil
Imbued Vial (2g)

Talandra's Rose x 2
Powerful Rejuvenation Potion Lichbloom x 2
Imbued Vial (2g)


Ghost Mushroom
Invisibility Potion
* find the recipe on the AH
Crystal Vile

Mixing Flasks
Lately, Flasks have been difficult to make money off of. Herbalist/Alchemist combos have been
farming their own mats and devaluing them to sell them as Flasks instead of Herbs. This creates
an inflated herb market and a deflated high-end consumable market. Even if you are making 2
flasks per combine you may still find yourself out 10-20g using the best prices on the Auction
House. Regardless, I've included this section in case the conditions are different on your realm
(they likely are). Always evaluate your market before taking any other numbers to heart.

Item Materials Your Price

Lichbloom x 7
Goldclover x 3
Flask of Endless Rage
Frost Lotus
Enchanted Vial (1g)

Lichbloom x 7
Crystallized Earth x 3
Flask of Stoneblood
Frost Lotus
Enchanted Vial (1g)

Icethorn x 5
Lichbloom x 5
Flask of the Frost Wyrm
Frost Lotus
Enchanted Vial (1g)

Icethorn x 7
Pygmy Oil x 3
Flask of Pure Mojo
Frost Lotus
Enchanted Vial (1g)

How to Make Gold with Blacksmithing

There are a lot of options for making gold with Blacksmithing. The challenge is finding the specific
things to craft on your realm and find buyers for them. The most lucrative item to craft is the
Eternal Belt Buckle and ought to be the staple of every Blacksmith's income (see table below).
With high cost items like Titansteel gear, try to find a buyer before you craft the items. This isn't
necessary but it can save you a lot of hassle. You can find a piece, like a Titansteel Destroyer on
the Auction House for 1500g and try selling it in trade for 1400g and when you find a buyer craft
it up right quick and sell it for the discounted price. You can utilize the high price as testimony for
why your customer should pay 1400g. To help determine the value of each item accurate to the
Auction House prices, I've included the below tables for all of the best Blacksmithing items. You
can print these off and write in the prices of each material and add them up to calculate how
much you'll need to sell the product for to make a profit. Most of the work with these high end
items is in finding a buyer.

Eternal Belt Buckles and Enchanting Rods


Eternal Belt Buckles are a new "mandatory" enchant used on belt equipment. It adds a new gem
slot to the belt, so every level 80 is going to be buying one of these with each new belt they
equip. They sell consistently around 70-80 gold on my realm, and cost about 30-40g to make and
sales are driven by upgrades. These are a must for posting in the late afternoon and watching
them sell when everyone gets their evening upgrades.

Rods also have the potential to sell very well. Their volume is much lower but some of them
support very strong profit margins like the Arcanite and Eternium Rods. Don't flood the market
with these, craft 5-10 of each and release them over several weeks for a steady stream of profit.

Item Materials Average Price Your Price

Saronite Bar x 4
Eternal Earth 7
Eternal Belt Buckle 70g
Eternal Water 8
Eternal Shadow 7

Saronite Bar x 2
Titanium Rod 25g
Titanium Bar

Adamantite Rod Adamantite Bar x 10 40g

Arcanite Bar x 3
Arcanite Rod 50g
Dense Grinding Stone

Eternium Rod Eternium Bar x 4 50g

Fel Iron Rod Fel Iron Bar x 6 50g

Gold Bar
Golden Rod Coarse Grinding Stone x 2g

Silver Bar
Silver Rod Rough Grinding Stone x 2g

Truesilver Bar
Truesilver Rod 15g
Heavy Grinding Stone

Cobalt Tanking Gear

The Cobalt tanking gear is an amazing way to make gold with Blacksmithing. Some realm Auction
Houses don't have any of this stuff posted, and I guarantee you every level 68-72 wanna-be
plate-wearing tank will load up the AH and search for this type of stuff. It is extremely useful for
entry level Northrend dungeons. Advertise this stuff as a set in /2, it's total cost is 37 Cobalt so
you can sell it for, say, 100-150 or even 300g to a customer! Imagine, the best level 70 tanking 7
piece set right at level 70 for only a few hundred gold!


Item Materials Average Price Your price

Cobalt Belt Cobalt Bar x 4 20g

Cobalt Boots Cobalt Bar x 4 12g

Cobalt Bracers Cobalt Bar x 4 10g

Cobalt Chestpiece Cobalt Bar x 6 18g

Cobalt Gauntlets Cobalt Bar x 5 10g

Cobalt Helm Cobalt Bar x 5 15g

Cobalt Legplates Cobalt Bar x 5 10g

Cobalt Shoulders Cobalt Bar x 4 10g

Titansteel Weapons
A lot of new level 80s want to get the appropriate Titansteel weapon for their class. I've found
several buyers while flying through Storm Peak and Icecrown mining, I've even found a buyer
while helping them with Icecrown dailies. Some level 79s don't realize that they can get such
awesome items right at level 80 for only ~1,000g (this may seem like a lot to some aspiring 80s
but after getting Northrend flying and doing 3 levels of quests, they are bound to have a few
thousand gold in their coffers. Get to them before they hit 80 and they won't be broke yet.

If scouting for buyers while mining isn't your style, trade channel can work as well. Even if an
existing item is selling on the Auction House you can undercut it without actually making it yet
(just make sure you have the mats). You can advertise the uncut price in trade and when people
claim the price isn't fair, refer to the Auction House price (you can also use an alt to post items at
inflated prices to help sell items on other characters)

Item Materials Average Price Your Price

Saronite Bar x 6
Titansteel Bar x 6
- 18 Titanium Bar
Titansteel Bonecrusher - 6 Eternal Fire 750g
- 6 Eternal Earth
- 6 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb x 2

Saronite Bar x 8
Titansteel Bar x 8
- 24 Titanium Bar
Titansteel Destroyer - 8 Eternal Fire 1600g
- 8 Eternal Earth
- 8 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb x 2


Saronite Bar x 6
Titansteel Bar x 6
- 18 Titanium Bar
Titansteel Guardian - 6 Eternal Fire 1500g
- 6 Eternal Earth
- 6 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb x 2

Saronite Bar x 6
Titansteel Bar x 6
- 18 Titanium Bar
Titansteel Shanker - 6 Eternal Fire 900g
- 6 Eternal Earth
- 6 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb x 2

Saronite Bar x 4
Titansteel Bar x 3
- 9 Titanium Bar
Titansteel Shield Wall - 3 Eternal Fire 650g
- 3 Eternal Earth
- 3 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb

Titansteel Bar x 6
- 18 Titanium Bar
- 6 Eternal Fire
Titansteel Spellblade - 6 Eternal Earth 1000g
- 6 Eternal Shadow
Infinite Dust x 2
Frozen Orb x 2

Spiked Titansteel (hit and crit)

The Spiked Titansteel set is geared for Death Knights, Warriors, etc. Notice the average prices for
these items are much higher than other products which require the same materials. This is
because there is much higher demand so it's been easier to make a profit on these items.

Item Materials Average Price Your Price

Saronite Bar x 4
Titansteel Bar x 4
- 12 Titanium Bar
Spiked Titansteel Helm - 4 Eternal Fire 850g
- 4 Eternal Earth
- 4 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb

Spiked Titansteel Treads Saronite Bar x 4 1100g

Titansteel Bar x 3
- 9 Titanium Bar


- 3 Eternal Fire
- 3 Eternal Earth
- 3 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb

Tempered Titansteel (defense)

Tempered Titansteel is amazing for new tanks reaching level 80. It's somewhat mandatory gear to
enter heroics or entry level raids. Some may argue the Treads aren't worth their epic status (and
this is why the average price is so low).

Item Materials Average Price Your Price

Saronite Bar x 4
Titansteel Bar x 4
- 12 Titanium Bar
Tempered Titansteel
- 4 Eternal Fire 600g
- 4 Eternal Earth
- 4 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb

Saronite Bar x 4
Titansteel Bar x 3
- 9 Titanium Bar
Tempered Titansteel
- 3 Eternal Fire 400g
- 3 Eternal Earth
- 3 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb

Brilliant Titansteel (crit, mp5 & spellpower)

The Brilliant Titansteel set is geared for Paladins. As you can tell by the average price these items
don't sell for a whole lot compared to the other Titansteel gear. I would definitely try to line up a
buyer before trying to make a profit on this gear.

Item Materials Average Price Your Price

Saronite Bar x 4
Titansteel Bar x 4
- 12 Titanium Bar
Brilliant Titansteel Helm - 4 Eternal Fire 450g
- 4 Eternal Earth
- 4 Eternal Shadow
Frozen Orb

Brilliant Titansteel Treads Saronite Bar x 4 450g

Titansteel Bar x 3
- 9 Titanium Bar
- 3 Eternal Fire
- 3 Eternal Earth
- 3 Eternal Shadow


Frozen Orb

Tempered Saronite Tanking Gear

The Tempered Saronite tanking set is a mid 70s set for tanking, it can be used into the 80s and
provides solid stats to your customer.

Item Materials Average Price Your Price

Cobalt Bar x 6
Tempered Saronite Belt 35g
Saronite Bar x 5

Cobalt Bar x 3
Tempered Saronite Boots 50g
Saronite Bar x 8

Tempered Saronite
Saronite Bar x 13 25g

Cobalt Bar x 6
Tempered Saronite
Saronite Bar x 5 50g
Crystallized Earth

Tempered Saronite
Saronite Bar x 14 25g

Saronite Bar x 12
Tempered Saronite Helm 50g
Crystallized Earth

Cobalt Bar x 5
Tempered Saronite
Saronite Bar x 5 50g
Crystallized Earth

Tempered Saronite
Saronite Bar x 12 50g

Cobalt Bar x 6
Saronite Defender 80g
Saronite Bar x 4

How to Make Gold with Enchanting

Enchanting is one of the (if not THE) most expensive professions to level up. It can however be a
good way to make money if you work it the right way. There are a couple basic ways to make
gold with Enchanting: selling enchants and selling enchanting supplies.

The first disenchanting strategy I will discuss involves buying greens and possibly blues if they are
cheap enough, disenchanting them, and then selling the enchanting supplies you received. Often
times the enchanting supplies you receive sell for more than the item will sell to a vendor or on
the Auction House. You can guess by yourself to figure out what pieces of gear you might make
gold off of by buying them and disenchanting them or you can use the addon Enchantrix, which


will tell you how much an item is worth to you if you disenchant it. I suggest using this addon
because it will provide you with a much more accurate number than guessing yourself and it will
save you time from researching manually to figure out what items will be worth it to disenchant.

If you choose not to buy items to disenchant then you'll have to simply disenchant all the greens,
blues, and purples you loot if you want to sell your Enchanting supplies. If you have a high level
character a good way to get gear pieces to disenchant is by doing lower level instances that your
character can plow through. If you go to the Instances section of this guide you'll find information
regarding some of the best zones to take your character to in order to make gold.

Very basically, and if you are an Enchanter this is no new news, green armor usually disenchants
into dust, green weapons usually disenchant into essences, blues usually disenchant into shards,
and high level epic gear disenchants into crystals. Also, when you sell Enchanting supplies
consider selling them in smaller units for very expensive supplies because for rarer or more
expensive supplies players are often just looking to get the mats for one enchant for themselves.

Below is a list of instances and the common types of Enchanting supplies you can get from them.
This will help you if you decide you'd like to farm Enchanting supplies.

Enchanting Supplies
Instance Instance Level
Common in Zone

Strange Dust, Glimmering

Ragefire Chasm 13-16
Shard, Magic Essence

Strange Dust, Glimmering

The Deadmines 15-20 Shard, Astral Essence, Magic

Strange Dust, Glimmering

Wailing Caverns 15-21 Shard, Astral Essence, Magic

Glimmering Shard, Soul Dust,

Shadowfang Keep 18-25
Astral Essence

Glimmering Shard, Magic

Essence, Soul Dust, Astral
Blackfathom Deeps 20-27
Essence, Glowing Shard, Magic

Glimmering Shard, Astral

The Stockade 24-32
Essence, Soul Dust

Soul Dust, Mystic Essence,

Gnomeregan 24-33
Glowing Shard, Astral Essence,

Glowing Shard, Soul Dust,

Razorfen Kraul 25-30 Mystic Essence, Magic Essence,
Glimmering Shard

Razorfen Downs 33-40 Radiant Shard, Glowing Shard,


Vision Dust, Mystic Essence,
Nether Essence

Radiant Shard, Vision Dust,

Scarlet Monastery 34-45 Nether Essence, Glowing Shard,
Mystic Essence

Radiant Shard, Dream Dust,

Uldaman 39-47 Nether Essence, Glowing Shard,
Vision Dust, Mystic Essence

Radiant Shard, Nether Essence,

Zul'Farrak 43-47
Dream Dust

Brilliant Shard, Radiant Shard,

Maraudon 43-49
Dream Dust, Eternal Essence

Brilliant Shard, Dream Dust,

Sunken Temple 49-55
Eternal Essence,

Brilliant Shard, Illusion Dust,

Blackrock Depths 55-60
Eternal Essence

Brilliant Shard, Illusion Dust,

Blackrock Spire 58-60
Eternal Essence

Brilliant Shard, Illusion Dust,

Dire Maul 58-60
Eternal Essence

Brilliant Shard, Illusion Dust,

Scholomance 58-60
Eternal Essence

Brilliant Shard, Illusion Dust,

Strathholme 58-60
Eternal Essence

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

Hellfire Ramparts 60-62
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

The Blood Furnance 61-63
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

The Slave Pens 62-64
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

The Underbog 63-65
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

Mana-Tombs 64-66
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

Auchenai Crypts 65-67
Prismatic Shard

Old Hillsbrad Foothills 66-68 Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,


Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

Sethekk Halls 67-69
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

Shadow Labyrinth 70
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

The Black Morass 70
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

The Steamvault 70
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

Magisters' Terrace 70
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

The Arcatraz 70
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

The Botanica 70
Prismatic Shard

Arcane Dust, Planar Essence,

The Mechanar 70
Prismatic Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

Utgarde Keep 70-72
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

The Nexus 71-73
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

Azjol-Nerub 72-74
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 73-75
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

Drak'Tharon Keep 74-76
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

The Violet Hold 75-77
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

Gundrak 76-78
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

Halls of Stone 77-79
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

The Culling of Stratholme 80
Dream Shard

The Oculus 80 Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,


Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

Halls of Lightning 80
Dream Shard

Infinite Dust, Cosmic Essence,

Utgarde Pinnacle 80
Dream Shard

Below are the average selling prices of Enchanting supplies on the Auction House.

Enchanting Supplies Average Price on Auction House (each)

Lesser Magic Essence 50s

Strange Dust 25s

Greater Magic Essence 50s

Small Glimmering Shard 5s

Lesser Astral Essence 20s

Large Glimmering Shard 50s

Greater Astral Essence 50s

Soul Dust 50s

Small Glowing Shard 5s

Lesser Mystic Essence 50s

Large Glowing Shard 1g

Greater Mystic Essence 1g

Vision Dust 1g

Small Radiant Shard 5g

Lesser Nether Essence 3g

Large Radiant Shard 10g

Greater Nether Essence 9g

Dream Dust 50s

Small Brilliant Shard 1g

Lesser Eternal Essence 5g


Large Brilliant Shard 2g

Greater Eternal Dust 15g

Illusion Dust 1g

Nexus Crystal 1g

Lesser Planar Essence 3g

Arcane Dust 1g

Small Prismatic Shard 1g

Greater Planar Essence 10g

Void Crystal 5g

Large Prismatic Shard 5g

Lesser Cosmic Essence 7g

Infinite Dust 5g

Abyss Crystal 100

Dream Shard 10g

Small Dream Shard 4g

Selling Enchants
Selling Enchants is a bit more time consuming and complicated than simply disenchanting items
and selling the supplies. The classic way for selling enchants is to advertise your Enchanting book
in the trade channel and hope that some one will message you with an Enchanting request. The
main problem with this approach is that it is time consuming. You can also now sell scrolls of
enchants but in order to do this you'll need to purchase Vellum from Inscriptionists to enchant.
Selling enchants can make you a lot of gold but the key to doing it is to have good enchants to
sell. You will make far more gold in far less time if you simply have good enchants that have a
strong demand. Often times it is worth spending the time to spend time farming Enchanting
formulas for the large amounts of gold you can make selling the enchants later on. Also, if you
have the gold you might want to consider investing in some Enchanting formulas that have a good
steady demand. If you choose the right formulas this investment is usually recovered very
quickly. This strategy also included buying Enchanting recipes with shards off of the vendor. With
Enchanting, the more nonstandard formulas you have, the more gold you can make.

Below you will find some Enchanting recipes that you might want to consider investing in or
farming. This list is by no means all inclusive and there are tons of enchants that might be very
popular on your server that different from the ones listed below. Your best bet is to analyze your
own particular server, watch for enchants that people are requesting, and monitor the prices
enchants are selling for on the Auction House.


Average Price on
Where to Obtain
Enchant Auction House Notes

Scroll of Enchant 2H Vanessa Sellers in

Weapon - Massacre Dalaran

Scroll of Enchant Vanessa Sellers in

Weapon - Berserking Dalaran

Scroll of Enchant
Vanessa Sellers in
Weapon - Mighty 1000g

Scroll of Enchant Vanessa Sellers in

Weapon - Accuracy Dalaran

Scroll of Enchant Chest Vanessa Sellers in

- Powerful Stats Dalaran

Scroll of Enchant Vanessa Sellers in

Weapon - Black Magic Dalaran

This is BOP so you will

Scroll of Enchant Drops off of Moroes in
375g have to farm it if you
Weapon - Mongoose Karazhan
want it

Eastern/Western This is BOE so you can

Scroll of Enchant
100g Plaguelands (see maps buy it off the Auction
Weapon - Crusader
below) House

This is where you can get the Crusader formula off of Scarlet Spellbinders (levels 57-58) in
Western Plaguelands. The drop rate is close to 1%.


Below is where you can get the Crusader formula off of Scarlet Archmages (levels 55-57) in
Eastern Plaguelands. These mobs are elites and the drop rate for the formula is about 1%.


Below is a list of profitable enchants that are trained by the Enchanting Trainer. Once again, these
are only a few examples and you really need to look at your own server and analyze what there is
a demand for and what is currently selling good.

Average Price on Auction

Enchant Where to Obtain Enchant
House (each)

Scroll of Enchant Weapon -

120g Trainer
Exceptional Spellpower

Scroll of Enchant Bracer -

80g Trainer

Scroll of Enchant Bracers -

75g Trainer
Greater Spellpower

Scroll of Enchant Gloves -

50g Trainer
Exceptional Spellpower

Scroll of Enchant Gloves -

25g Trainer

Scroll of Enchant Bracers -

50g Trainer

How to Make Gold with Engineering

Engineers are widely known for their ability to create explosives or other unique devices that can
sometimes turn the battle in PvP. What people don't realize, is Engineering can be used to make a
decent amount of gold, through crafting items, mounts, and rare pets to sell in the Auction House.
They are also the only profession that can harvest clouds for Eternals with a Zapthrottle Mote

Crafted Items
We will focus on what items can be crafted as an Engineer and sold to other players and then in
the next section I will tell you how to use the Zapthrottle Mote Extractor to make even more gold.

Required Skill Where It Is Average Buyout

Item Name Sold To
Level to Craft From Price

Mekgineer's Exalted with

450 Rich Players 15,000-20,000g
Chopper Alliance Vanguard

Exalted with Horde

Mechano-hog 450 Rich Players 15,000-20,000g

Turbo- Charged Trainer in

Other Engineers
Flying Machine 375 Shadowmoon 3900g
who are Lazy
Control Valley


Nesingwary 4000 450 Northrend Trainers Mainly Hunters 1000g

Armor Plated
450 Northrend Trainers Mainly Warriors 990g
Combat Shotgun

Supply Vendors in
Titanium Toolbox 405 Engineers 175g

Trainer in
Flying Machine
350 Shadowmoon Lazy Engineers 150g

Lifelike Mechanical Original WoW Players collecting

265 150g
Toad Outdoor Boss Drop pets

Tranquil Quest in Players collecting

250 150g
Mechanical Yeti Winterspring pets

Heartseeker Scope 430 Northrend Trainers Mainly Hunters 50g

415 Northrend Trainers Mainly Hunters 50g

Ultrasafe Bullet
410 Northrend Trainers Mainly Hunters 40g

Engineers too lazy

Sonic Booster 420 Northrend Trainers 30g
to get to 420

Sun Scope 425 Northrend Trainers Mainly Hunters 30g

Khorium Power Outland/Northrend

340 Engineers 30g
Core Trainers

Hardened Outland/Northrend
340 Engineers 25g
Adamantite Tube Trainers

Overcharged Engineers/Players
375 Northrend Trainers 20g
Capacitor doing Quests

Crafting Guns/Scopes/Ammunition

Item Materials Notes

10x Titanium Bars

1x Frozen Orb
12x Eternal Fires Trained from any Engineering
Nesingwary 4000
12x Eternal Shadows Trainer in Northrend
3x Sun Scopes
1x Walnut Stock

Armor Plated Shotgun 10x Titanium Bars Trained from any Engineering


20x Saronite Bars
15x Eternal Air
15x Eternal Water Trainer in Northrend
1x Frozen Orb
1x Walnut Stock

10x Saronite Bars Trained from any Engineering

Heartseeker Scope
2x Twilight Opals Trainer in Northrend

1x Froststeel Tube
Trained from any Engineering
Sun Scope 1x Sun Crystal
Trainer in Northrend
1x Autumn's Glow

Trained from any Engineering

Saronite Arrow Maker 15x Saronite Bars
Trainer in Northrend

6x Saronite Bars Trained from any Engineering

Ultrasafe Bullet Machine
4x Volatile Blasting Triggers Trainer in Northrend

Crafting Mounts/Pets/Trinkets

Item Materials Notes

This is the Alliance version of

the hog. It can only be
obtained from the Alliance
12x Titansteel Bar
Vanguard vendors and you
40x Handful of Cobalt Bolts
must be exalted reputation with
2x Arctic Fur
them. It is very very expensive
Mekgineer's Chopper 1x Salvaged Iron Golem Parts
to craft and very very hard to
8x Goblin-machined Piston
find someone to sell too. My
1x Elementium-plated Exhaust
advice to you is if you are going
to craft this you find a buyer
first. It can be very very

This is the Horde version of the

Chopper. It can only be
obtained from the Horde
12x Titansteel Bar
Expedition vendors and you
40x Handful of Cobalt Bolts
must be exalted reputation with
2x Arctic Fur
them. It is very very expensive
Mechano-hog 1x Salvaged Iron Golem Parts
to craft and very very hard to
8x Goblin-machined Piston
find someone to sell too. My
1x Elementium-plated Exhaust
advice to you is if you are going
to craft this you find a buyer
first. It can be very very

Turbo-Charged Flying Machine 4x Adamantite Frame Taught by Engineering Trainer

Control 8x Khorium Power Core in Shadowmoon Valley. For
8x Felsteel Stabilizer Horde its Jonathan Garret in


Shadowmoon Village. For
Alliance its Niobe Whizzlespark
in Wildhammer Stronghold.
See map below. Also, this item
sells slow and may require
1x Hula Girl Doll additional advertising in trade
to sell because a lot of
Engineers who could buy and
use this don't even realize it
exists so they don't look for it
on the Auction House.

2x Adamantite Frame
30x Fel Iron bars Same thing applies to this
8x Handful of Fel Iron Bolts recipe as the above one. The
Flying Machine Control
8x Star Wood recipes are trained at the same
5x Adamantite Bar NPC.
4x Elemental Seaforium Charge

Item Materials Notes

Lifelike Mechanical Toad 1x Living Essence This recipe is a World Drop and
4x Thorium Widgets is really rare, the only things
1x Gold Power Core that have drop rates worth
1x Rugged Leather mentioning are the old world
bosses like Yosondre, Emeriss,


Azuregos, Taerar, Lethon,
Onyxia, and Nefarian. Most of
these bosses can be soloed or
at least duo'ed by a well geared
80 so it's not as hard to get as
it seems. You can also search
the Auction House for this
recipe as well or hope you get
lucky elsewhere.

Must complete questline Are

We There Yeti from Umi
1x Cured Rugged Hide Rumplesnicker in Everlook,
4x Thorium Widget Winterspring. Then once you
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti 2x Globe of Water are 250+ Engineering and at
2x Truesilver Transformer least level 55 talk to her again
1x Gold Power Core and she'll give you a quest that
teaches you how to make

2x Froststeel Tubes
Trained from any Engineering
Sonic Booster 4x Overcharged Capacitors
Trainer in Northrend
2x Handful of Cobalt Bolts

Crafting Reagents/Misc

Item Materials Notes

Recipe is sold by Northrend

8 Saronite Bars Engineering Supplies NPCs in
Titanium Toolbox 8 Titanium Bars Dalaran and Icecrown, see map
4 Handful of Cobalt Bolts below. This is a limited supply


Item Materials Notes

3x Khorium Bars Trained from Any Engineering

Khorium Power Core
1x Primal Fire Trainer in Outland / Northrend

Trained from Any Engineering

Hardened Adamantite Tube 3x Hardened Adamantite Bars
Trainer in Outland / Northrend

4x Cobalt Bars Trained form Any Engineering

Overcharged Capacitor
1x Crystallized Earth Trainer in Northrend

Farming Eternals with Zapthrottle Extractor

First off, if you don't have or don't know what a Zapthrottle Extractor is and you are an Engineer
with a skill of 305 or greater, shame on you! But instead of make fun of you like other Engineers
might, I'm going to help you to understand why it's important.


The Zapthrottle Extractor is an Engineered item that you use to extract resources out of gas
clouds. It was introduced in The Burning Crusade and works to extract Motes or Crystallized
components out of the corresponding cloud. For example, you see a Cinder Cloud floating around
in Sholazar Basin you can walk up to it and click your Zapthrottle Extractor and suck anywhere
from 4 Crystallized Fires and 4 Crystallized Waters out of it. In Northrend there are 3 types of
clouds to look for, Arctic Clouds, Cinder Clouds, and Steam Clouds as referenced in the table

Cloud Name What Comes Out Of It Zones It Can Be Found In

Crystallized Air and Crystallized Howling Fjord, Dragonblight,

Arctic Cloud
Water Storm Peaks, Icecrown

Sholazar Basin, Wintergrasp,

Cinder Clouds Crystallized Fire

Crystallized Fire and

Steam Clouds Sholazar Basin, Borean Tundra
Crystallized Water

Cinder Clouds
Hands down the best place to farm these clouds is in Sholazar Basin. The reason why I think that
is because you can do it while doing things around the house. What I do is take my flying mount
and center myself over the area and when one spawns I swoop down, suck it up, fly back into the
air, and then go do stuff around the house for a few minutes. You can also farm them in Lake
Wintergrasp and Dragonblight, I'll include all maps.


Steam Clouds
Steam Clouds are heavily prevalent in the Geyser Fields of Borean Tundra and all around Sholazar
Basin. Instead of just give you locations to farm them I'll give you routes because you'll want to
move around to gather them.


Arctic Clouds
Arctic Clouds are found in multiple zones (the ones that are cold!!!). You'll probably want to
follow a route instead of farming a single location.


How to Make Gold with Inscription
Inscription is a great profession, the best part is that glyph prices are based on availability
opposed to material costs. So the best thing you can do to increase your profit potential is to
make your glyphs available, I'll talk more about that in the glyph section below. There are three
main ways to make gold with Inscription. You can sell glyphs, vellums or Darkmoon Cards.
Darkmoon Cards are risky, vellums are consistent but not incredibly profitable and glyphs have


the potential to make a few hundred gold in just 10-20 minutes.

Creating Glyphs for Profit

As mentioned above, the best part about being a scribe is the disconnect between material costs
and glyph value. You can make 20-30g on a glyph just for being the person who has it at the right
time. This is supply and demand at it's finest. The best way to make yourself available is to link
your book in trade along with a flat price (say, 20g). However, you can make a lot more by posting
otherwise unavailable glyphs on the Auction House and hope that someone else doesn't undercut
you before a paying customer buys your glyph.

Making glyphs available can be tough if you haven't discovered any unique glyphs (but not
impossible). At every opportunity you need to use Northrend Inscription Research and Minor
Inscription Research to discover more glyphs. You should also look for affordable Book of Glyph
Masteries to the post Patch 3.1 glyphs. These glyphs are easily the most valuable since they are
still very rare and are among the best major glyphs in the game.

When you're not advertising by linking your book in trade, deciding which glyphs to make and
post on the Auction House is the challenge. The strategy I use is to search the Auction House for
every glyph, leaving the Name field empty and selecting Glyph on the left:

Then sorting by Bid Total (make sure when it sorts it doesn't sort just the visible page, if you see
outlandish prices then it's working) Scroll your way down until you find an expensive glyph that
you can make. Search for that glyph to see if there are any listed cheaper, if not then write it
down to craft it. Come up with a dozen or so glyphs to craft this way and craft them. This should
take 10-20 minutes and net you hundreds of gold.
Some glyphs won't show up this way because they simply aren't posted, and these are the best
glyphs to sell! When you post a glyph that isn't posted yet start the price between 40 and 50g (for
a normal glyph), anything higher (depending on the glyph) and you'll be encouraging your
potential customers to find an Inscriptionist in their guild to make it for them.


For the glyphs that won't show up, use the following list of the top 40ish glyphs I've had luck
selling. Search for the ones you have discovered and see who is selling them. For the most part,
they can all sell between 30-40g if no one else is selling them.
Popular Glyphs:

Glyph Class Value Source

Glyph of Dash Druid 45g Discovery

Glyph of Starfall Druid 45g Discovery

Glyph of Mend Pet Hunter 45g Discovery

Glyph of Penguin Mage 45g Discovery

Glyph of Obliterate Death Knight 40g Discovery

Glyph of Avenger's Shield Paladin 40g Discovery

Glyph of Mortal Strike Warlock 40g Discovery

Glyph of Arcane Intellect Mage 37g Discovery

Glyph of Conflagrate Warlock 35g Discovery

Glyph of Healing Wave Shaman 35g Discovery

Glyph of Incinerate Warlock 35g Trainer

Glyph of Health Funnel Warlock 35g Trainer

Glyph of Swiftmend Druid 35g Discovery

Glyph of Dark Death Death Knight 34g Trainer

Glyph of Steadyshot Hunter 34g Discovery

Glyph of the Ghoul Death Knight 32g Trainer

Glyph of Revive Pet Hunter 31g Discovery

Glyph of Hemorrhage Rogue 30g Discovery

Glyph of Unbreakable Armor Death Knight 30g Trainer

Glyph of Vanish Rogue 30g Discovery

Glyph of Deadly Throw Rogue 30g Discovery

Glyph of Shadowfiend Priest 30g Discovery

Glyph of Blood Tap Death Knight 30g Discovery


Glyph of Renewed Life Shaman 25g Discovery

Glyph of Ghost Wolf Shaman 25g Discovery

Glyph of Water Walking Shaman 25g Discovery

Glyph of Rupture Rogue 25g Discovery

Glyph of Exorcism Paladin 25g Trainer

Glyph of Resonating Power Warlock 25g Discovery

Glyph of Seal of Light Paladin 25g Discovery

Glyph of Arcane Blast Mage 25g Discovery

Glyph of Thorns Druid 22g Discovery

Glyph of Blocking Warlock 20g Discovery

Glyph of Circle of Healing Priest 20g Discovery

Glyph of Frostbolt Mage 20g Discovery

Glyph of Aimed Shot Hunter 20g Trainer

Glyph of Fireball Mage 20g Discovery

Glyph of Lightwell Priest 20g Discovery

Glyph of Wyvern Sting Hunter 15g Discovery

Weapon and Armor Vellums

Enchanters use vellums to post their enchants on the Auction House. Weapon Vellums are used for
weapon enchants and Armor Vellums are used for armor. Each vellum is crafted from cheap
parchment and usually cheap ink. Use the table below to make note of your realm's Auction House
prices and calculate the potential AH price of the vellum. If the price is competitive compared to
the other listings, craft a bunch and make some gold.

Item Materials

Midnight Ink
2 Weapon Vellum - 5 level 10-20 herbs
Light Parchment x 2 (6c)

2 Weapon Vellum II Fiery Ink

- random from lvl 40-50 herbs
Celestial Ink


- 5 level 40-50 herbs
Heavy Parchment x 2 (6s)

Ink of the Sea x 3

2 Weapon Vellum III - 15 Northrend herbs
Resilient Parchment x 2 (2g)

Moonglow Ink
2 Armor Vellum - 5 level 1-10 herbs
Light Parchment x 2 (6c)

Celestial Ink
2 Armor Vellum II - 5 level 40-50 herbs
Common Parchment x 2 (62c)

Ink of the Sea

2 Armor Vellum III - 5 Northrend herbs
Resilient Parchment x 2 (2g)

Darkmoon Cards of the North

Darkmoon Cards are turned in for an epic trinket during the Darkmoon Faire. However, you need
to collect an entire deck, ace through eight, before being able to turn it in for the epic trinket. The
trinkets are very valuable, but you have no say in which card you get. It costs a lot of money to
craft a single random Darkmoon Card and you can be continually shafted on cards that are only
worth ~20g.

It takes 10 Northrend herbs, on average, to produce a single Icy Pigment (which you need 12 of).
However, you can exchange 10 Ink of the Sea for 1 Snowfall Ink. After doing the math, and
creating a dozen cards myself, it takes about 80-100 Northrend herbs to get a single card. Even if
Goldclover or Adder's Tongue is selling for 30g a stack, that's going to cost 120g per card. Lately,
even the Aces can sell for as little as 80g. You should check your realm's Auction House to
determine if this is something you're interested in. The possible results are as follows: Ace
through Eight of Chaos, Ace through Eight of Undeath, Ace through Eight of Nobles and Ace
through Eight of Prisms.

How to Make Gold With Jewelcrafting

Jewelcrafting can be a very profitable profession to have to make gold. In this section of the guide
I'll discuss various ways to make gold with Jewelcrafting. One general tip I have is that when
listing cut gems be sure to list in small increments, possibly by one per post since individuals are
often only looking for one or two gems to place in their gear.

Prospecting is one of the most essential ways to make money with Jewelcrafting. You can get ore
and prospect it to sell the gems or to cut and sell the gems. The chart below will show you the
most profitable ores to prospect, what gems you can get by prospecting them, and how much the
gems sell for on the Auction House. When prospecting you'll often receive more than one green
gem per prospect.


Type of Gems that can be Percentage Average Auction House Sell Value
Ore to Received from
Prospect Prospecting

Cobalt Huge Citrine (1-2) 25.00% 2g

Dark Jade (1-2) 25% 1g

Shadow Crystal (1-2) 25% 1g

Sun Crystal (1-2) 25% 2g

Chalcedony (1-2) 25% 2g

Bloodstone (1-2) 25% 2g

Monarch Topaz 1.2% 50g

Scarlet Ruby 1.3% 80g

Sky Sapphire 1.2% 10g

Forest Emerald 1.3% 8g

Autumn's Glow 1.2% 30g

Twilight Opal 1.2% 20g

Saronite Huge Citrine (1-2) 18.00% 2g

Dark Jade (1-2) 18.00% 1g

Shadow Crystal (1-2) 18.00% 1g

Sun Crystal (1-2) 18.00% 2g

Chalcedony (1-2) 18.00% 2g

Bloodstone (1-2) 18.00% 2g

Monarch Topaz 4% 50g

Scarlet Ruby 4% 80g

Sky Sapphire 4% 10g

Forest Emerald 4% 8g


Autumn's Glow 4% 30g

Twilight Opal 4% 20g

Cutting Gems
You can make money cutting any types of gems but certain gems are far more profitable. As you
are prospecting ore you'll likely get lots of green gems that you can cut, sell as they are, save for
turn ins for Jewelcrafting dailies, or cut them and sell them. My recommendation is to use your
best judgment on what to do with these types of gems and to pay closer attention to the rare
gems. I have listed some of the most profitable gems to make and have made sure to include the
top four-five cuts for each of them.

Also the meta gems that you can cut are created by alchemists and there is currently no cooldown
to transmute these gems so don't pay a lot for them, you can likely find a friend to transmute a
bunch for you for cheap if you aren't an Alchemist.

Item Pattern Source Average Notes

House Sell

Enchanted Tear Trainer 145g

Destructive Skyflare Diamond Rare Northrend Drop 145g

Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 95g


Chaotic Skyflare Diamond Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 75g


Ember Skyflare Diamond Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 75g


Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond Knight Dameron, Wintergrasp or 60g

Morgan Day, Wintergrasp or
Stone Guard Mukar, Wintergrasp

Insightful Earthsiege Diamond Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 90g



Relentless Earthsiege Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 85g
Diamond Dalaran

Eternal Earthsiege Diamond Rare Northrend Drop 70g

Trenchant Earthsiege Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 70g

Diamond Dalaran

Beaming Earthsiege Diamond Rare Northrend Drop 55g

Reckless Monarch Topaz Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 65g


Glimmering Monarch Topaz Cielstrasza, Wyrmrest Temple - 50g Requires The

Dragonblight Wyrmrest Accord
- Exalted

Luminous Monarch Topaz Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 50g


Stalwart Monarch Topaz Rare Northrend Drop 49g

Champion's Monarch Topaz Rare Northrend Drop 47g

Bold Scarlet Ruby Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 100g


Fractured Scarlet Ruby Rare Northrend Drop 100g

Runed Scarlet Ruby Archmage Alvareaux - Dalaran 100g Requires Kirin Tor
- Exalted

Delicate Scarlet Ruby Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 90g


Bright Scarlet Ruby Trainer 85g

Lustrous Sky Sapphire Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 40g


Stormy Sky Sapphire Knight Dameron, Wintergrasp or 24g

Morgan Day, Wintergrasp or


Stone Guard Mukar, Wintergrasp

Solid Sky Sapphire Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 20g


Sparkling Sky Sapphire Trainer 25g

Jagged Forest Emerald Tanak, Frenzyheart Hill – Sholazar 65g Requires

Basin Frenzyheart Tribe
- Revered

Energized Forest Emerald Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 50g


Enduring Forest Emerald Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 40g


Lambent Forest Emerald Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 33g


Vivid Forest Emerald Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 30g


Quick Autumn's Glow Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 75g


Mystic Autumn's Glow Knight Dameron, Wintergrasp or 65g

Morgan Day, Wintergrasp or
Stone Guard Mukar, Wintergrasp

Rigid Autumn's Glow Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 45g


Smooth Autumn's Glow Lillehoff, Dun Niffelem – The 35g Requires The
Storm Peaks Sons of Hodir -

Brilliant Autumn's Glow Trainer 30g

Purified Twilight Opal Rare Northrend Drop 60g


Defender's Twilight Opal Rare Northrend Drop 50g

Sovereign Twilight Opal Rare Northrend Drop 45g

Glowing Twilight Opal Duchess Mynx, The Shadow Vault 40g Requires Knights
- Icecrown of the Ebon
Blade - Exalted

Shifting Twilight Opal Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, 45g


Crafting Epics
There are epic items that can be crafted through Jewelcrafting to make gold. The following epics
listed in the chart below are some of the best gold making epics to try to sell as a Jewelcrafter.

Item Pattern Source Average Auction House Sell Value

Titanium Earthguard Chain Anuur, Icecrown or 2400g

Tiffany Cartier,

Titanium Spellshock Anuur, Icecrown or 1800g

Necklace Tiffany Cartier,

Titanium Impact Choker Anuur, Icecrown or 1200g

Tiffany Cartier,

Titanium Spellshock Ring Anuur, Icecrown or 1500g

Tiffany Cartier,

Titanium Impact Band Anuur, Icecrown or 744g

Tiffany Cartier,

Titanium Earthguard Ring Anuur, Icecrown or 798g

Tiffany Cartier,

Titanium Frostguard Ring Anuur, Icecrown or 665g


Tiffany Cartier,

Doing Dailies
Doing Jewelcrafting dailies is important for making gold for several reasons. First off Jewelcrafting
dailies are very easy to complete and they provide you with Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Tokens, which
can be used to buy patterns to make more valuable items and gems to sell and to buy Dragon's
Eyes to either sell on the Auction House or to use to make valuable epic items to sell. If you really
need gold I recommend you do the Jewelcrafting dailies for these reasons and very simply
because the dailies are very easy to do and you will get 13g 23s (at 80) just for doing them. I
recommend that you save some Bloodstone, Dark Jade, Huge Citrine, Chalcedony, Shadow
Crystal, and Sun Crystal because they are required for turning in with the dailies.

You can do one Jewelcrafting daily per day and must be at least level 65 with at least level 350
Jewelcrafting. Every Jewelcrafting daily is obtained by visiting Timothy Jones (the Grand Master
Jewelcrafting Trainer) in Dalaran. Also, every quest is turned in to him.

Note: I have included maps for the most convenient zones to obtain the quest items from but you
can get the items from other zones in Northrend.

Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet

“Combine a Vrykul Amulet, a Dark Jade and a Bloodstone to make a Blood Jade Amulet and bring
it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran. “

The Vrykul Amulet drops off any Vrykul in Northrend.

You can find them off of the Vrykuls in The Storm Peaks in the areas circled in the map below.


Shipment: Bright Armor Relic
“Combine an Elemental Armor Scrap, a Bloodstone and a Huge Citrine to craft a Bright Armor
Relic and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”

The Elemental Armor Scrap drops off of any Revenant in Northrend.

The map below shows the most concentrated areas of Revenants in Dragonblight.


Shipment: Glowing Ivory Figurine
“Combine Shoveltusk Ivory, a Chalcedony and a Shadow Crystal to create a Glowing Ivory
Figurine and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”

The Shoveltusk Ivory drops off of any Shoveltusk in Northrend.

The map below shows the most concentrated areas of Shoveltusk in The Howling Fjord.


Shipment: Intricate Bone Figurine
“Combine a Proto Dragon Bone, a Chalcedony and a Dark Jade to craft an Intricate Bone Figurine
and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”

The Proto Dragon Bone drops off of any Proto Dragon in Northrend.

See the map below for where to get the Proto Dragon Bone in The Storm Peaks.


Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio
“Combine a Scourge Curio, a Sun Crystal and a Shadow Crystal to make a Shifting Sun Curio and
bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”

The Scourge Curio drops off of any Scourge in Northrend.

The map below shows the most concentrated areas of Scourge in Crystalsong Forest.


Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch
“Combine an Iron Dwarf Brooch, a Huge Citrine and a Sun Crystal to create a Wicked Sun Brooch
and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”

The Iron Dwarf Brooch drops off of any Iron Dwarf in Northrend.

The following map shows the most concentrated areas of Iron Dwarves in The Storm Peaks.


How to Make Gold with Leatherworking
A lot of gold can be made with Leatherworking, especially since they introduced Wrath of the Lich
King and made Bind on Equips more accessible. Leatherworking now has epic consumables and
some of the best BoE Epics in the game for some of the highest popularity classes. I'm going to
break this into sections based on what type of item it is. Before you craft any items make sure
you compare the pricing and availability to your local Auction House.

Crafting Leg Armor

Leg Armor is made by Leatherworkers and works like an enchant. You right click on the Leg
Armor and left click it onto any set of legs that are in your inventory. The advantage is, they are
tradeable and some are worth a good chunk of money. Before you make any of these though,
compare the average price to your Auction House price and take note of how many of each
particular one is listed in the Auction House. If there's few or none great you might be able to
make some money off these but if there's 50 and the price is way below the Average Buyout Price
you can still make money but may need to wait to post yours.

Required Skill Where to Get Average

Item Materials Notes
To Craft Pattern Buyout Price

2x Arctic Fur
Earthen Leg 4x Eternal Northrend Highly used in
425 200g
Armor Earth Trainers PvP
1x Frozen Orb


2x Arctic Fur
Frosthide Leg 2x Nerubian Northrend
425 160g
Armor Chitin Trainers
1x Frozen Orb

2x Arctic Fur
Icescale Leg 2x Icy Northrend
425 150g
Armor Dragonscale Trainers
1x Frozen Orb

4x Heavy Cenarian
Knothide Refuge in
Leather Zangarmarsh
16x Thick from Fedryen
Nethercleft Leg Used for
365 Clefthoof Swiftspear, 125g
Armor Twinks
Leather requires
8x Primal earth Exalted with
1x Primal Cenarion
Nether Expedition

For Alliance:
Exalted with
4x Heavy Honor Hold,
Knothide sold by
Leather Quartermaster
Nethercobra 4x Cobra there Used for
365 125g
Leg Armor Scales For Horde: Twinks
8x Primal Air Requires
1x Primal Exalted with
Nether Thrallmar, sold

Refuge in
4x Heavy
from Fedryen
Celfthide Leg Swiftswpear, Used for
335 8x Thick 55g
Armor Requires Twinks
4x Primal Earth
with Cenarion

Cobrahide Leg 335 4x Heavy For Alliance: 130g Used for

Armor Knothide Requires Twinks
Leather Honored with
2x Cobra Honor Hold,
Scales sold by
4x Primal Air Quartermaster


For Horde:
Honored with
Thrallmar, sold

5x Heavy
Jormungar Leg Borean Leather Northrend
405 30g
Armor 1x Jormungar Trainers

4x Heavy
Nerubian Leg Borean Leather Northrend
405 35g
Armor 1x Nerubian Trainers

Crafting Cloaks
In Wrath of the Lich King they added two epic Bind on Equip cloaks that you can craft which
usually sell pretty decent and there are two lower level blue cloaks which I can never find up for
sale in my Auction House even though they are really good for that level. That's actually my
current hot selling item, even though the average price is 30 and 25 gold for the two bottom
cloaks I've been selling them on my local Auction House for 100g just because no one else has
taken the time to make and sell them.

Required Skill To Where to Get Average Buyout

Item Materials
Craft Pattern Price

2x Arctic Fur
6x Eternal Fire
Ice Striker's Cloak 440 Northrend Trainers 395g
4x Eternal Shadow
1x Frozen Orb

2x Arctic Fur
Durable Nerubhide 40x Nerubian
440 Northrend Trainers 300g
Cape Chitin
1x Frozen Orb

16x Borean
Cloak of Harsh
380 Leather Northrend Trainers 30g
4x Crystallized Air

6x Heavy Borean
Cloak of
395 5x Crystallized Air Northrend Trainers 25g
Tormented Skies
5x Crystallized


Crafting BoE Frost Resistance Epics
Some people are still big time noobs and need Frost Resistance gear for Naxxramas or they like
the frost resistance gear for PvP, whatever the reason, you can make money selling these pieces
to mail and leather wearers. Check to see if anyone is selling on your server, on my server there
is usually very few and if you sell each three pieces as a set, you can usually get rid of them faster
in trade channel.

Required Skill To Where to Get Average Buyout

Item Materials
Craft Pattern Price

Sold by Braeg
10x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
3x Eternal Fire Leatherworking
Polar Vest 425 500g
3x Eternal Water Shop, costs 3
8x Nerubian Chitin Heavy Borean
1x Frozen Orb Leather to

Sold by Braeg
8x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
2x Eternal Fire Leatherworking
Polar Cord 420 325g
2x Eternal Water Shop, costs 3
4x Nerubian Chitin Heavy Borean
1x Frozen Orb Leather to

Sold by Braeg
8x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
2x Eternal Fire Leatherworking
Polar Boots 420 250g
2x Eternal Water Shop, costs 3
4x Nerubian Chitin Heavy Borean
1x Frozen Orb Leather to

Sold by Braeg
10x Heavy Borean
Stoutbeard in
Dalaran outside
3x Eternal Fire
Icy Scale Leatherworking
425 3x Eternal Water 400g
Chestguard Shop, costs 3
8x Icy
Heavy Borean
Leather to
1x Frozen Orb

Icy Scale Boots 420 8x Heavy Borean Sold by Braeg 250g

Leather Stoutbeard in
2x Eternal Fire Dalaran outside
2x Eternal Water Leatherworking
4x Icy Shop, costs 3
Dragonscale Heavy Borean


Leather to
1x Frozen Orb

Sold by Braeg
8x Heavy Borean
Stoutbeard in
Dalaran outside
2x Eternal Fire
Icy Scale Belt 420 2x Eternal Water 125g
Shop, costs 3
4x Icy
Heavy Borean
Leather to
1x Frozen Orb

Crafting BoE Epics

If you can't make money off of the Frost Resistance epics then try these other BoE Epics that are
hot sellers right now.

Required Skill To Where to Get Average Buyout

Item Materials
Craft Pattern Price

Sold by Braeg
12x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
440 6x Eternal Air Leatherworking 650g
6x Eternal Water Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb Arctic Furs to

Sold by Braeg
12x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
440 6x Eternal Life Leatherworking 615g
6x Eternal Water Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb Arctic Furs to

Sold by Braeg
10x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
Trollwoven Girdle 440 5x Eternal Fire Leatherworking 550g
5x Eternal Shadow Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb Arctic Furs to

Sold by Braeg
10x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
440 6x Eternal Fire Leatherworking 390g
6x Eternal Shadow Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb Arctic Furs to


Sold by Braeg
12x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
440 6x Eternal Water Leatherworking 500g
6x Eternal Air Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb Arctic Furs to

Sold by Braeg
10x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
440 5x Eternal Water Leatherworking 325g
5x Eternal Air Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb Arctic Furs to

Sold by Braeg
Stoutbeard in
10x Heavy Borean
Dalaran outside
Revenant's Treads 440 Leatherworking 500g
10x Eternal Water
Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb
Arctic Furs to

Sold by Braeg
Stoutbeard in
12x Heavy Borean
Dalaran outside
Revenant's Leather
440 Leatherworking 480g
Breastplate 12x Eternal Water
Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb
Arctic Furs to

Sold by Braeg
10x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
Earthgiving Boots 440 5x Eternal Life Leatherworking 200g
5x Eternal Water Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb Arctic Furs to

Sold by Braeg
10x Heavy Borean Stoutbeard in
Leather Dalaran outside
Windripper Boots 440 5x Eternal Air Leatherworking 400g
5x Eternal Water Shop, costs 2
1x Frozen Orb Arctic Furs to

Crafting BoE Rares

The best approach to making money with Leatherworking is to not flood the market with one
item. Believe it or not, there are a lot of really good BoE blues that can be made in
Leatherworking, some are so good they are used until raid epics replace them. There are a bunch


of PvP sets you can craft, Swiftarrow, Stormhide, and Overcast. I'm going to give you all of the
BoE blues that have an average buyout price of 100g or more and if these don't work for you
there are a bunch of other items in the set sold by the same vendor, check your local Auction
House to find the hot one. All the following recipes are sold by Braeg Stoutbeard in Dalaran
outside the Leatherworking shop for 3 Heavy Borean Leather.

Required Skill To Average Buyout

Item Materials
Craft Price

12x Heavy Borean

Swiftarrow Helm 420 Leather 175g
1x Eternal Air

10x Heavy Borean

420 Leather 175g
1x Eternal Air

10x Heavy Borean

Overcast Spaulders 420 Leather 140g
1x Eternal Water

10x Heavy Borean

Stormhide Shoulders 420 Leather 125g
1x Eternal Water

12x Heavy Borean

Overcast Headguard 420 Leather 125g
1x Eternal Water

10x Heavy Borean

420 Leather 110g
1x Eternal Air

10x Heavy Borean

Swiftarrow Boots 425 Leather 100g
1x Eternal Shadow

Crafting Armor Kits

Armor Kits work in the same fashion as Leg Armor. You craft them, right click them, and apply
them to an item. Armor Kits can be applied to more than just the legs though. Some can be
attached to the head, chest, shoulders, legs, hands, or feet. These are cheap alternative to
getting enchants and in some cases they are the best enchant for that slot.

Required Skill Where to Get Average

Item Materials Notes
To Craft Pattern Buyout Price

4x Heavy
Glove Knothide Any Outland
350 50g
Reinforcements Leather Trainer
3x Primal earth


The +8
Aldor Defense on
Quartermaster these is still a
3 Heavy
in Shattrath, pretty good
Vindicator's Knothide
325 requires 40g option to have
Armor Kit Leather
Revered for tanks when
1x Primal Earth
Reputation they can't hit
with Aldor the Defense

Heavy Borean 4x Heavy Northrend

395 30g
Armor Kit Borean Leather Trainer

Heavy 3x Heavy
Any Outland
Knothide 350 Knothide 10g
Armor Kit Leather

Borean Armor 4x Borean Northrend

350 7g
Kit Leather Trainer

Crafting Heavy Borean Leather

This is a cheap and easy tactic to use to make gold but only works when prices are right. Watch
the price of Heavy Borean Leather and then watch the price of Borean Leather. It takes 6 Borean
Leather to make 1 Heavy Borean Leather and Leatherworkers are the only ones who can make
that change. So it takes 120 Borean Leather to make 20 Heavy Borean Leather. If you can find 6
stacks of Borean Leather for sale for less than you can sell a stack of Heavy Borean Leather for,
then buy those up and resell them.

How to Make Gold With Tailoring

This section will teach you how to make money with Tailoring. Tailoring takes a huge amount of
cloth to level but the profession can actually be quit profitable if you can develop a feel for several
special niches. Below are my favorite and most profitable ways to make gold with Tailoring.

Crafting Spellthread
Spellthread is a special enchant created by Tailors that can be woven into pants to provide stat
bonuses. There are various spellthread and there are different level requirements for them so as
long as there is a demand for it on your Auction House, older spellthread patterns still sell well to
those leveling up. The good thing about spellthread is that there is usually a consistent demand
for it since it can only be used once to enchant a piece of gear and the mats are very cheap to
make them.

Required Skill Item Materials Where to Get Average Notes

To Craft Pattern Buyout Price

430 Brilliant 4 Eternal Life, Veteran 260g This requires


Spellthread 4 Iceweb Crusader Argent
Spider Silk, 1 Aliocha Segard, Crusade -
Frozen Orb Argent Exalted
Vanguard -

430 Sapphire 4 Eternal Fire, Archmage 250g This requires

Spellthread 4 Iceweb Alvareaux, The Kirin Tor -
Spider Silk, 1 Violet Citadel - Exalted
Frozen Orb Dalaran

375 Runic 1 Rune Thread, Quartermaster 150g This requires

Spellthread 10 Primal Enuril, The The Scryers -
Mana, 1 Primal Scryer's Bank – Exalted
Nether Shattrath City

375 Golden 1 Rune Thread, Quartermaster 100g This requires

Spellthread 10 Primal Life, Endarin, The The Aldor -
1 Primal Nether Aldor Bank – Exalted
Shattrath City

335 Silver 1 Rune Thread, Quartermaster 45g This requires

Spellthread 5 Primal Life Endarin, The The Aldor -
Aldor Bank – Honored
Shattrath City

335 Mystic 1 Rune Thread, Quartermaster 40g This requires

Spellthread 5 Primal Mana Enuril, The The Scryers -
Scryer's Bank – Honored
Shattrath City

400 Azure 2 Crystallized Trainer 39g

Spellthread Fire, 2 Iceweb
Spider Silk

400 Shining 2 Crystallized Trainer 11g

Spellthread Life, 2 Iceweb
Spider Silk

Crafting Cloaks
Wrath of the Lich King provided Tailors with the ability to make two BOE epic cloaks to sell,
Deathchill Cloak and Wisp Cloak. If there is a market for them on your server these can make you
a lot of gold for relatively low mats cost.

Required Item Materials Where to Get Average Notes


Skill To Craft Pattern Buyout Price

420 Deathchill 5 Bolt of Trainer 1200g In order to get

Cloak Imbued this pattern you
Frostweave, 6 must complete
Eternal Fire, 4 the Loremaster
Eternal of Northrend
Shadow, 1 achievement
Siren's Tear, 1
Frozen Orb

420 Wispcloak 5 Bolt of Trainer 600g In order to get

Imbued this pattern you
Frostweave, 6 must complete
Eternal Life, 4 the Northrend
Eternal Water, Dungeonmaster
1 Siren's Tear, achievement
1 Frozen Orb

Crafting Bags
One of the most basic ways to make gold with Tailoring is to make bags. I have listed some of the
best bags to make loads of gold off of but don't be afraid to try selling lower level bags also if you
have the mats for them.

Required Skill Item Materials Where to Get Average Notes

To Craft Pattern Buyout Price

445 Glacial Bag 4 Moonshroud, Lillehoff, Dun 650g This requires

4 Ebonweave, Niffelem - The The Sons of
1 Eternium Storm Peaks Hodir -
Thread Exalted

440 Mysterious Bag 4 Spellweave, Cielstrasza, 400g This requires

2 Moonshroud, Wyrmrest The
1 Eternium Temple - Wyrmrest
Thread Dragonblight Accord -

410 Frostweave 6 Bolt of Trainer 100g

Bag Imbued
Frostweave, 2

435 Emerald Bag 4 Moonshroud, Sairuk, Moa'ki 450g This requires


6 Frost Lotus Harbor – The Kalu'ak -
Dragonblight Revered

435 Abyssal Bag 4 Ebonweave, Duchess 500g This requires

2 Spellweave, Mynx,The Knights of
1 Eternium Shadow Vault - the Ebon
Thread Icecrown Blade -

4 Bolt of
Eiin, Lower City
- Shattrath City
Imbued Netherweave,
or Mathar
340 Netherweave 2 Netherweb 50g
Bag Spider Silk, 1
Garadar -
Greater Planar
Nagrand (H)

4 Bolt of
315 Netherweave, Trainer 10g
1 Rune Thread

Creating Specialty Cloth

The specialty cloths that tailors can make like Moonshroud, Ebonweave, Spellweave, and so on are
good to sell on the Auction House because they are cheap to make and have a cool down
associated with their craft so there is a demand for them when people want an item crafted and
don't want to wait days for cooldowns. Also, be sure that you are specialized in a particular cloth
so that you get two of the cloth when you create it.

Required Skill Item Materials Where to Get Average Notes

To Craft Pattern Buyout Price

415 Ebonweave 1 Bolt of Trainer 100g Keep in mind

Imbued this has a
Frostweave, 2 cooldown
Eternal Shadow

415 Moonshroud 1 Bolt of Trainer 90g Keep in mind

Imbued this has a
Frostweave, 2 cooldown
Eternal Life

415 Spellweave 1 Bolt of Trainer 88g Keep in mind

Imbued this has a
Frostweave, 2 cooldown
Eternal Fire


Crafting Epic Gear
The latest Ebonweave, Spellweave, and Moonshroud epic gear can be sold on the auction house
for a decent price at times. Check your server's auction house to assess the market and demand
of the items and try it out. If you are lucky enough to come across a rare drop epic Tailoring
pattern then by all means utilize the recipe to make some gold. The items listed in the chart below
are epics that are easily made by tailors for lots of gold.

Required Item Materials Where to Get Average

Skill To Pattern Buyout Price

440 Ebonweave Robe 8 Ebonweave, 6 Imbued Trainer 1800g

Frostweave, 1 Eternium
Thread, 1 Frozen Orb

440 Spellweave Robe 8 Spellweave, 6 Bolt of Trainer 1500g

Imbued Frostweave, 1
Eternium Thread, 1
Frozen Orb

440 Moonshroud 8 Moonshroud, 6 Trainer 800g

Robe Imbued Frostweave, 1
Eternium Thread, 1
Frozen Orb

435 Ebonweave 4 Ebonweave, 4 Imbued Trainer 600g

Gloves Frostweave, 1 Eternium
Thread, 1 Frozen Orb

435 Moonshroud 4 Moonshroud, 4 Bolt of Trainer 500g

Gloves Imbued Frostweave, 1
Eternium Thread, 1
Frozen Orb

435 Spellweave 4 Spellweave, 4 Bolt of Trainer 300g

Gloves Imbued Netherweave, 1
Eternium Thread, 1
Frozen Orb


Crafting Miscellaneous Items
Believe it or not but those seemingly useless shirts that you can make with Tailoring can actually
be profitable to sell on the Auction House. Below are some of the most profitable shirts to make,
also don't be afraid to test out your own server's market for other shirts, but before you make a
bunch of shirts ensure that you are getting cloth cheap enough to make it worth making them.
There's really no point in making a bunch of shirts when you could simply sell the cloth itself for
more gold, so be careful.

Also, although I have not listed holiday clothing and shirts, keep in mind around the holidays that
there are many people who will pay several gold to get cheap items because of the holiday.

Required Item Materials Where to Get Average Buyout Price

Skill To Pattern

230 Lavender Mageweave 2 Bolt of Borya, The Drag – 6g

Shirt Mageweave, 2 Orgrimmar (H) or
Purple Dye, 2 Outfitter Eric
Heavy Silken Ironforge (A)

185 Rich Purple Silk Shirt 4 Bolt of Silk Rare Drop in Old 15g
Cloth, 1 Purple World
Dye, 1 Heavy
Silken Thread

155 Dark Silk Shirt 2 Bolt of Silk Mallen Swain, 15g

Cloth, 2 Gray Tarren Mill –
Dye, 1 Fine Hillsbrad Foothills
Thread (H) or Sheri
Duskwood (A)

400 Blue Workman's Shirt 4 Bolt of Rare Drop in 20g

Frostweave, 1 Northrend
Blue Dye

400 Blue Lumberjack 4 Bolt of Rare Drop in 15g

Shirt Frostweave, 1 Northrend
Blue Dye

400 Red Lumberjack Shirt 4 Bolt of Rare Drop in 27g

Frostweave, 1 Northrend
Red Dye


240 Tuxedo Shirt 4 Bolt of Millie Gregorian, 15g
Mageweave, 2 The Magic Quarter
Heavy Silken – Undercity (H) or
Thread Outfitter Eric
Ironforge (A)

250 Tuxedo Jacket 5 Bolt of Millie Gregorian, 10g

Mageweave, 3 The Magic Quarter
Heavy Silken – Undercity (H) or
Thread Outfitter Eric
Ironforge (A)

245 Tuxedo Pants 4 Bolt of Millie Gregorian, 25g

Mageweave, 3 The Magic Quarter
Heavy Silken – Undercity (H) or
Thread Outfitter Eric
Ironforge (A)

250 Dress Shoes 4 Bolt of Haughty Modiste, 15g

Mageweave, 2 Steamwheedle
Thick Leather Port - Tanaris


Chapter 4 - Secondary Professions

How to Make Gold with Fishing

Before you get too excited and ready to dive into this section make sure you have the Fishing
Buddy addon installed that I talked about in the Introduction, it will let you know how well you're
doing while fishing and give you some statistical data such as catch rates that can help you pick
the best spots for your skill level to make gold.

Farming Fish
The catch rate from pools is a lot higher than open water fishing for the specific type of fish you
are catching. So if you don't want to sit in one area fishing or you're after something very specific
go to the pools in the zones that are recommended.

Fish prices vary from server to server but I've compiled a chart with the average buyout price and
the fish you should be after. For you to tell which fish you should go after on your server and
faction, go to the auction house and see which ones from the list are selling and for what. This
chart uses the average buyout across all servers.

Open Water Catch Average Buyout

Fish Recommended Skill
Rate Price (each)

Deep Sea Monsterbelly ~20% 575 5g

Nettlefish ~30% 525 3g

Dragonfin Angelfish ~22% 475 2g

Glacial Salmon ~22% 475 2g

Musselback Sculpin ~20% 475 2g

Raw Whitescale Salmon ~40% 425 2g

Deep Sea Monsterbelly

The farming locations can be a little scary to find because they are all out in the Frozen Sea.
Basically there are a few points you can fly to and land on like broken pillars or icebergs. I'll show
you where I fish from as well as the location of the pools. Remember, you can fish for these in
open water anywhere in the Frozen Sea, in case these areas are crowded. There are a bunch of
icebergs you can on southwest of Grizzly Hills around 60,70 on the Northrend map or 6, 93 on the
Grizzly Hills map.


Most people have problems fishing Nettlefish because they only come from Sholazar Basin and it's
heavily farmed for a ton of stuff already so there is a lot of PvP that happens. It's hard to sit
there fishing peacefully without being killed by other players, but I know of one of the best open
water spots in the game. Nettelfish Pools are found in all the inland water sections of Sholazar so
if the area I picked out for you is camped just go to any other inland water source.


Dragonfin Angelfish and Musselback Sculpin
This fish can build up quickly if you don't pay attention to your supply. Not only does it come from
multiple zones but the spot I'm going to tell you to fish for it, is also the same spot you'll be
catching Musselback Sculpin. It's an open water location that you rarely will be bothered at but
I'll give you the location of some of the fishing pools as well. In my hot spot, there is a piece of
land under the water you can stand on and cast all day and barely anyone comes by to see what
you are doing.


Glacial Salmon
To get to my secret spot it's kind of hard without a flying mount if you are Horde, if you are
Alliance, you cheat! Alliance can fish for Glacial Salmon right off the dock of Valgarde in Howling
Fjord. There are so many pools found on the inland waters of Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills that
its as simple as running or flying next to a river to find one.


Raw Whitescale Salmon
The demand for this fish comes from people power leveling their cooking. It is used in a recipe
that can get people from 275 to over skill 300, therefore, it has some demand, but because it's in
the original World of Warcraft, almost no one farms it. Check your Auction House before you set
out to get this fish to see if it's oversupplied or not there, then depending on what you find out,
decide whether or not you want to catch some to sell.


Fishing Dailies
In patch 3.1 they added fishing Dailies from Dalaran. You can do these to make some money, the
reward you get has a chance to contain items that will get you a little bit of cash on the Auction

Blood is Thicker
The bloodtooth is a fiesty little fish used in a recipe to cure infected wounds. We could
use some of them, if you're up to it. As the name suggests, they've a hunger for
blood. The only way I know how to catch the little devils is by creating a blood pool
and fishing in it. Get yourself covered in blood - just slaughter a beast in the Borean
Tundra - and then jump in the water. It'll wash right off and create the perfect fishing

Head to Borean Tundra, kill any animal, then head to any inland water source and you will see a
blood pool has spawned, cast into it and catch your 5 Bloodtooth Frenzies.

Jewel of the Sewers

Hard to believe that most people fish in the Dalaran Sewers for giant rats and mutated
fish. Especially when those waters are filled with priceless jewelry - discarded by
broken hearted fools, thieves, and careless drunks.


The trick is to let your hook drag the bottom and don't pull up too hard when get
something. Try it out, . I'd be willing to trade whatever you find for a few trinkets of
my own.

You can fish anywhere in the sewers of Dalaran for this quest. The item you are looking for is
Corroded Jewelry.

Monsterbelly Appetite
It seems a recent deep sea fishing trip went very wrong. The boat capsized, and one of
the fisherman lost an arm to a hungry monsterbelly. Our first aid clinic promises they
can reattach the arm if we can bring it back. You fish long enough where
monsterbellies are found, and I'd bet my favorite fishing pole our little monsterbelly
will show his ugly face. Find that arm, and bring it to Olisarra the Kind here in Dalaran.
She'll know what to do.

Use my hot spot for Deep Sea Monsterbellies in Dragonblight. Fly south out of Dalaran and head
to about 58,80 in Dragonblight. Stand on one of the broken pillars and fish from there. If you go
elsewhere, make sure it says you are in the "Frozen Sea" before you start fishing. You're looking
to catch a Bloated Monsterbelly. When you get one of these, open it up and you will find the
Severed Arm in there.


Dangerously Delicious
The best fishing is often the most dangerous. Wintergrasp boasts a bountiful catch for
the brazen. In fact, it's the only place to catch the fabled Terrorfish - a fish both lethal
and delicious. Bring me some, and we'll have something to discuss.

Fish in any lake in Lake Wintergrasp until you catch 10 Terrorfish.


The Ghost Fish
Any Northrend angler worth salt knows about the pygmy suckerfish. It's not edible,
but sometimes useful to alchemists. There is, however, a stealthy fish that hides
among the suckerfish in the River's Heart of Sholazar Basin. The phantom ghostfish.
When out of water, they become increasingly translucent until they fade away
completely. Some hypothesize they return to Sholazar, and others are more...
superstitious. I want you to catch this fish and discover it's secret by any means!

Go to the River's Heart in the center of Sholazar Basin and fish there until you catch a Phantom
Ghostfish. Once you catch it, you must eat it within 1 minute to complete the quest or it will

How to Make Gold with Cooking

There is a lot more to Cooking in WoW than 'meats the eye'. Anyone can max their Cooking level
and reap the benefits of it, yet not many people know how to monetize the profession. There are
primarily two ways to make gold with this profession. The first way is to make the right recipes
and post them for the right prices. The second thing you should be doing is earning your Dalaran
Cooking Awards and Northrend Spices everyday. I'll talk about how to do both of those in detail.

What to Cook
It can be very challenging to make gold by purchasing meat off the Auction House, cooking it, and
selling it. Of course, you could go farm your own meat, cook it and sell that on the Auction House
but then you're effectively losing money on the meat since you could have sold the meat for it's


market price instead of cooking it (assuming there is a market for that meat).

Just like the other crafting professions, you need to make careful estimates of the cost and value
of items crafted. I have compiled a list of the top 15 selling foods which require Northern Spices.
Sometimes it's more profitable to sell your Northern Spices, other times, when spice prices are
deflated, it's better to buy them and/or use your own. When this is the case, you'll want to scan
the follow 15 recipes and determine which are currently profitable on your realm. Keep in mind
the Average Auction Prices are estimates across hundreds of realms and won't be accurate to your
realm, they are used to help gauge the demand of each food.

Food Ingredients Average Auction Price

1 x Dragonfin Angelfish
Dragonfin Filet 5g
1 x Northern Spice

1 x Musselback Sculpin
Poached Northern Sculpin 5g
1 x Northern Spice

2 x Worg Haunch
Worg Tartare 5g
1 x Northern Spice

1 x Glacial Salmon
Firecracker Salmon 4.5g
1 x Northern Spice

1 x Worm Meat
Rhinolicious Wormsteak 1 x Rhino Meat 4g
1 x Northern Spice

2 x Shoveltusk Flank
Tender Shoveltusk Steak 4g
1 x Northern Spice

1 x Imperial Manta Ray

Imperial Manta Steak 3g
1 x Northern Spice

3 x Bonescale Snapper
Snapper Extreme 3g
1 x Northern Spice

2 x Worm Meat
Spiced Worm Burger 3g
1 x Northern Spice

1 x Nettlefish
Spicy Blue Nettlefish 3g
1 x Northern Spice

1 x Chunk o' Mammoth

Spiced Mammoth Treats 2.75g
1 x Northern Spice

1 x Fangtooth Herring
Spicy Friend Herring 2.5g
1 x Northern Spice

2 x Dragonfin Angelfish
Blackened Dragonfin 2g
1 x Northern Spice

Cuttlesteak 1 x Moonglow Cuttlefish 2g


1 x Northern Spice

2 x Chunk o' Mammoth

Mega Mammoth Meal 2g
1 x Northern Spice

When Northern Spice prices are inflated, you don't want to buy them and you want to sell yours.
Here is a list of the top 10 selling foods that don't require Northern Spices. You can usually cook
some of the following foods for a profit.

Food Ingredients Average Auction Price

Dalaran Clam Chowder 2 x Succulent Clam Meat 2.5g

Shoveltusk Steak 1 x Shoveltusk Flank 2g

Worm Delight 1 x Worm Meat 2g

Smoked Salmon 1 x Glacial Salmon 1.75g

Poached Nettlefish 1 x Nettlefish 1.6g

Baked Manta Ray 1 x Imperial Manta Ray 1.5g

Pickled Fangtooth 1 x Fangtooth Herring 1.5g

Grilled Sculpin 1 x Musselback Sculpin 1.2g

Black Jelly 3 x Borean Man O' War 1g

Rhino Dogs 1 x Rhino Meat 1g

Dalaran Cooking Daily Quests

Everyday you can do the Dalaran Cooking daily quest, they all reward 1 Dalaran Cooking Award
and a few Northrend Spices. The Cooking Award is used to purchase new cooking recipes and the
Northrend Spices are used for making the second tier of level 80 food, which typically has extra
stats (for example, instead of +35 spell power food, +46 spell power food with Northrend Spice).
The spices can be sold on the Auction House as well.

Cheese for Glowergold

Combine the empty cheese platter with Aged Dalaran Limburger from the cheese shop
"One More Glass" and with 6 Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses found on tables around

Bring the Wine and Cheese platter to Ranid Glowergold at the Leatherworkers in the
Magus Commerce Exchange.

First collect the 6 Wine Glasses in the light blue areas, head to the blue area and pickup your


Aged Dalaran Limburger. Combine them and turn the quest in at Ranid Glowergold (green blob)

Mustard Dogs!

Fill the Empty Picnic Basket with 4 Rhino Dogs that you cook with your cooking skill
and 4 Wild Mustard that you find in the grassy areas of Dalaran.

Bring the Picnic Basket to Archmage Pentarus at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran.

Cook up 4 Rhino Dogs, head to Storm Peaks if you need Rhino meat (grab extra for next time),
collect Wild Mustard from around their spawn points (orange blobs on the map) and finally turn
the quest in at Archmage Pentarus on Krausus' Landing.


Sewer Stew

Cook 4 Crystalsong Carrots from Crystalsong Forest with 4 Chilled Meat in the

Once it is ready bring the Vegetable Stew to the Dalaran sewers Innkeeper Ajay Green.

Head to Krausus' Landing and mount up, fly down to the surface and gather 4 Crystalsong Carrots
from around the river. Cook these up along with 4 Chilled Meat (always keep a few dozen of these
handy). Head back to Alay Green in the Sewers in Dalaran.


Infused Mushroom Meatloaf

Cook 4 Infused Mushrooms from the Dalaran sewers with 2 Chilled Meats in your
Meatloaf Pan and bring them to Orton Bennet in Curiosities & Moore located in
Runeweaver Square in Dalaran.

Head into the Sewers and collect 4 Infused Mushrooms. Head to a fire and cook these up along
with 2 Chilled Meat. Orton Bennet is hiding in Curiosities & Moore (see the map), turn it in there.


Convention at the Legerdemain

Bring 4 Northern Stew that you use your cooking skill to make and a Jug of Wine from
the cheese shop in Dalaran to Arille Azuregaze at the Legerdemain Lounge found in
Runeweaver Square in Dalaran.

Cook up 4 Northern Stew (learned at the trainer) and deliver it, along with a Jug of Wine (see
map) to Arille (see map).

How to Make Gold With First Aid

Believe it or not but you can actually make money with First Aid. In my experience bandages do
not sell well on the auction house but if cloth is being sold cheap enough you can actually buy the
cloth, make bandages and sell them to a vendor for a profit. Below you will find the bandages that
you can sell more to the vendor than you can by selling the cloth itself.

Bandage Vendor Buyout Vendor Buyout Difference Cloth Profit in

Price for Price for Cloth Between Bandage Form
Bandage Bandage and
Cloth Vendor
Buyout Prices

Silk Bandage 34s (stack) 30s (stack) 4s (stack) 4s (stack)


1s 70c (each) 1s 50c (each) 20c (each) 20c (each)

Heavy Silk 80s (stack) 30s (stack) 50s (stack) 25s (stack)
4s (each) 1s 50c (each) 1 s (each) 50c (each)

Mageweave 68s (stack) 50s (stack) 18s (stack) 18s (stack)

3s 40c (each) 2s 50c (each) 90c (each) 90c (each)

Heavy Mageweave 1g 60s (stack) 50s (stack) 1g 10s (stack) 55s (stack)
8s (each) 2s 50c (each) 3s (each) 1s 50c (each)

Runecloth 85s (stack) 80s (stack) 5s (stack) 5s (stack)

4s 25c (each) 4s (each) 25c (each) 25c (each)

Heavy Runecloth 2g (stack) 80s (stack) 1g 20s (stack) 60s (stack)

10s (each) 4s (each) 2s (each) 1s (each)

Netherweave 2g 55s (stack) 1g 60s (stack) 1g 15s (stack) 1g 15s (stack)

12s 75c (each) 8s (each) 4s 75c (each) 4s 25c (each)

Heavy 6g (stack) 1g 60s (stack) 5g 40s (stack) 1g 40s (stack)

Bandage 30s (each) 8s (each) 14s (each) 7s (each)

Keep in mind that the heavy bandages require two pieces of cloth to craft, but if you look at the
chart above you will see that for the bandages I have listed it is actually more profitable per piece
of cloth to sell the heavy bandages to the vendor.

First Aid isn't a huge money making skill but if you pay attention to the auction house you can
actually make money with very little effort.


Chapter 5 - Farming
The word farming often conjures up images in players minds of someone sitting for hours trying to
grind out on mobs in one spot in order to make a few gold. Others think of mass numbers of
people sitting at computers for 12 hours at a time grinding on mobs for 25 cents an hour.
Whatever image farming brings to your mind, discard it. I've included some of the most popular
items to farm right now and the best places to get these items so that you don't need to spend
hours getting the items you need or items you want to sell.

Farming Eternals
Eternals are the bread and butter of level 80 crafting professions. They sell at high volume on the
Auction House because they are needed for dozens of high-end items. Fire, Air and Water can be
farmed by Engineers (see Engineering). In this section I'm going to share the areas I use to farm
Crystallized Earth, Shadow, Air, Water, Earth & Life along with which mobs, their level and the
drop rate.

There are several places to farm each Eternal, even places that are ideal for low to mid level 70s.
However, the best place to farm Eternal for overall profit is Wintergrasp but only when your faction
has control of it. Shadow, Earth, Water, Air and Life can all be farmed in the central and western
regions in a big loop as drawn below. Follow the solid red arrow around collecting Water, Earth,
Water, Shadow, Life and then Air. If one section is too busy with other farmers you can move on to
the next. After doing the loop a few times I'll head over and farm some Fire as well (dotted red


To avoid having to deal with tons of Crystallized Eternals in your inventory, copy this macro and
use it to combine when your inventory starts to get full.

#showtooltip none
/use Crystallized Fire
/use Crystallized Shadow
/use Crystallized Air
/use Crystallized Water
/use Crystallized Earth
/use Crystallized Life

Eternal Fire
Eternal Fires can be farmed by killing mobs or Engineers can use a Zapthrottle Mote Extractor, see
the Engineering section for more on mote extractor.

In Wintergrasp Flame Revenants and Raging Flames can be found on the plateau on the east side.
However, you can only see and kill the Revenants when your faction controls Wintergrasp, so
there's little use farming here if that's not the case. Otherwise, this is the best place to farm
Eternal Fires. Always race for the Flame Revenants because they have a 100% chance to drop
Crystallized Fire while the Raging Flames only have a 25% chance to drop them.


Storm Peaks
The Storm Peaks is a great place to farm Eternal Fires because they will also drop valuable Relics
of Ulduar. It would be the best place if there weren't so many people doing Sons of Hodir quests.
You will need to have completed the Sons of Hodir before the elites in the area turn friendly. The
Seething Revenants drop Crystallized Fire 25% of the time.

The Wailing Winds are inside the cave to the north west of the Seething Revenants and have a
25% drop rate.


Borean Tundra (recommended lvl 70-75)
The Raging Boilers in southwest of Bor'Goror Outpost have a 20% chance to drop Crystallized
Fire. This is a great place for level 70-75 characters who want to make some gold or need Eternal

Eternal Water
Eternal Water can be farmed by Engineers with a mote extractor, see the Engineering section for
details. Eternal Water can also be fished (as Crystallized Water), but this is not an effective way to
farm them (see the farming section for more details). The best places to kill mobs and loot
Crystallized Waters are outlined below.

Wintergrasp is the best place to farm Eternal Waters at level 80. If your faction controls the zone.
Otherwise, you will not be able to see or kill the Water Revenants which have a 100% chance to
drop Crystallized Water. The Glacial Spirits have a 25% drop rate. Follow the edges of the lakes
pulling the mobs out to the surface to fight them.


Storm Peaks
Inside and outside of this cave there are Icebound Revenants which have 25% chance to drop
Crystallized Water.


Sholazar Basin
The Aqueous Spirits on the west side of the zone (accessible only with a flying mount) have a
25% drop rate.

Zul'Drak (lvl 76-80)

Zul'Drak is a surprisingly good place to farm Eternal Waters. The Frozen Earths are only level 76
and 77 so they can be farmed earlier than 80, they have a 25% drop rate. The Crazed Water
Spirits also drop 25% of the time, they also are low level and are in high abundance. This is a
great place to farm Eternal Waters and level your mid 70s characters.


Howling Fjord (lvl 70+)
The Ice Elementals south of Fort Wildervar have a 20% drop rate and are only level 68-69. This is
a good place to level and make gold.


Dragonblight (lvl 74+)
In Dragonblight there are two mid level places to farm Eternal Water. In the south east and near
the north border. These both have a 15-20% chance to drop Crystallized Water.


Borean Tundra (lvl 70+)
There are a ton of Frozen Elementals off the south eastern coast of Borean Tundra. They have an
18% chance to drop Crystallized Water and can be farmed at level 70.


Eternal Shadow
Eternal Shadows are tough to farm unless you're a Miner (in which case you'll have a lot of extra).
They are best found in Wintergrasp when your faction has control of it otherwise in north eastern

Wintergrasp is the best place to farm Eternal Shadows, however your faction needs to have
control of Wintergrasp or you won't be able to see or kill the Shadow Revenants (100% drop
rate). The Wandering Shadows should always be visible and have a 25% drop rate.

Dragonblight (lvl 72-80)

This is the only other place to farm Eternal Shadows. The cave in the north east has Deathbringer
Revenants with an 18% chance to drop Crystallized Shadow. These can be farmed as early as
level 72.


Eternal Air
Eternal Air are best found in southern Wintergrasp or north eastern Storm Peaks.

Eternal Airs are best farmed in Wintergrasp, but only when your faction controls the zone.
Otherwise, you will be unable to see or kill the Tempest Revenants which have a 100% chance to
drop Crystallized Air. The Whispering Wind have a 25% chance to drop them.


The Storm Peaks
Scion of the Storm are the second best place to farm Eternal Air. They also drop Relics of Ulduar
which are worth bling on the Auction House. The Scions have a 25% chance drop rate of
Crystallized Air. Enter from the north on your flying mount.


Sholazar Basin
The Storm Revenants on the western plateau have a 25% chance to drop Crystallized Air.

Grizzly Hills (lvl 76+)

This is a fun place to farm Eternal Airs. The scattered Lightning Sentries have a 19% drop rate of
Crystallized Air. This is a great place to level and farm at the same time.


Borean Tundra (lvl 70+)
This is another great place to level and farm Eternal Airs at the same time. The Storm Ragers in
the east have an 18% drop rate and the Enraged Tempests have an 18% chance drop rate.


Eternal Earth
Miners end up with a ton of extra Eternal Earths which drives down the prices. Otherwise, they
can be found in central Wintergrasp when your faction controls it or eastern Storm Peaks.

If your faction controls Wintergrasp this is the best place to farm Eternal Earths. When your
faction doesn't control it you won't be able to see or kill the Earthbound Revenants (100% drop).
You will always be able to see and kill the Chilled Earth Elementals (25% drop).


Storm Peaks
Brittle Revenants are the second best mobs to farm Elemental Earth, since you can also farm
Elemental Fire and Relics of Ulduar all at once. These may not be available if you haven't
completed the Sons of Hodir quest chain.


Sholazar Basin (lvl 76+)
The Lifeblood Elementals in Sholazar Basin have a 25% drop rate and are in high abundance.
These are good for level 76-80 characters to level and make gold.


Grizzly Hills (lvl 76+)
This is another great spot for level 76-80s to level and farm gold. You can farm Elemental Air and
Elemental Earth at the same time. The Runic War Golems drop Crystallized Earth 18% of the time.

Eternal Life
Herbalists get a lot of Eternal Life from herbing and this extra supply drives prices down. They are
best farmed in south western Wintergrasp when your faction controls it or in central Zul'Drak.

The Living Lashers are available in Wintergrasp regardless of whether your faction controls the
zone or not. They have a 25% drop rate and are an excellent place to farm Eternal Life.


Zul'Drak (lvl 76+)
The Mossy Rampagers in Zul'Drak are easy to kill and sport a high drop rate of 25% considering
their mid 70s level. This is a great place for mid level 70 characters to farm Eternal Life while
gaining experience.


Dragonblight (lvl 71+)
The Woodland Walkers in Dragonblight are another good place for level 71+ characters to farm
Eternal Life and gain experience, they have an 18% drop rate.


Howling Fjord (lvl 70+)
This is a really good place to farm Eternal Life. The Thornvine Creepers have an 18% drop rate,
spawn very fast and are really easy to kill since they are only level 69-70.

Farming Cloth
Selling cloth on the Auction House is a good way to make gold. There is usually a stable market
for it and from my experience cloth is one of those items that will usually sell fast the first time
you post it on the Auction House. One thing to be careful of when selling cloth on the Auction
House is to not flood the market with tons of cloth or continually post auctions undercutting other
prices because you will drive the price of the cloth down.

The chart below shows the various types of cloth you can farm for gold and the average buyout
price for it on the Auction House. As you can see, the profitability of different cloth types varies,
this is due to the fact that some cloth is very easy to get and some cloth has a very high demand.
Felcloth has a very high selling price but one thing to keep in mind is that Felcloth is hard to get
and there is a limited demand for it since it is an old world cloth that is used by very few recipes.
In fact, I wouldn't advocate farming it, but it can be a bonus if you happen to loot some while
farming Runecloth.

Cloth Types Average Buyout Price on Auction House

Linen Cloth 5s each (1g stack)

Wool Cloth 10s each (2g stack)

Silk Cloth 5s each (1g stack)


Mageweave Cloth 25s each (5g stack)

Runecloth 20s each (4g stack)

Felcloth 2g each (40g stack)

Netherweave Cloth 15s each (3g stack)

Frostweave Cloth 75s each (15g stack)

Below you will find maps for some of the best places to farm cloth. I have also included some
information about instances since instances are often really good places to farm in if you are a
higher level. When farming for cloth it's important to consider not only the drop rate of the cloth
off of the mob but the number of mobs in an area. It's better to have 30 mobs in an area with a
50% drop rate than having 10 mobs in an area with a 75% drop rate because with fewer mobs it's
likely that you will have to wait for mobs to respawn.

Farming Linen Cloth

Besides the maps that I have shown below other good areas to farm Linen Cloth are in the
Ghostlands and Westfall.

Below you will find areas for farming Linen Cloth in Silverpine Forest. The areas on the map have
a 42-55% drop rate of Linen Cloth.

Note: Pyrewood Village to the south is friendly to the Alliance during the day but at night the
residents turn into mobs which are kill on site. The Horde can kill the mobs here any time.


Below you will find areas for farming Linen Cloth in Loch Modan. The areas on the map have a
42-46% drop rate of Linen Cloth.


Farming Wool Cloth
Besides the areas in the maps below, you can also farm Wool Cloth good in The Stockade and
Blackfathom Deeps. If you are Alliance I strongly suggest that you try The Stockade if you are
farming with a high level character.

Below you will find areas for farming Wool Cloth in Ashenvale. There are some areas that are
friendly to one faction or another so in those areas I have marked whether or not the Horde or
Alliance can kill there. The areas on the map have a drop rate of 24-31% of Wool Cloth.

Below you will find areas for farming Wool Cloth in Redridge Mountains. The areas on the map
have a drop rate of 25-28% of Wool Cloth.



Farming Silk Cloth

One of the best places to farm Silk Cloth is in Scarlet Monastery, if you have a high level character
I strongly suggest you try Scarlet Monastery because of the high amount of mobs and good drop
rate of silk.

Below you will find areas for farming Silk Cloth in Alterac Mountains. The areas on the map have
a drop rate of 34-37%.


Below you will find areas for farming Silk Cloth in Dustwallow Marsh. The areas on the map have
a drop rate of 39-43%.


Farming Mageweave Cloth
If you have a high level character I suggest trying out Zul'Farrak if you are looking to farm
Mageweave Cloth. Otherwise the two zones below are quite good for finding Mageweave. One of
the maps I have included is for the Horde only and it is one of the best Mageweave Cloth farming

Below is the Horde area for farming in Blasted Lands. This is an excellent area to farm
Mageweave and the area on the map has a drop rate 45-47%.

Below you will find areas to farm Mageweave Cloth in Tanaris. The areas on the map have a drop
rate of 26-46%.


Farming Runecloth
One of my very favorite places to farm Runecloth is Strathholme. It has a decent drop rate of
cloth, blues, and other items to sell, which is why it's featured in the Instance Farming section of
this guide. You can also find lots of Runecloth in Dire Maul, Blackrock Spire, and Scholomance.

Below you will find areas to farm Runecloth in Eastern Plaguelands. There is one area in the north
that is for Horde only and the areas in the south are elite mobs. The areas on the map have a
drop rate of 41-47%.


Below you'll find areas to farm for Runecloth in Hellfire Peninsula. The areas on the map have a
drop rate of 40-44%.


Farming Netherweave Cloth
While you can get Netherweave Cloth out of Outland instances, I have had better luck farming in
Shadowmoon Valley and Nagrand.

Shadowmoon Valley is a great place to get cloth because there are so many humanoids with good
drop rates throughout the zone. The areas circled on the map have a drop rate of 39-51%.

Nagrand is also a great place to farm for cloth. One thing to note is that some of the mobs in
Forge Camp Hate and Forge Camp Fear are elites. The areas circled on the map have an average
drop rate of 40-49%.


Farming Frostweave Cloth
Because Wrath of the Lich King is the latest expansion it's a little more difficult to farm for cloth in
Wrath instances so your best bet for farming Frostweave is by visiting Sholazar Basin and

Below you will see cloth farming locations in Sholazar Basin. The areas circled on the map have
an average drop rate of 39-45%.


Below you'll find locations for farming Frostweave Cloth in Icecrown. The areas that are circled in
the map below have an average drop rate of 35-48%.


Farming Relics of Ulduar
Relics of Ulduar are a staple of the economy and will remain so until an easier to obtain shoulder
enchant is released. All level 80s who are not scribes will need to earn Sons of Hodir reputation to
earn their level 80 shoulder enchant. They drop from most mobs in The Storm Peaks, some have
higher chances than others, but most of all, some have overall higher yields if you consider all of
what they drop combined. For example, Seething Revenants east of Dun Niffelem near Fjorn's
Anvil, have a reasonable drop rate for both Relics of Ulduar and Crystallized Fire. However, they
are Fire Elementals that are often heavily farmed.

Each area tends to have its downsides and sometimes you might just be sick of an area and want
new scenery. So, I've listed my top 5 favorite Relic farming areas, each has a high overall yield
from either Eternals or Frostweave.

A) Nidavelir

The Stormforged Magus, War Golems, Champions and Artificers are probably the best farming
spot for Relics of Ulduar. On both sides of the valley there are tons of Stormforged humanoids who
drop tons of Frostweave and Relics. They are tightly packed and there are enough to keep going

B) Sifreldar Village

Sifreldar village is my second favorite spot for farming Relics. The Sifreldar Storm Maidens and
Runekeepers drop extra Frostweave Cloth along with Relics.

C) Thunderfall


Thunderfall is a great place for Relics. It would be my first pick if it wasn't so heavily populated by
people doing Sons of Hodir dailies. The Niffelem Forefathers, Restless Frostborn Ghosts and
Warriors drop plenty of Frostweave Cloth. This is a good place to go during obscure server hours,
like 5am ST.

D) Fjorn's Anvil
Fjorn's Anvil is a classic place to farm both Crystallized Fire, the Seething Revenants drop the
Relics along with Crystallized Fire, sometimes I go here for the bonus of getting the extra
Eternals. You can sneak out onto Frostfield Lake and kill Brittle Revenants too, they drop
Crystallized Earth and Relics.

E) The Howling Hollow

This cave is full of Scion of Storms, they drop Crystallized Air and Relics. This is a good spot to get
away from the crowd if Thunderfall and Fjorn's Anvil is too populated and you don't want to fly
across the zone.

Farming Iceweb Spider Silk

Iceweb Spider Silk is used by Tailors in various epic and rare tailoring patterns such as
spellthreads, mounts, and gear. On average it sells for 1g and 50s each or 30g a stack. Iceweb
Spider Silk only drops in Drak'Tharon Keep, Naxxramas, The Storm Peaks, and Zul'Drak.

The following map shows you where you can find Iceweb Spider Silk in The Storm Peaks.

It drops off of Crystalweb Spitters (29%), Crystalweb Weavers (29%), and Icetip Crawlers (6%).


The following map shows the locations where you can find Iceweb Spider Silk in Zul'Drak.

It drops off of Trapdoor Ambushers (38%) and Trapdoor Crawlers (28%).

Farming Emblems of Valor

Most people don't know they can make money off Emblems of Valor. For 60 Emblems of Valor you
can buy any of the epic wrists patterns from the Emblem of Valor merchant. They are bind on
equip which means you can sell them in trade. Before you go ahead and spend the 60 Emblems, I
highly recommend you find a buyer in trade channel first to buy them off you before you purchase
the wrist. You don't want to end up with a wrist that you can't sell. If you don't find a buyer then
check the Auction House and sell the most expensive one. I've seen the wrists go from
1200-3000 gold, it just depends on the day.

Farming Meat
There are all sorts of meats that sell on the Auction House for a good amount of gold. Not a whole
lot of people go and farm meat so if you can create a stockpile of this stuff and put it on the
market at the right time you can make serious bling. If you're a skinner then you are in for double
duty, since all the beasts in world of Warcraft are skinnable. Here's a list of the most popular
meat, following are maps where to farm the stuff. Keep in mind the average auction house values
are average across hundreds of realms and are best used as a guideline not an actual amount.

Meat Recommended Level Average Auction Value


Chunk o' Mammoth 70-80 2g

Chilled Meat 70-80 1g

Rhino Meat 70-80 1g

Shoveltusk Flank 70-80 1g

Worg Haunch 70-80 1g

Worm Meat 70-80 1g

Chunk o' Mammoth

This stuff is used when cooking Great Feasts, Mega and normal Mammoth Meals and Spiced
Mammoth Treats.

Shattertusk Mammoth
The Shattertusk Mammoths have a 100% chance to drop Chunk o' Mammoth.

Mammoth Calves and Wooly Mammoths (level 70+)

The Mammoths in this area (Wooly, Bulls and even Calves) have a 50% chance to drop Chunk o'
Mammoth and are levels 68-70.


Chilled Meat
Chilled meat drops from all Northrend mobs (except those that drop a specific type of meat, like
Mammoths, Worms, Shoveltusk, etc). It is also valuable since cooks need about 5 a day to do
their Dalaran Cooking Dalies.

Sholazar Basin (level 76+)

The Hardknuckle Cargers and Foragers have about a 60% chance to drop Chilled Meat.


Rhino Meat
Rhino Meat is used for Hearty Rhino, normal and Mighty Rhino Dogs and Rhinolicious Wormsteaks.

Borean Tundra (level 70+)

There's no reason to go anywhere else for your fix of Rhino Meat. There herb in Borean Tundra
contains Wooly Rhino Calves, Matriarchs and Bulls that you can slaughter. Afterwards, head north
and get your fix of Mammoth too.


Shoveltusk Flank
Shoveltusk Flanks are used in Shoveltusk Steaks, Tender Shoveltusk Steaks and Great Feasts and
therefore fetch a great price.

Howling Fjord
Shoveltusks of any kind are only found in Howling Fjord. The best density of them is on the
western continent where you will find Shoveltusk Calves, Stags and plain old "Shoveltusks" which
all have a 40-50% drop rate.


Worg Haunch
These are used for mostly haste food, specifically: Roasted Worg, Very Burnt Worg and Worg

Howling Fjord
There are plenty of low level Fanggore Worgs in Howling Fjord, these have a drop rate of 44%.


Worm Meat
Worm Meat is used in the Great Feast recipe as well as making Rhinolicious Wormsteak, Worm
Delight and Spiced Worm Burger.

The Storm Peaks

This cave in The Storm Peaks has a ton of Jormungars which have a 100% chance to drop Worm
Meat. There are also a lot of Worgs in this cave.


Chapter 6 - Instance Farming
Instance farming is one of the most fun ways to make gold and as an added bonus you can take
lower level characters with you, either other players and charge them for the free ride, or your
own and level them up while making lots of gold.

In this section of the guide I have highlighted some of my very favorite instances to farm to make
lots of gold in. I've personally done the instances I have listed hundreds of times and have made
thousands of gold off of them.


Stratholme is the best money maker I know of in the game right now. I put the picture above
into this section because I've never had that happen before. While clearing the Abominations
before Baron I pulled them all at once and AoE'd them and 4 of the same Bind on Equip Belt
dropped, Belt of Valor. Shortly after the Valor Gauntlets dropped, that's 5 BoE Blues in like 1
minute. Now that's not a common occurrence but it goes to show how rich with money Strat is.


Level Range 58-60

Illusion Dust, Eternal Essence, Large Brilliant

Disenchanting Reagents from Items

Cloth Type Dropped Runecloth

Number of Bosses 14

Number of Rare Spawns 3

Amount to Charge for Run Throughs 50g + (25g for just Baron Run)

Estimated Time for Level 80 To Run 40-60 Minutes with healer (15 for Baron Only,
Through 25 for Live Side)

Potential Gold Per Hour for Run Throughs

with Full Group

Treasure Chests? No

Yes, Lots of BoE Set Items (Received 7 from one

Rare BoE Drops?

Unique Items Righteous Orbs from Live Side

Skinnable Mobs? Some

Mines? No

Total Gold Per Hour Potential 600g+

Strategy to Make Gold

To make money in Stratholme you will really want to bring an Enchanter with if you aren't one. If
you can't do that, it's fine, just sell the items instead; but the Large Brilliant Shards sell for 7-9
gold each on my server, your server might be different but count that up. There are around 14
bosses in a full clear, each one drops a rare blue item that can be disenchanted into a Large


Brilliant Shard, that's 14x say 7 gold each, that's 98 gold right there from just the boss kills. Now
I usually get 3-10 rare Bind on Equip drops from the zone, these things can be sold for as much
as 50g but usually sell for let's say 10g on average. That's another 30-100g right there from BoE
Blues. The next thing you're looking for is Righteous Orbs from the live side, I average about 2-5
per run, those sell for 20g on average, that's another 40-100g in Righteous Orbs per run. You're
already up to a potential of 300g for the run. Then you have other things like cloth and you can
make money running people through. There's also a rare chance at getting a mount off the Baron
and you have to take into consideration that the Baron and other bosses drop 2-3 blue items per
kill, that's way beyond the 14 total blues i calculated up top. This zone has the most potential for
easy farming. The best feature is you don't really need to depend on running people through to
make money and it can be profitable done solo.

Hellfire Ramparts

Hellfire Ramparts is the first instance in the Outland located in Hellfire Peninsula. The mobs range
from level 60-62. It is easily soloable by any level 80 and can be soloed by as low as level 65 if
you go slower and are really good, but you want to be as high of a level as you can to maximize
gold output. In one run there are 3 bosses and from these 3 bosses you will get 4 blue drops
which can be disenchanted for gold. There will also be greens and cloth to sell. This is also a very
good instance to power level alts through.


Level Range 60-62

Arcane Dust, Small Prismatic Shard, Planar

Disenchanting Reagents from Items

Cloth Type Dropped Runecloth, Netherweave Cloth

Number of Bosses 3

Number of Rare Spawns 0

Amount to Charge for Run Throughs 25g+

Estimated Time for Level 80 To Run

15-30 minutes

Potential Gold Per Hour for Run Throughs

with Full Group

Treasure Chests? Yes

Rare BoE Drops? Just World Drops

Skinnable Mobs? Very Few

Mines? No

Total Gold Per Hour Potential 500g+

Strategy to Make Gold

The most important thing to make money out of an instance is to always loot every corpse, then
you will want to find a group of people you can charge for a run through. Even if you only get one
person to run with you, tell them they loot everything and give it to you and you'll run them for
free, it's worth it. You'll end up with a bunch of greens, some blues to disenchant from bosses,
and a bunch of cloth to sell. These runs can go very fast so it's best you get as many people as
you can lined up for a run through even if you have to reduce the rate you are charging. There


should be a good amount of people needing to do Ramparts during the prime time hours of your
server because everyone wants a new Death Knight or alt.


Scholomance is located on the Isle of Caer Darrow in between Western and Eastern Plaguelands.
It requires a key to get access too and is more difficult to solo than Stratholme and should really
be avoided unless you're after something specific in here or have a full group to run though. A full
group makes it easier to run through otherwise even with a level 80 it can be slow. Definitely try
to pickup a healer if you are coming here.

Level Range 58-60

Illusion Dust, Eternal Essence, Large Brilliant

Disenchanting Reagents from Items


Cloth Type Dropped Runecloth

Number of Bosses 15

Number of Rare Spawns 0

Amount to Charge for Run Throughs 50g+

Estimated Time for Level 80 To Run

60 minutes

Potential Gold Per Hour for Run Throughs

with Full Group

Treasure Chests? No

Rare BoE Drops? World Only

Skinnable Mobs? Some

Mines? No

Total Gold Per Hour Potential 300g+

Strategy to Make Gold

Most importantly here is to make sure you have a healer to make this a smooth run and you have
people who want to pay you to come here, otherwise I don't recommend it. The advantage for
you if you have the key is that not a lot of people who can do run throughs probably will. The
Warlock Epic Mount quest, if anyone does it, requires them to come to Scholomance. It's pretty
decent dungeon for items and experience for people in the level range. But the priority should be
getting a full group, then get a disenchanter to give you the shards from blue gear and someone
to loot the cloth for you to sell. This instance can take a long time compared to the rest and has
less rewards than Stratholme, but it's an option if you are getting bored of Strat.



Level Range 43-47

Disenchanting Reagents from Items Nether Essence, Radiant Shards, Vision Dust

Cloth Type Dropped Silk, Mageweave Cloth

Number of Bosses 5

Number of Rare Spawns 3

Amount to Charge for Run Throughs 10g+

Estimated Time for Level 80 To Run

15-30 minutes

Potential Gold Per Hour for Run Throughs

with Full Group

Treasure Chests? No

Rare BoE Drops? World Only

Skinnable Mobs? Very Few

Mines? No

Total Gold Per Hour Potential 280g+

Zul'Farrak is located on Kalimdor in the Northwest corner of Tanaris. It is one of the hottest
instances players power level themselves through from levels 35-50. It might be somewhat
harder to find players to fill your group here for run throughs but just picking up a looter helps
tremendously, Mageweave Cloth is a hot commodity on most servers.


Strategy to Make Gold
The most important thing here is to make sure you're able to gather all of the Mageweave Cloth
you can because it usually sells good. Filling the group isn't as big as a priority because people at
this level don't usually have a lot of cash. There are also a lot of weapons that drop off bosses in
here that you can sell to make as much 20g or even more per run just off vendoring blue
weapons. In addition to the greens you'll be able to get and the extra cash if you can disenchant,
this can be a money making machine.

Scarlet Monastery

Scarlet Monastery is an area that consists of 4 individual instances in Tirisfal Glades which is in
Horde Territory. It is one of the most popular instances to run and you should always be able to
find someone to run through the instance. The major things you will get out of here are cloths
and occasionally a few rare BoE's like the Scarlet Chestpiece that is worth 50g on average.

Level Range 34-45


Disenchanting Reagents from Items Vision Dust, Nether Essence, Radiant Shards

Cloth Type Dropped Wool, Silk, Mageweave Cloth

Number of Bosses 8

Number of Rare Spawns 3

Amount to Charge for Run Throughs 15g+

Estimated Time for Level 80 To Run 20-40 minutes (full run) 5-10 minutes per
Through section

Potential Gold Per Hour for Run Throughs

with Full Group

Treasure Chests? Yes

Rare BoE Drops? Yes

Skinnable Mobs? Very few

Mines? No

Total Gold Per Hour Potential 200g+


Chapter 7 - Dailies
Dailies are often a quick way to make gold while gaining reputation. I suggest doing dailies just
for this reason, there are really nice reputation rewards from certain factions that can actually end
up making you more gold, when they are in the form of profession patterns.

Below you will find some of the best dailies that I recommend doing if you are looking to make
gold or gain reputation.

The Storm Peaks

The Storm Peaks has 5-6 dailies in Dun Niffelem and 4 dailies in Brunnhildar Village, which, if
done quickly can yield high gold per hour return. The Sons of Hodir reputation is useful to earn
your shoulder enchants: Greater Inscription of the Axe, Greater Inscription of the Crag, Greater
Inscription of the Pinnacle and Greater Inscription of the Storm. You can also earn the right to pay
10,000g for an epic Grand Ice Mammoth. Similarly, doing the Brunnhildar Village give you a tiny
chance of receiving a rare epic Polar Bear Mount.

Sons of Hodir (1950 Sons of Hodir rep + 82g)

• Blowing Hodir's Helm

• Hot and Cold
• Polishing the Helm
• Spy Hunter
• Thursting Hodir's Spear
• Feeding Angrim (requires revered)

Brunnhildar Village (49g 50s)

• The Aberrations Must Die Prequest: Aberrations

• Back to the Pit Prequest: Into the Pit
• Maintaining Discipline Prequest: Discipline
• Defending Your Title Prequest: Taking on All Challengers


Icecrown has the most dailies for one zone in Northrend, a total of 38 dailies across Horde &
Alliance. Most of these dailies are found on either the Skybreaker (Alliance) or Orgrim's Hammer
(Horde). However, most of them won't be available until you finish all the quests that start from
your faction's airship. I strongly recommend doing all the quests so you can enjoy and reap the
benefits of these dailies.

Alliance Ship (160 gold):

• Blood of the Chosen

• Not a Bug
• Retest Now
• Slaves to Saronite
• That's Abominable!
• The Solution Solution
• Capture More Dispatches
• Drag and Drop
• No Mercy! (PvP)
• No Rest For The Wicked (Group)
• Neutralizing the Plague (Group)

Horde Ship (160 gold):

• Blood of the Chosen

• Slaves to Saronite
• Volatility
• Retest Now
• That's Abominable!
• Not a Bug
• Drag and Drop
• Keeping the Alliance Blind
• Make Them Pay! (PvP)
• Neutralizing the Plague (Group)


• No Rest For The Wicked (Group)

The rest of the Icecrown dailies are scattered around in several camps. The blue circles represent
Alliance camps and the red represent Horde camps:

The Shadow Vault (Neutral)

• Leave Our Mark

• Shoot 'Em Up
• Vile Like Fire!

Death's Rise (Neutral)

• Intelligence Gathering
• No Fly Zone
• From Their Corpses, Rise!

Assault Outposts (Alliance: Ground Commander Koup, Horde: Ground Commander Xutjja)

• Assault by Ground
• Assault by Air

Ymirheim (Alliance: Frazzle Geargrinder, Horde: Blast Thunderbomb)

• King of the Mountain

Kibli Kilohertz (Alliance)

• Static Shock Troops: the Bombardment

• Putting the Hertz: The Valley of Lost Hope


Fringe Engineer Tezzla (Horde)

• Riding the Wavelength: The Bombardment

• Total Ohmage: The Valley of Lost Hope!

Sholazar Basin
Sholazar is home of two competing factions: The Oracles and The Frenzyheart tribes. Most people
choose the Oracles, once you're Revered you can purchase a Mysterious Egg every 7 days which
gives you a tiny chance of receiving a Green Proto-Drake, also known as the Welfare Drake for
people who can't earn their own. Either one you pick you can do 3 dailies for them, chosen
randomly from a pool of 7.

The Frenzyheart
• Chicken Party! (Everyday)
• Tools of War
• The Heartblood's Strength
• Rejek: First Blood
• Kartak's Rampage
• Secret Strength of the Frenzyheart
• Strength of the Tempest
• A Hero's Headgear

The Oracles
• Appeasing the Great Rain Stone (Everyday)
• Mastery of the Crystals
• Song of Reflection
• A Cleansing Song
• Will of the Titans
• Power of the Great Ones
• Song of Wind and Water
• Song of Fecundity

The Kalu'ak are the Tuskars that hang out on the edge of the North Sea all around Northrend. The
only purpose to doing their dailies is to buy the Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole at exalted. I don't
recommend doing their dailies for gold since the return is pretty poor. But I've added this portion
to the guide just in case you wanted to get the achievements or the fishing pole.

• Preparing for the Worst (Borean Tundra)

• Planning for the Future (Dragonblight)
• The Way to His Heart (Howling Fjord)



Chapter 8 - Before Level 80
Most of the other gold guides out there focus on end game gold farming as if level 80 players are
the only people who need gold. What they don't understand is most of the people who buy these
guides are not level 80 and are having problems getting gold for their mounts or even their skills.
Because I actually play World of Warcraft I know this. That is why throughout the guide I have
discussed, whenever possible, gold farming methods for lower level players that aren't level 80. In
my opinion there are a few key points where gold is a necessity and let it be no surprise that it's
not level 80. They are as follows, level 30, 60, 70. At each one of the previous points you will
want to be able to purchase mounts to improve your game play.

Most guides focus their advertising on "Make 200 or more gold an hour" and while that's great for
a level 80, the strategies they mention are impossible for everyone else to obtain this gold
farming rate. They don't understand that a level 30 would be happy to make 5 gold an hour, let
alone 200, and that's why I have included these strategies for you in this guide. And just in case
you missed them, I am going to review them right now and lay them out for you. Because I
understand and know what it's like to not have money at these levels..I was once there too.

Things that can be Done Regardless of Level

Auction House
The Auction House is a great place to make money where anyone can get started right away. I
won't repeat everything in this chapter that is already in my Auction House Chapter, instead take
a look at it instead.

There is potential to make gold with almost every crafting Profession even at lower levels.
However, most of the items are useless or have very low demand. Check your crafting profession
in my Crafting Professions Chapter.

Levels 1-30
Leveling from 1-30 might feel like the longest segment of the game because you have to do it all
on foot, once you reach level 30 you get to purchase and use your first ground mount (which will
change the way you travel forever!). Until then, you're stuck questing with few options to make
gold. Most of the crafting professions make junk that isn't worth much if you try to sell it. Luckily
there are several items that sell for a large amount on the Auction House that you can effectively
gather while at the same time earning experience killing mobs. The zones and mob groups below
have been selected to be close to home cities and in areas where you don't have to run around
too much.


Mining Copper (Level 10-30)
Copper Bars sell for a surprising price on the Auction House considering how accessible it is to low
level players. You can find it in any level 1-20 area in large amounts. If you're Alliance you can
just leave Stormwind into Elwynn Forest and head south and follow this path. Go into both caves
marked on the map:

The best place for the Horde is to run around Durotar, Here's the loop I follow (go into the cave,
there are usually Copper Veins in there)


Linen Cloth (Level 15-30)
Linen Cloth is a great thing to farm if you're in your teens. You can pull in a few gold per stack of
Linen Cloth and gain a lot of experience farming it. You can gather this stuff from just about any
level 6-15 humanoid (most mobs with two legs that are not clearly animals) such as the Defias
around Elwynn Forest or Westfall, or the Pirates on the shore of The Barrens.

If you're Alliance I suggest you head out to Westfall and kill the Defias and Riverpaw Gnolls.


Horde should head to The Barrens and kill Pirates, Kolkar and Razormanes.


Skinning Light & Medium Leather (Levels 25-35)
Light and Medium Leather go for a good price on the Auction House. You can skin it off of any
level beast that is level 5-30 (roughly). The higher the level the more likely it is to give you
Medium Leather. The best place to farm this for Alliance is the Wetlands. There are Raptors in the
southern area and Crocolisks spanning across most of the swampy areas of the zone. You can also
farm the nearby Gnolls for Wool Cloth at the same time for an excellent place to farm as a low
level player.

The Horde should head to southern Barrens and kill Stormhides, Thunderhawks, Kodo, Silithid
Swarmers (Scorpions), and in the cave entrance to Wailing Caverns Deviate Raptors.


Wool Cloth (Level 25-35)
Wool Cloth drops from mobs of level 16-25 and is usually worth about twice as much as Linen
Cloth . If you are Alliance the best place to go is the Wetlands (you'll probably already be there
questing), there are tons of Mosshide Gnolls in the central and southeastern areas of The


If you are Horde you ought to head to The Barrens, the southern area has two camps that are fun
to farm Wool Cloth. On the west side of the road there are tons of Razormane Gnolls with a fast
respawn. On the west side there is a camp of Bael'dun Foreman (along with other Bael'dun mobs),
they all drop Wool Cloth very well.

Levels 30-60
Once you reach level 30 you're going to feel great about your new mount. It will help you get


around places like Stranglethorn Vale. You can also use it to efficiently make gold. Here's some
routes to help you stay rich enough to buy your epic ground mount at level 60.

Gathering Bruiseweed in Stonetalon Mountains (Levels 30-45)

Bruiseweed is about the lowest level herb that is worth farming, while Mageroyal and Briarthorn
rival it as an herb for milling, Alchemists will need about 2 stacks of Bruiseweed to level to 150.
It's hidden away in Stonetalon Mountains and is probably best for low level players to farm to
make gold. I strongly recommend bringing a level 30 mount since there is a ton of open space in
Stonetalon Mountains.

Gathering Kingsblood in Arathi Highlands (Levels 35-60)

Kingsblood is an amazing level 20-30 herb that you can price gouge new Inscriptionists and
Alchemists. There is tons of it along with Khadgar's Whiskers and Goldthorn in Arathi Highlands on
this route.


Mining Mithril Ore (Level 43-55)
Tanaris is my favorite spot to mine Mithril for the simple fact that the route is so easy. Yeah it
looks like I just drew a circle on the map but there's more to it than that. This circle hits all of the
major nodes and areas for Mithril in Tanaris. There isn't a better route and it is simple.


Mageweave Cloth (Levels 43-55)
Mageweave Cloth still sells for a decent price (unlike Silk and Runecloth which just aren't worth it
to farm). You can find a ton of Mageweave off the Southsea Pirates at Lost Rigger Cove and off
the Ogres in their camps in Tanaris.


Heavy and Thick Leather (Level 44+)
Heavy and Thick Leather can fetch a good price on the Auction House and be a great means to
save up for your epic ground mount. They can be skinned off of level 40 beasts. The best place to
farm these is the Yeti Cave in Feralas.


Gathering Sungrass in Feralas (Levels 45+)
Sungrass is almost always in high demand for Alchemy and Inscription. It's a keystone to leveling
both (assuming the other herbs of this level group 40-50 aren't posted, which they are almost
always not). Fortunately it can be farmed pretty efficiently in Feralas along with Goldthorn and
Khadgar's Whiskers for the level 30-40 group which also sells well.


Rugged Leather (Levels 54+)
As with all gathering professions, old world regular components are worth more than some of the
new ones. The reason for this is simple, everyone wants to power level their professions but do
not want to go farm the components themselves. Since less people are doing the farming, they
get paid higher for each item, thus making Rugged Leather the most profitable leather to farm.
The Oculus is also another good instance to get these in. But for those of us who just want to
farm them solo I know a few good spots that I'll share with you.

Plaguehounds, etc. - Eastern Plaguelands

The best spot to farm Rugged Leather is in Eastern Plaguelands, hands down, yeah there are close
seconds, but there are so many beasts here that have high drop rates that you can just run
around randomly in this zone and get piles of Rugged Leather. Fortunately, I'm going to give you
a boundary area that you should try to stick to while running around where the beasts are higher
level. I recommend being 54+ for this area.


Cats & Yeti - Winterspring
This is probably the second best zone in the game to come to for skinning for drop rate on Rugged
Leather. You can go to either location in case one or the other is farmed, they are near identical.
You will want to be 55+ for this area.


Other Locations for Rugged leather
Un'Goro Crater - entire western part of zone has higher drop rate than eastern

Zul'Gurub - if you're able to handle this old world raid instance there are plenty of beasts in here
with high drop rates

Gathering Plaguebloom & Dreamfoil in Plaguelands (Levels 55+)

Level 50-60 herbs are used mostly for leveling Alchemy, Inscription, or making obscure items for
unheard of reasons. Plaguebloom and Dreamfoil can be found tracing this route in the


Thorium Ore (Level 55+)
Believe it or not, the most profitable non-rare spawn ore is Thorium which is from the original
World of Warcraft. The reason behind this is simple, more and more people are power leveling
their professions to 450 to get awesome Epic items in Wrath of the Lich King but none of these
people want to go out and farm Thorium because you can't use a flying mount to farm it and most
people would rather just buy it in the Auction House. This is bad for them, but good for those who
want to make some money. So below I will give you the best 2 routes to get Thorium.
Remember there are Rich Thorium Veins (required skill 275) and Small Thorium Veins (required
skill 245).

Thorium in Silithus
You will most likely want to be around level 55 or higher to farm this route without getting killed
frequently. Don't forget there are Ooze Covered Rich and Thorium Veins in this zone to be mined
just like regular Rich Thorium Veins. Most of the nodes are around the hives where the bugs are.


Thorium in Un'Goro Crater
I have set the minimum skill for this route to 245 but keep in mind there are Rich Thorium Veins
around the center and western edges that will require 275 skill to mine. It is vital that you make
sure you go into the cave in the Northeast and drop down into the Hive in the South in order to
maximize your ore.


Levels 60-70

Farming Felweed & Golden Sansam in Hellfire Peninsula (lvl 60+)

Felweed and Golden Sansam are used a lot while leveling Alchemy and Inscription. With
Inscription, Felweed is the only herb worth milling to get Nether Pigment, so it sells in high
volume every time a new Inscriptionist levels from 300 to 350. Golden Sansam is used a lot in
Alchemy, but sells in low volume. You'll be able to move tons of Felweed but you'll find yourself
sitting on a lot of Golden Sansam after running this route (but it will sell very well). This route is
ideal for level 60s who don't have a flying mount. If you have a flying mount you can widen the
circle a little bit around Thrallmar and head through the Pools of Aggonar.


Mining Fel Iron Ore (lvl 60+)
Fel Iron is on the same par as Adamantite for making gold off of it, but it's probably easier to get
because it's most prevalent in the beginning zone once you enter Outland, Hellfire Peninsula.


Mining Adamantite Ore (lvl 64+)
Adamantite Ore can be farmed for a moderate profit but it's not as important as the first five so
I'll just give you one good map to use.

Knothide Leather (Level 65+)

Knothide Leather is another great thing you can gather and sell to people leveling through
Leatherworking. The best place is right around Garadar, the Clefthoof Bulls and Talbuk
Thorngrazers have a high drop rate and are plentiful.


Netherweave Cloth (Level 64+)
Netherweave is a great way for a mid 60 to start saving money for their flying mounts. You can
collect Netherweave Cloth, Firewing Signets (which may also resell on your server) and experience
at Firewing Point in Terokkar Forest.


Levels 70-80

Mining Cobalt Ore (Level 68+)

There will also be a mix of Rich Cobalt Deposits and Cobalt Deposits in Howling Fjord but the skill
I recommend is going to remain at 350 because there should be more regular nodes than not.
You will also want a flying mount to complete the route effectively but you don't need one just
watch out for parts of the route that don't use bridges and make sure you ride across them
instead of following the route in some places.


Goldclover and Shoveltusk Flank (Level 70+)
Goldclover and Shoveltusk Flank both sell for a lot, and here is a farming spot that you can earn a
ton of both while leveling up. There are more shoveltusk in the north eastern section of this route,
the rest is included to gather more Goldclover and allow the Shoveltusks to respawn.


Frostweave Cloth (Level 75+)
There are no good spots in the pre 75 areas to farm Frostweave Cloth, the first opportunity is
Sholazar Basin. There are Bonescythe Ravagers and such to the east and Venture Company camps
in the middle.


Borean Leather (Level 75+)
Borean Leather is great to farm, the best place is western Sholazar Basin where there are tons of
beasts including Dreadsabers, Cobras, and Rhinos.



Chapter 9 - Leisure
There are actually a lot of miscellaneous ways to make gold in WoW. You can partake in holiday
festivities, help out lower level character, or even beg for gold if you are really looking for an
interesting time.

In this section of the guide I have highlighted some other good ways to make gold if you want to
do something outside of the ordinary.

Running Lower Level Players through Instances

Even before recruit a friend became popular, there was always a high demand for lower level
players to receive "run throughs". A run through is basically someone with a high level character
running one or more low level players through an instance that is the level of the lower level
players. For example, a level 30 player may have problem finding a group to go through Scarlet
Monastery so they may come into trade channel and ask for someone that is higher level to run
them through. This is where you come in, you don't always have to be the max level to do Run
Throughs, a level 40 can easily run through Stockades or other instances that are significantly

So take your character and start going through the instances starting from the lowest to highest
all by yourself. Figure out which instances you can solo and run people through fast and figure
out which instances you can run through say if one of the people you are running through can

Usually a level 60 character can run up to Zul'Farrak unassisted, a level 70 character can run up to
Stratholme without much assistance, and a level 80 player can run most of the Outland instances
without too much assistance, but it depends on your class, gear, and skill so figure that out, make
a list and then start advertising.

To advertise make social keys that talk in trade chat. If you don't know how to do this very
simply, type /macro, click new, select any icon and name you wish, and then in the Macro
Commands box type "/2 Doing Scarlet Monastery run throughs 25g per person, pst". Make sure
you don't put the quotes in there, then drag the button to your hotbar and press it when you are
in cities. This will announce in /2 which is trade chat that you are offering to run players through
Scarlet Monastery for 25g per person. You can tailor the message to whatever it is you would like
to do and you can make multiple buttons and put them on a separate hotbar if you want. You can
also change the channel you are advertising in, /1 is general, etc.

Begging for Gold

Yes, begging for gold works. These people are both the entertainment and disgrace of Stormwind.
Create an alt with an emo anime name and level it to 7 or higher, then start chatting it up with
people in Ogrimmar or Stormwind. Don't expect to become rich but do demand results. I've
experimented with this a little bit and actually found myself in a giving mood enough times to
know it works. Here are a few tips that can help a lot:

1. Asking for gold for a specific reason (talents or a specific item on the Auction House)


2. Start a conversation about something else first, "Where's the mining trainer?"
3. Find people in isolated areas near profession trainers. The bystander effect is applicable in
WoW, if you're in a mix of 20-30 people near the Auction House and mail box people are
much more likely to ignore you.
4. If you find someone who responds, keep talking to them. Most people will ignore you, so
the ones who respond are rare potentials.

Here's a bad example of how to beg for gold:

Lol, good luck and have fun begging for gold!

Questing at Level 80
Doing non-daily quests at level 80 can be enjoyable and is always profitable. Start working on
your Loremaster of Northrend achievement. It should only take a day or so for each zone and
there's around 100 quests for each zone. Which works out to at least 1,000g in quest rewards and
that doesn't include the gold you'll earn vendoring or disenchanting the quest item rewards.

When I earned Realm's First Level 80 Human I skipped the end of Howling Fjord, all of
Dragonblight, half of Storm Peaks and all of Icecrown. Dragonblight took me 1-2 days to clear,
Storm Peaks was actually very fun because of the long quest lines involving Sons of Hodir etc. I
grouped up to do the second half of Icecrown because of all the group quests. Afterwards I
literally bathed in all the extra gold I had on that character.


Since you're already level 80, you should start doing the easiest and fastest zones in your spare
time: Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra and Dragonblight. After those do Zul'Drak (these are fun and
easy), Crystalsong and Sholazar. You can do most of Storm Peaks solo but you'll need a group for
Icecrown. Keep working towards your Loremaster achievements being very thorough to complete
every quest and you'll be surprised how much gold you earn.

Scan Public Test Realm for Changes

This can give you a serious upper hand against other players if you take an active role in scanning
for upcoming game changes. Their are a few ways you can do this. You could just play on the
public test realm, read the public test realm patch notes, or read the forums at The way I recommend you do it to save yourself the most time is to just
read the Public Test Realm Patch Notes, you can see updated version of the patch notes here.

What you want to look for is changes to anything in this guide that we talked about and not only
changes to the above material but new ways that could be coming up to make money. If you've
read this guide you are already far more aware of the possible ways to make money more so than
any average player. Use this knowledge to look for things in the Patch Notes that you can make
gold from.

Browse Profession Forums for Ideas

There are specific profession forums you can browse to see if you can figure out what people are
looking for or what the next item in demand is.

Here is a link to the profession forums

Keeping up with the Holidays

If you have the extra time, you can make a good amount of gold around the various holidays that
exist within World of Warcraft. People will pay very high amounts of gold for low level items just
so they can complete holiday quests and achievements or just to simply participate in the holiday
fun with their characters. One important key point of making gold during the holiday season is
that you need to have a head start and begin listing items related to various quests and
achievements within at least the first few days of the holiday. For example, during the Feast of
the Winter Veil a lot of players look to the Auction House to buy Small Eggs so that they don't
need to farm them in a low level zone in order to complete the quest for Greatfather Winter for an
achievement. If you prepare for this by farming Small Eggs before the holiday you can put them
up on the Auction House the night before the holiday goes live and make some decent gold.

Another tactic you can take is to farm holiday items during the season and then sell them on the
Auction House later in the year. This can be somewhat profitable as the random player decides
he'd like to buy some snowballs to throw at people during a Naxx raid in July. Some of the most
common items to sell on the Auction House from the holidays are Snowballs, crafted clothing,
Preserved Holly, Holiday Spices, Mistletoe, Small Eggs, holiday crafting formulas, and pets. Pets
like the Jingling Bell, Red Helper Box, Green Helper Box, and Snowman Kit can sell for a few
hundred gold in the off season to players looking to complete the Shop Smart, Shop Pet...Smart
achievement or to players who just like collecting pets.


Chapter 10 - Conclusion
Well, that's it. You are now at the last section of the guide. I hope that you found everything
useful and I know that you are now armed with the knowledge to make tons of gold for yourself.
Remember, making gold is simple but you have to dedicate a little time to making it. You can't
expect it to come from no where!

If you are still craving more WoW knowledge then I highly encourage you to check out the
following resources to help you excel in other areas of World of Warcraft.

Resource Description

• Both Horde and Alliance 1-80

• Leveling Addon included to point you in
the right direction at all times
Leveling & Class Guide
• In-Game Talent Guide with Leveling
Talent Builds for Every Class
• Talent and Gear Guides for Every Class

• Developed by a 2200+ Rated Arena

• Includes PvP Macro Guide

PvP Guide • Includes PvP Video Tutorials

• Detailed instructions on how to fight
every class from any of your characters
• Includes recommended PvP Talent Specs

• Fastest and Cheapest Routes to Level

Profession Guide • Step by Step Instructions

• Both Horde and Alliance

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment® are all trademarks or registered trademarks of
Blizzard Entertainment in the United States and/or other countries. These terms and all related
materials, logos, and images are copyright © Blizzard Entertainment. This is not a copy of
Blizzard's official World of Warcraft® strategy guide.



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