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Acne 101 1

Acne as we all know, it is the most common dermatological

problem that affects all age group. In this research we have

gathered informational regarding tips, remedies and treatment

acnes. Several myths were cited which that of should be avoided

and are proven true according to research. There is also several

classification of acne that is cited with the difference between

each for the readers to easily differentiate it. Natural remedies

are also cited along with health advises and diet to prevent acne

breakouts. There are also suggested over the counter acne

remedies and prescription by the doctors. Surgical options are

also available if all alternative remedies do not work. With

proper diet, personal hygiene, life style and discipline, acne

can be controlled and eventually would disappear.

Acne 101 2
Acne 101 3
Acne 101 4

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