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Characters in the story-

Principal of the school- Mrs. smith…main villain…. who is controlling the activities of
the other teachers.
Mrs. suarez.
Other teachers.
Harry’s friends
Harry’s mom
Harry’s dad
“Mom, hurry up with the sandwich. I don’t want to be late on the first day.” Harry
shouted, waiting for his breakfast.
“Yes, dear. Just coming.” came the reply from the kitchen.
Then a pretty lady in her early forties came with Harry’s breakfast. “ Have a great first
day, Mr. freshman.” she said with a smile. Harry ate his breakfast rushed to school.

Teenaged, with a slim and tall body, Harry Stewart had a pleasing look black eye with
matching brownish-black hair with a fair complexion. He may not have been the hottest
guy at school but with his reasonably good looks and a charm of his own he had managed
to attract a few girls in middle school. He had an agile body and an acute brain. He had
lived his early life in Washington DC until he moved to one of the most exciting places in
the world: New York City. He was one of those typical American teenagers who didn’t
give a damn to studies. He was careless, disorganized and a straight C grader. Though he
was intelligent he didn’t bother much about what grades he got at school.

Harry’s first taste of high school wasn’t a very good one…

“Hey, Daniel!” called Harry from the hallway.

Daniel turned around to see his best friend struggling to get out of a large dustbin.
“Daniel! Stop staring and get me outta this thing!” Harry shouted
Daniel hurried down the hallway towards the dustbin to help his friend.
“Dude, how did you manage to get in this dump?” asked Daniel, while taking out Harry
from the bin.
“11th graders, they’ve started their ragging” replied Harry who was wiping off the dirt
from his but

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