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The Flood Narrative from the Gilgamesh Epic

19 The lord of wisdom, Ea, counseled with them;

20 Their words he repeated to the reed-hut:
21 "O reed-hut, reed-hut, O wall, wall,
22 O reed-hut, hearken; O wall, give heed!
23 O man of Shurippak, son of Ubarattutu,
24 Pull down thy house, build a ship,
25 Leave thy possessions, take thought for thy life,
26 Leave thy gods, thy life save!
27 Embark seed of life and all kinds on a ship!
28 The ship which thou shalt build,
29 Measure well its dimensions,
30 Make to correspond its breath and its length;
31 Upon the ocean thou shalt launch it."
32 I understood and spoke to Ea, my lord:
33 "[I understand], my lord; what thou hast thus commanded
34 I will honor and will do.
35 [But] what shall I say to the city, the people, and the elders?"
36 Ea opened his mouth and spake,
37 He said unto me, his servant;
38 "Thus shalt thou say unto them:
39 Know that me -- Ellil hates me.
40 I may not dwell in your city,
41 On Ellil's soil I may not lift my face,
42 I must go down to the ocean with Ea, my lord, to dwell.
43 Upon you will he (Ellil) then rain abundance--
44 [A catch] of birds, a catch of fishes,
45 ..........a rich (?) harvest.
46 [A time Shamash (the sun) appointed, at evening] the senders of
47 [Shall rain upon] you a mighty rainstorm.
48 When the grey of dawn brightens,

57 The strong....brought what was needed.

58 On the fifth day I raised its frame.
59 According to its plan (?) its walls were 120 cubits high;
60 120 cubits correspondingly was the extent of its roof.
61 I laid down its hull; I enclosed it.
62 I constructed it in storys, up to six;
63 I divided it [without (?)] into seven parts.
64 Its interior I divided into nine parts.
65 .....I fastened in its midst.
66 I looked out a rudder, and prepared what was necessary.
67 6 sars of bitumen I poured over its outside (?);
68 3 sars of bitumen I poured over its interior.
69 3 sars of oil the people who carry jars brought.
70 Besides a sar of oil which was used as a libation,
71 2 sars of oil the ship's captain stowed away.
72 For the people I slaughtered bullocks.
73 I slaughtered lambs daily.
74 Must, beer, oil, and wine,
75 I gave the people to drink like river-water.
76 I made a feast, like a new year's festival.
77 I opened (?) [a box of ointment]; I put ointment in my hand.
78 [By the setting] of great Shamash, the ship was finished.
79 [To move it from the stocks] was difficult
80 The men cleared the ship's ways above and below.
81 ...........two thirds of it.
82 With all that I had I laded it (the ship).
83 With all the silver I had I laded it.
84 With all the gold I had I laded it.
85 With all the living things I had I laded it.
86 I embarked on the ship all my family and kindred.
87 Cattle of the fields, beasts of the field, craftsmen, all, I embarked.
88 A fixed time Shamash had appointed, [saying]:
89 "When the senders of rain shall rain upon you a mighty rainstorm at
90 Embark upon the ship and close the door."
91 The appointed time approached,
92 The senders of rain sent at evening a heavy rainstorm.
93 I observed the appearance of the day,
94 The day was terrible to look upon.
95 I embarked upon the ship, I closed my door.
96 To the master of the ship, to Puzur-Amurru, the sailor,
97 I entrusted the structure together with its contents.
98 When dew-dawn began to brighten,
99 There arose from the horizon a black cloud;
100 The god Adad thundered in its midst,
101 While Nebo and Sharru marched before;
102 They went as heralds over the mountain and country.
103 Nergal tore away the anchor,
104 Enmashtu advanced, the floods he poured down;
105 The Anunnaki raised their torches,
106 At their brightness the land trembled.
107 The raging of Adad reached to heaven;
108 All light was turned to darkness
109 ......the land like....
110 One day [raged the storm )?)]
111 Swiftly it raged [and the waters covered[ the mountains,
112 Like a battle array over the people it swept.
113 No one could see his fellow/
114 No more were people recognized in heaven;

129 Six days and seven nights

130 Blew the wind, the deluge the flood overpowered.
131 When the seventh day approached, the deluge was prolonging the
132 Which, like an army, it had waged.
133 The sea calmed, the destruction abated, the flood ceased.
134 I looked upon the sea, the roaring was stilled
135 And all mankind was turned to clay;
136 Like logs all were floating about.
137 I opened the window, the light fell on my cheek;
138 I was overcome, I sat down, I wept;
139 Over my cheek streamed the tears.
140 I looked in all directions--a fearful sea!
141 After twelve days an island appeared;
142 Toward mount Nizir the ship stood off;
143 Mount Nizir held it fast, that it moved not.
144 One day, two days, Mount Nizier held it that it moved not,
145 Three days, four days, mount Nizir held it that it moved not,
146 Five days, six days, mount Nizir held it that it moved not,
147 When the seventh day approached,
148 I brought out a dove and let her go;
149 The dove went out and returned;
150 There was no resting-place and she came back.
151 I brought out a swallow and let it go;
152 The swallow went out and returned.
153 There was o resting place and it came back.
154 I brought out a raven and let it go;
155 The raven went out, the diminution of the waters it saw;
156 It alighted, it waded about, it croaked, it did not come back.
157 I disembarked [all]; to the four winds I poured a libation.
158 I appointed a sacrifice on top of the mountain peak'
159 Seven by seven I arranged the sacrificial vessels;
160 Beneath them I piled reeds, cedar wood, and myrtle.
161 The gods smelled the savor,
162 The gods smelled the sweet savor.

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