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All about my mother

All about my mother is a Spanish film & one of it’s own kind. It’s a weird movie & I
haven’t watched any movie like this before. It centralizes around Manuela, a nurse who
looks after her son Esteban. I felt very bad when Esteban dies in an accident. But this is
just the beginning. After agreeing to donate her son’s heart she moves to Barcelona to
find Lola, Esteban’s father. There she meets Rosa, who is pregnant by Lola. After giving
birth, Rosa dies of AIDS that she got from Lola. This increases my fear that even Rosa’s
child could have AIDS, which he surprisingly doesn’t has. This is revealed in the end.
Rosa’s father suffering from Alzheimer’s doesn’t recognize Rosa & is confused when he
sees Manuela with a kid in his house. Agrado’s appearance & witty humour adds beauty
to the film that deals with many serious issues like AIDS & existentialism. The movie
forces me to think about Manuela’s sacrifices that she makes to please everyone from
Esteban to Huma. The movie is one of its own kinds.

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