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Max trac weight = 15 lb (6,7 kg)

1. Adhesive skin traction

Shave the limb, protect the maleoli, starting at ankle leaving a loop projecting 2” (to allow free
movement of foot/fingers), lateral aspect (slightly behind the line between lat mal n gret troc)
medial aspect (in front of the line) to encourage medial rotation, avoid bony prominence.
2. Non adhesive skin traction (max 10lb = 4,5kg)

C.I :

1. Abrasion
2. Laceration
3. Impairment circulation (varicose ulcers, impending gangrene)
4. Dermatitis
5. Marked shortening of the bony fragments

Comp :

1. Allergic
2. Excoriation
3. Pressure sore around the malleoli n over the tendo calcaneus
4. Common peroneal nerve palsy (rotate laterally, compressed by the slings on which the limb rest.
Downward slide of the adhesive strapping n bandage is halted a the head of fibula)


Steinmann pin, Denham pin, K Wire.

1. Olecranon (1,25 inch distal to the tip of the olecranon, medial to lateral, longitudinal axis of

2. Second and Third MC. (0,75-1 inch proximal to the distal end of the second MC, longitudinal axis
of radius)
3. Upper end of Femur (1 inch below the most prominent part of GT, midway AP, cancelous sc or
sc eye)
4. Lower end of Femur (a.intersect line before backwards at the level of upper pole of patella and
below upwards anterior to the head fibula. b.proximal to upper limit of lateral condyle femur.
Adult 1,25 inch prox articulate genu. Do not enter knee joint, lateral fold of capsule of the knee
is 0,5 to 0,75 inch above art genu)
5. Upper end of tibia (0,75 inch behind tibia crest just below the level of tibia tubercle 0,75 inch,
from lateral to medial to avoid peroneal n.)
6. Lower end of tibia (2 inch above ankle joint, midway)
7. Calcaneus (3/4 inch below n behind mal lat or 1,25 inch below and behind med mal = mal lat is
0,5 inch posterodistal mal med)

Complication of ST :

1. Infection
2. Incorrect placement of pin (cut out the bone causing pain, control of limb rotation difficult, app
of splint difficult)
3. Distraction of fr site
4. Ligamentous damage
5. Damage to epiphysial growth (ex : cause genu recurvatum)
6. Depressed scars.


- Femoral shaft initially 10% of BW. High of the heel is 1 inch / 1 lb (0,46kg)

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