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BAYANTEL This is another example of a print ad that uses sexually implicit content in the wrong context.

As you can
see, the copy reads: "Satisfaction guarantee" (Wrong spelling, it should be "Satisfaction guaranteed") and the visual
shows a woman in a state of ecstacy.

Furthermore, this BENCH ad  violates Article IV Section 1 of the Advertising

Code of Ethics, Number 4 and 5 which states, "Profanity, obscenity and vulgarity, or presentations which
are offensive to contemporary standards of decency of morals, shall not be allowed, even when understood only by a
part of the audience." and "Indecent exposure of the human body shall not be allowed. Some exposure of the human
body may be allowed in advertisements when in good taste and relevant to the product or service being advertised, the
situation being portrayed or the audience being addressed."

Good advertisements are...

1. Ethical 
- It complies with the Advertising Code of Ethics. It does not violate the code. Should not 
promote bad behavior or ideals.
2. Comprehensible
- The story gets across consumers and they understand the message
3. Credible
- The advertisement’s message is credible
4. Truthful
- The message of the advertisement is true.
5. Relevant
- The story addresses consumer needs
6. Appealing
- The most ‘subjective’ parameter is liking the advertisement. It is likeable.
7. Unique
- The idea is fresh, unique and has never been done
8. Single-minded
- The ad is focused and is understood by the target audience.
6. Moving

- It should be able to move the mind or heart. It evokes action.

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