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-Hour Diet Review

With Jorge Cruise's 3 hour diet, timing is everything.  This is not a diet about counting calories
or avoiding bad foods.  Instead, Cruise believes that eating more frequently increases the
body's metabolic weight. 

Plan your Meals

This diet plan requires three meals, two snacks, and a treat a day.  You must eat breakfast
within sixty minutes of getting up in the morning, and then eat in three hour intervals.  Three
hours before you go to bed you stop eating for the night.

The 3 hour diet is not low carb or low fat.  Instead, you consume proteins, carbohydrates, and
fats in each meal. Nothing is restricted, and Cruise actually recommends that you eat candy or
another treat daily.  Although you can have daily treats, you should keep your treat portion
small.  Instead of eating a whole chocolate bar, enjoy a mini one instead.

The main problem with this diet plan is that it does require eating every three hours.  Few
people in today's society have the luxury of stopping and eating whenever they want.  If you
have a family and a career, fitting this diet in might be difficult.

Eat what you want

The good thing about this diet is that it is flexible in what you eat.  Eating out is not a problem,
nor are processed foods.  If you want food delivered to your door, you can sign up for the 3 hour
diet at home to make your planning even easier.
Since this plan is flexible in the what, it can fit into any household food budget.  Although you
need to watch your portion, you can share meals on this diet with family members who are not
interested in dieting. 

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