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Cyber Cash Model

ERP Tutorial Presentation

Whats Cyber Cash?
 Virtual Cash
 Barter to Gold to Paper to Digital(Cyber cash)
 Allows E commerce
Cyber Cash model needs to be
 Secure
 CyberCash model makes safe passage over the
 Internet for credit card transaction data. They
 take the data that is sent to them from the
 merchant, and pass it to the merchant's acquiring
 bank for processing. Except for dealing with the
 merchant through CyberCash's server, the
 acquiring bank processes the credit card
 transaction as they would process transactions
 received through a point of sale (POS) terminal
 in a retail store.
 Credit Card Acquirer: The bank, store or
organisation issuing Credit Cards on behalf of
the credit cart companies (MasterCard, Visa).
 Cyber Cash Gateway: The gateway that
connects the Merchant to the Consumer and
the Credit Card Acquirer.
Definitions (contd..)
 Money atomicity
 All money transfers complete with non-ambiguous results
 Money is neither destroyed nor created
 Goods atomicity
 One receives goods if and only if one pays
 Example: Cash On Delivery parcels
 Certified delivery
 Both buyer and seller can prove the delivered content
 If you get bogus goods, you can prove it
 CyberCash Inc acquired By VeriSign
acquired by Paypal acquried by eBay.
 My View: Cyber cash model best for
 Low Turn over companies
 Security
 It’s the future: Cybercash companies become
credit card acquirer

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