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(be) in a car

(play) tennis (swim) in a lake


(meet) a famous (cry) watching a (eat) in a fancy

person movie restaurant

(lose) their cedula (fall) on the stairs (visit) San Andres

(miss) a flight (get) drunk (get) a surgery

(sleep) in a tent (play) an instrument (fail) a test

(have) food (visit) a friend in (have) a broken

poisoning another city heart

(read) a book in (fight) with a good

(write) a love letter
English friend

(win) the lottery (be) in love (lose) some money

(spend) a million (take) dancing (meet) someone on

pesos in one day lessons the internet

(spend) the whole (read) Don Quijote (practice) a

day in the internet de la Mancha extreme sport
(travel) by

(cook) a especial

(sing) in a

(go) to a concert

(meet) a foreign

(eat) Thai food

(write) a poem

(be) very sick

(see) a European

(see) a
Shakespeare play

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