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Rovers Riveted to Edge of Seats as Meltdown Approaches.

Not since Chernobyl has a meltdown of this magnitude been so universally feared, and like the Russian
operators of that doomed nuclear station - Rovers fans haven’t the slightest clue what’s going on.
Speculation rages from sale of the club to the sale of Samba. When asked about the fever sweeping the
boards of Rovers related sites one member stated, “I have never been so excited about something that I
have no clue about. It is so exciting not knowing anything.” When asked how he felt about the likelihood
of good news he replied, “Well the technical definition of meltdown is: ‘the severe overheating of a
nuclear reactor core, resulting in melting of the core and escape of radiation.’ I take this to be
speculation on Sam’s heart or perhaps the heater in the changing room. It also means: ‘A disastrous or
rapidly developing situation likened to the melting of a nuclear reactor core.’ This again could mean
anything, but I think that it is about the changes in the pie selection and the next catering board

Mr. Williams refused to speculate on the matter stating, “We have never been as confident on doing
nothing in a transfer window as this one. All of this wild speculation about us actually doing anything is
as empty as our transfer kitty.” When asked about the ensuing meltdown, he replied, “It’s just some
journalists blowing off some steam.”

All that being said, Rovers fans will remain on what is left of the edge of their seats in hope that any
news is indeed good news and that the meltdown is, in fact for the first time in the history of the English
language, a good thing.

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