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On With the Show…..


Choir Fundraiser Variety Show

WHAT: On With the Show…..Kinda will be the title for this years fundraiser dinner show. It
will be a Variety show of Classic and Contemporary Musical songs and a few skits. The carrying
theme of the show is “The Rehearsal” where all goes wrong.

WHEN: Saturday, Mar. 12, 2011. Just because the show is this date doesn’t mean it is the only
one! There will be a multitude of extra-curricular rehearsals.


AUDITIONS: We will be holding auditions November 28th 3-6PM and December 1st 3-6 PM.
Auditions will be required if you wish to participate in any Solo, Duet, or Small Ensemble
pieces. If you do not wish to be a part of any of these, then all you have to do is sign up for
choral ensemble(which will require dancing…erm……CHOREOGRAPHED STAGE
MOVEMENTS…..). For all auditions you will sign up for a half-hour time slot to audition for.
You must prepare a small section of the song you are auditioning for (16 bars or 1 min) a
cappella (sorry). We base the given auditions by merit. If you do not get the song you audition
for we may suggest that you sing another song we think you would be great for, or you could just
be a part of Ensemble. Remember that being a part of this show will require hard work and
dedication. If you do not come to most rehearsals you are called for, we will remove you from
the show.

REHEARSALS: We will make a rehearsal schedule as soon as we cast the show. We will
require you to list conflicts coming up in future at auditions (i.e. sports, vacations, etc.). We will
try to work around conflicts and will try to be open but if we call you to a rehearsal and you
don’t show up without consent, we will be forced to remove you from the show. Keep in mind
that rehearsals will be more frequent the closer it is to the show.

SCRIPT: We will hopefully have the script and music done by the time we get back from
Christmas and we will ask you to have everything memorized by Feb

COSTUMES: Some of the songs may call for a variety of minor costume changes so we may ask
you to bring in anything you have that will work for the number.

We still need to organize a publicity committee and a tech crew so if you are interested come see
Courtney, Noelle, or Toby.

Directed by: Toby Medlyn

Asst. Director/Writer: Courtney Turner

Asst. Director/ Choreographer: Noelle Hayes

Costume Manager: Ashley Arrington

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